Channels Concepts ================= Django's traditional view of the world revolves around requests and responses; a request comes in, Django is fired up to serve it, generates a response to send, and then Django goes away and waits for the next request. That was fine when the internet was driven by simple browser interactions, but the modern Web includes things like WebSockets and HTTP2 server push, which allow websites to communicate outside of this traditional cycle. And, beyond that, there are plenty of non-critical tasks that applications could easily offload until after a response has been sent - like saving things into a cache or thumbnailing newly-uploaded images. It changes the way Django runs to be "event oriented" - rather than just responding to requests, instead Django responds to a wide array of events sent on *channels*. There's still no persistent state - each event handler, or *consumer* as we call them, is called independently in a way much like a view is called. Let's look at what *channels* are first. .. _what-are-channels: What is a channel? ------------------ The core of the system is, unsurprisingly, a datastructure called a *channel*. What is a channel? It is an *ordered*, *first-in first-out queue* with *message expiry* and *at-most-once delivery* to *only one listener at a time*. You can think of it as analogous to a task queue - messages are put onto the channel by *producers*, and then given to just one of the *consumers* listening to that channel. By *at-most-once* we say that either one consumer gets the message or nobody does (if the channel implementation crashes, let's say). The alternative is *at-least-once*, where normally one consumer gets the message but when things crash it's sent to more than one, which is not the trade-off we want. There are a couple of other limitations - messages must be made of serializable types, and stay under a certain size limit - but these are implementation details you won't need to worry about until you get to more advanced usage. The channels have capacity, so a lot of producers can write lots of messages into a channel with no consumers and then a consumer can come along later and will start getting served those queued messages. If you've used `channels in Go `_: Go channels are reasonably similar to Django ones. The key difference is that Django channels are network-transparent; the implementations of channels we provide are all accessible across a network to consumers and producers running in different processes or on different machines. Inside a network, we identify channels uniquely by a name string - you can send to any named channel from any machine connected to the same channel backend. If two different machines both write to the ``http.request`` channel, they're writing into the same channel. How do we use channels? ----------------------- So how is Django using those channels? Inside Django you can write a function to consume a channel:: def my_consumer(message): pass And then assign a channel to it in the channel routing:: channel_routing = { "some-channel": "myapp.consumers.my_consumer", } This means that for every message on the channel, Django will call that consumer function with a message object (message objects have a "content" attribute which is always a dict of data, and a "channel" attribute which is the channel it came from, as well as some others). Instead of having Django run in the traditional request-response mode, Channels changes Django so that it runs in a worker mode - it listens on all channels that have consumers assigned, and when a message arrives on one, it runs the relevant consumer. So rather than running in just a single process tied to a WSGI server, Django runs in three separate layers: * Interface servers, which communicate between Django and the outside world. This includes a WSGI adapter as well as a separate WebSocket server - this is explained and covered in :ref:`run-interface-servers`. * The channel backend, which is a combination of pluggable Python code and a datastore (e.g. Redis, or a shared memory segment) responsible for transporting messages. * The workers, that listen on all relevant channels and run consumer code when a message is ready. This may seem relatively simplistic, but that's part of the design; rather than try and have a full asynchronous architecture, we're just introducing a slightly more complex abstraction than that presented by Django views. A view takes a request and returns a response; a consumer takes a channel message and can write out zero to many other channel messages. Now, let's make a channel for requests (called ``http.request``), and a channel per client for responses (e.g. ``http.response.o4F2h2Fd``), where the response channel is a property (``reply_channel``) of the request message. Suddenly, a view is merely another example of a consumer:: # Listens on http.request def my_consumer(message): # Decode the request from message format to a Request object django_request = AsgiRequest(message) # Run view django_response = view(django_request) # Encode the response into message format for chunk in AsgiHandler.encode_response(django_response): message.reply_channel.send(chunk) In fact, this is how Channels works. The interface servers transform connections from the outside world (HTTP, WebSockets, etc.) into messages on channels, and then you write workers to handle these messages. Usually you leave normal HTTP up to Django's built-in consumers that plug it into the view/template system, but you can override it to add functionality if you want. However, the crucial part is that you can run code (and so send on channels) in response to any event - and that includes ones you create. You can trigger on model saves, on other incoming messages, or from code paths inside views and forms. That approach comes in handy for push-style code - where you use WebSockets or HTTP long-polling to notify clients of changes in real time (messages in a chat, perhaps, or live updates in an admin as another user edits