UDP ASGI Message Format (Draft Spec)

Raw UDP is specified here as it is a datagram-based, unordered and unreliable protocol, which neatly maps to the underlying message abstraction. It is not expected that many applications would use the low-level protocol, but it may be useful for some.

While it might seem odd to have reply channels for UDP as it is a stateless protocol, replies need to come from the same server as the messages were sent to, so the reply channel here ensures that reply packets from an ASGI stack do not come from a different protocol server to the one you sent the initial packet to.


Sent when a UDP datagram is received.

Channel: udp.receive


  • reply_channel: Channel name for sending data, starts with udp.send!

  • data: Byte string of UDP datagram payload.

  • client: List of [host, port] where host is a unicode string of the remote host’s IPv4 or IPv6 address, and port is the remote port as an integer.

  • server: List of [host, port] where host is the listening address for this server as a unicode string, and port is the integer listening port. Optional, defaults to None.


Sent to send out a UDP datagram to a client.

Channel: udp.send!


  • data: Byte string of UDP datagram payload.