If you're looking to contribute to Channels, then please read on - we encourage
contributions both large and small, from both novice and seasoned developers.
What can I work on?
We're looking for help with the following areas:
* Documentation and tutorial writing
* Bugfixing and testing
* Feature polish and occasional new feature design
* Case studies and writeups
You can find what we're looking to work on in the GitHub issues list for each
of the Channels sub-projects:
* `Channels issues `_, for the Django integration and overall project efforts
* `Daphne issues `_, for the HTTP and Websocket termination
* `asgiref issues `_, for the base ASGI library/memory backend
* `channels_redis issues `_, for the Redis channel backend
Issues are categorized by difficulty level:
* ``exp/beginner``: Easy issues suitable for a first-time contributor.
* ``exp/intermediate``: Moderate issues that need skill and a day or two to solve.
* ``exp/advanced``: Difficult issues that require expertise and potentially weeks of work.
They are also classified by type:
* ``documentation``: Documentation issues. Pick these if you want to help us by writing docs.
* ``bug``: A bug in existing code. Usually easier for beginners as there's a defined thing to fix.
* ``enhancement``: A new feature for the code; may be a bit more open-ended.
You should filter the issues list by the experience level and type of work
you'd like to do, and then if you want to take something on leave a comment
and assign yourself to it. If you want advice about how to take on a bug,
leave a comment asking about it, or pop into the IRC channel at
``#django-channels`` on Freenode and we'll be happy to help.
The issues are also just a suggested list - any offer to help is welcome as long
as it fits the project goals, but you should make an issue for the thing you
wish to do and discuss it first if it's relatively large (but if you just found
a small bug and want to fix it, sending us a pull request straight away is fine).
I'm a novice contributor/developer - can I help?
Of course! The issues labelled with ``exp/beginner`` are a perfect place to
get started, as they're usually small and well defined. If you want help with
one of them, pop into the IRC channel at ``#django-channels`` on Freenode or
get in touch with Andrew directly at
How do I get started and run the tests?
First, you should first clone the git repository to a local directory:
.. code-block:: sh
git clone channels
Next, you may want to make a virtual environment to run the tests and develop
in; you can use either ``virtualenvwrapper``, ``pipenv`` or just plain
``virtualenv`` for this.
Then, ``cd`` into the ``channels`` directory and install it editable into
your environment:
.. code-block:: sh
cd channels/
python -m pip install -e .[tests]
Note the ``[tests]`` section there; that tells ``pip`` that you want to install
the ``tests`` extra, which will bring in testing dependencies like
Then, you can run the tests:
.. code-block:: sh
Also, there is a tox.ini file at the root of the repository. Example commands:
.. code-block:: sh
$ tox -l
# run the test with Python 3.7, on Django 2.2 and Django master branch
$ tox -e py37-dj22 && tox -e py37-djmaster
Note that tox can also forward arguments to pytest. When using pdb with pytest,
forward the ``-s`` option to pytest as such:
.. code-block:: sh
tox -e py37-dj22 -- -s
Can you pay me for my time?
Unfortunately, the Mozilla funds we previously had are exhausted, so we can
no longer pay for contributions. Thanks to all who participated!
How do I do a release?
If you have commit access, a release involves the following steps:
* Create a new entry in the CHANGELOG.txt file and summarise the changes
* Create a new release page in the docs under ``docs/releases`` and add the
changelog there with more information where necessary
* Add a link to the new release notes in ``docs/releases/index.rst``
* Set the new version in ````
* Roll all of these up into a single commit and tag it with the new version
number. Push the commit and tag, and Travis will automatically build and
release the new version to PyPI as long as all tests pass.
The release process for ``channels-redis`` and ``daphne`` is similar, but
they don't have the two steps in ``docs/``.