something). .. _channel-types: Channel Types ------------- There are actually two major uses for channels in this model. The first, and more obvious one, is the dispatching of work to consumers - a message gets added to a channel, and then any one of the workers can pick it up and run the consumer. The second kind of channel, however, is used for replies. Notably, these only have one thing listening on them - the interface server. Each reply channel is individually named and has to be routed back to the interface server where its client is terminated. This is not a massive difference - they both still behave according to the core definition of a *channel* - but presents some problems when we're looking to scale things up. We can happily randomly load-balance normal channels across clusters of channel servers and workers - after all, any worker can process the message - but response channels would have to have their messages sent to the channel server they're listening on. For this reason, Channels treats these as two different *channel types*, and denotes a *reply channel* by having the channel name contain the character ``!`` - e.g. ``http.response!f5G3fE21f``. *Normal channels* do not contain it, but along with the rest of the reply channel name, they must contain only the characters ``a-z A-Z 0-9 - _``, and be less than 200 characters long. It's optional for a backend implementation to understand this - after all, it's only important at scale, where you want to shard the two types differently — but it's present nonetheless. For more on scaling, and how to handle channel types if you're writing a backend or interface server, see :ref:`scaling-up`. Groups ------ Because channels only deliver to a single listener, they can't do broadcast; if you want to send a message to an arbitrary group of clients, you need to keep track of which reply channels of those you wish to send to. If I had a liveblog where I wanted to push out updates whenever a new post is saved, I could register a handler for the ``post_save`` signal and keep a set of channels (here, using Redis) to send updates to:: redis_conn = redis.Redis("localhost", 6379) @receiver(post_save, sender=BlogUpdate) def send_update(sender, instance, **kwargs): # Loop through all reply channels and send the update for reply_channel in redis_conn.smembers("readers"): Channel(reply_channel).send({ "text": json.dumps({ "id":, "content": instance.content }) }) # Connected to websocket.connect def ws_connect(message): # Add to reader set redis_conn.sadd("readers", While this will work, there's a small problem - we never remove people from the ``readers`` set when they disconnect. We could add a consumer that listens to ``websocket.disconnect`` to do that, but we'd also need to have some kind of expiry in case an interface server is forced to quit or loses power before it can send disconnect signals - your code will never see any disconnect notification but the reply channel is completely invalid and messages you send there will sit there until they expire. Because the basic design of channels is stateless, the channel server has no concept of "closing" a channel if an interface server goes away - after all, channels are meant to hold messages until a consumer comes along (and some types of interface server, e.g. an SMS gateway, could theoretically serve any client from any interface server). We don't particularly care if a disconnected client doesn't get the messages sent to the group - after all, it disconnected - but we do care about cluttering up the channel backend tracking all of these clients that are no longer around (and possibly, eventually getting a collision on the reply channel name and sending someone messages not meant for them, though that would likely take weeks). Now, we could go back into our example above and add an expiring set and keep track of expiry times and so forth, but what would be the point of a framework if it made you add boilerplate code? Instead, Channels implements this abstraction as a core concept called Groups:: @receiver(post_save, sender=BlogUpdate) def send_update(sender, instance, **kwargs): Group("liveblog").send({ "text": json.dumps({ "id":, "content": instance.content }) }) # Connected to websocket.connect def ws_connect(message): # Add to reader group Group("liveblog").add(message.reply_channel) # Accept the connection request message.reply_channel.send({"accept": True}) # Connected to websocket.disconnect def ws_disconnect(message): # Remove from reader group on clean disconnect Group("liveblog").discard(message.reply_channel) Not only do groups have their own ``send()`` method (which backends can provide an efficient implementation of), they also automatically manage expiry of the group members - when the channel starts having messages expire on it due to non-consumption, we go in and remove it from all the groups it's in as well. Of course, you should still remove things from the group on disconnect if you can; the expiry code is there to catch cases where the disconnect message doesn't make it for some reason. Groups are generally only useful for reply channels (ones containing the character ``!``), as these are unique-per-client, but can be used for normal channels as well if you wish. Next Steps ---------- That's the high-level overview of channels and groups, and how you should start thinking about them. Remember, Django provides some channels but you're free to make and consume your own, and all channels are network-transparent. One thing channels do not do, however, is guarantee delivery. If you need certainty that tasks will complete, use a system designed for this with retries and persistence (e.g. Celery), or alternatively make a management command that checks for completion and re-submits a message to the channel if nothing is completed (rolling your own retry logic, essentially). We'll cover more about what kind of tasks fit well into Channels in the rest of the documentation, but for now, let's progress to :doc:`getting-started` and writing some code.