Generic Consumers

Much like Django’s class-based views, Channels has class-based consumers. They provide a way for you to arrange code so it’s highly modifiable and inheritable, at the slight cost of it being harder to figure out the execution path.

We recommend you use them if you find them valuable; normal function-based consumers are also entirely valid, however, and may result in more readable code for simpler tasks.

There is one base generic consumer class, BaseConsumer, that provides the pattern for method dispatch and is the thing you can build entirely custom consumers on top of, and then protocol-specific subclasses that provide extra utility - for example, the WebsocketConsumer provides automatic group management for the connection.

When you use class-based consumers in routing, you need to use route_class rather than route; route_class knows how to talk to the class-based consumer and extract the list of channels it needs to listen on from it directly, rather than making you pass it in explicitly.

Here’s a routing example:

from channels import route, route_class

channel_routing = [
    route_class(consumers.ChatServer, path=r"^/chat/"),
    route("websocket.connect", consumers.ws_connect, path=r"^/$"),

Class-based consumers are instantiated once for each message they consume, so it’s safe to store things on self (in fact, self.message is the current message by default, and self.kwargs are the keyword arguments passed in from the routing).


The BaseConsumer class is the foundation of class-based consumers, and what you can inherit from if you wish to build your own entirely from scratch.

You use it like this:

from channels.generic import BaseConsumer

class MyConsumer(BaseConsumer):

    method_mapping = {
        "": "method_name",

    def method_name(self, message, **kwargs):

All you need to define is the method_mapping dictionary, which maps channel names to method names. The base code will take care of the dispatching for you, and set self.message to the current message as well.

If you want to perfom more complicated routing, you’ll need to override the dispatch() and channel_names() methods in order to do the right thing; remember, though, your channel names cannot change during runtime and must always be the same for as long as your process runs.

BaseConsumer and all other generic consumers than inherit from it provide two instance variables on the class:

  • self.message, the Message object representing the message the consumer was called for.

  • self.kwargs, keyword arguments from the Routing


There are two WebSockets generic consumers; one that provides group management, simpler send/receive methods, and basic method routing, and a subclass which additionally automatically serializes all messages sent and receives using JSON.

The basic WebSocket generic consumer is used like this:

from channels.generic.websockets import WebsocketConsumer

class MyConsumer(WebsocketConsumer):

    # Set to True to automatically port users from HTTP cookies
    # (you don't need channel_session_user, this implies it)
    http_user = True

    # Set to True if you want them, else leave out
    strict_ordering = False
    slight_ordering = False

    def connection_groups(self, **kwargs):
        Called to return the list of groups to automatically add/remove
        this connection to/from.
        return ["test"]

    def connect(self, message, **kwargs):
        Perform things on connection start

    def receive(self, text=None, bytes=None, **kwargs):
        Called when a message is received with either text or bytes
        filled out.
        # Simple echo
        self.send(text=text, bytes=bytes)

    def disconnect(self, message, **kwargs):
        Perform things on connection close

You can call self.send inside the class to send things to the connection’s reply_channel automatically. Any group names returned from connection_groups are used to add the socket to when it connects and to remove it from when it disconnects; you get keyword arguments too if your URL path, say, affects which group to talk to.

Additionally, the property self.path is always set to the current URL path.

The JSON-enabled consumer looks slightly different:

from channels.generic.websockets import JsonWebsocketConsumer

class MyConsumer(JsonWebsocketConsumer):

    # Set to True if you want them, else leave out
    strict_ordering = False
    slight_ordering = False

    def connection_groups(self, **kwargs):
        Called to return the list of groups to automatically add/remove
        this connection to/from.
        return ["test"]

    def connect(self, message, **kwargs):
        Perform things on connection start

    def receive(self, content, **kwargs):
        Called when a message is received with decoded JSON content
        # Simple echo

    def disconnect(self, message, **kwargs):
        Perform things on connection close

For this subclass, receive only gets a content argument that is the already-decoded JSON as Python datastructures; similarly, send now only takes a single argument, which it JSON-encodes before sending down to the client.

Note that this subclass still can’t intercept Group.send() calls to make them into JSON automatically, but it does provide self.group_send(name, content) that will do this for you if you call it explicitly.

self.close() is also provided to easily close the WebSocket from the server end once you are done with it.

WebSocket Multiplexing

Channels provides a standard way to multiplex different data streams over a single WebSocket, called a Demultiplexer. You use it like this:

from channels.generic.websockets import WebsocketDemultiplexer

class Demultiplexer(WebsocketDemultiplexer):

    mapping = {
        "intval": "binding.intval",
        "stats": "internal.stats",

It expects JSON-formatted WebSocket frames with two keys, stream and payload, and will match the stream against the mapping to find a channel name. It will then forward the message onto that channel while preserving reply_channel, so you can hook consumers up to them directly in the file, and use authentication decorators as you wish.

You cannot use class-based consumers this way as the messages are no longer in WebSocket format, though. If you need to do operations on connect or disconnect, override those methods on the Demultiplexer itself (you can also provide a connection_groups method, as it’s just based on the JSON WebSocket generic consumer).

The data binding code will also send out messages to clients in the same format, and you can encode things in this format yourself by using the WebsocketDemultiplexer.encode class method.

Sessions and Users

If you wish to use channel_session or channel_session_user with a class-based consumer, simply set one of the variables in the class body:

class MyConsumer(WebsocketConsumer):

    channel_session_user = True

This will run the appropriate decorator around your handler methods, and provide message.channel_session and message.user on the message object - both the one passed in to your handler as an argument as well as self.message, as they point to the same instance.

And if you just want to use the user from the django session, add http_user:

class MyConsumer(WebsocketConsumer):

http_user = True

This will give you message.user, which will be the same as request.user would be on a regular View.

Applying Decorators

To apply decorators to a class-based consumer, you’ll have to wrap a functional part of the consumer; in this case, get_handler is likely the place you want to override; like so:

class MyConsumer(WebsocketConsumer):

    def get_handler(self, *args, **kwargs):
        handler = super(MyConsumer, self).get_handler(*args, **kwargs)
        return your_decorator(handler)

You can also use the Django method_decorator utility to wrap methods that have message as their first positional argument - note that it won’t work for more high-level methods, like WebsocketConsumer.receive.