Code and project management#

We use our GitHub project for managing both django CMS code and development activity.

This document describes how we manage tickets on GitHub. By “tickets”, we mean GitHub issues and pull requests (in fact as far as GitHub is concerned, pull requests are simply a species of issue).


Raising an issue#


If you think you have discovered a security issue in our code, please report it privately, by emailing us at

Please do not raise it in any public forum until we have had a chance to deal with it.

Except in the case of security matters, of course, you’re welcome to raise issues in any way that suits you - using Discourse, or the Slack group or in person if you happen to meet another django CMS developer.

It’s very helpful though if you don’t just raise an issue by mentioning it to people, but actually file it too, and that means creating a new issue on GitHub.

There’s an art to creating a good issue report.

The Title needs to be both succinct and informative. “show_sub_menu displays incorrect nodes when used with soft_root” is helpful, whereas “Menus are broken” is not.

In the Description of your report, we’d like to see:

  • how to reproduce the problem

  • what you expected to happen

  • what did happen (a traceback is often helpful, if you get one)

Getting your issue accepted#

Other django CMS developers will see your issue, and will be able to comment. A core developer may add further comments, or a label.

The important thing at this stage is to have your issue accepted. This means that we’ve agreed it’s a genuine issue, and represents something we can or are willing to do in the CMS.

You may be asked for more information before it’s accepted, and there may be some discussion before it is. It could also be rejected as a non-issue (it’s not actually a problem) or won’t fix (addressing your issue is beyond the scope of the project, or is incompatible with our other aims).

Feel free to explain why you think a decision to reject your issue is incorrect - very few decisions are final, and we’re always happy to correct our mistakes.

How we process tickets#

Tickets should be:

A ticket’s status and needs are the most important of these. They tell us two key things:

  • status: what stage the ticket is at

  • needs: what next actions are required to move it forward

Needless to say, these labels need to be applied carefully, according to the rules of this system.

GitHub’s interface means that we have no alternative but to use colours to help identify our tickets. We’re sorry about this. We’ve tried to use colours that will cause the fewest issues for colour-blind people, so we don’t use green (since we use red) or yellow (since we use blue) labels, but we are aware it’s not ideal.

django CMS ticket processing system rules#


The first thing we do is decide whether we accept the ticket, whether it’s a pull request or an issue. An accepted status means the ticket is healthy, and will have a blue label.

Basically, it’s good for open tickets to be healthy (blue), because that means they are going somewhere.


Accepting a ticket means marking it as healthy, with one of the blue labels.


The bar for status: accepted is high. The status can be revoked at any time, and should be when appropriate. If the issue needs a design decision, expert opinion or more info, it can’t be accepted.

pull requests

When a pull request is accepted, it should become work in progress or (more rarely) ready for review or even ready to be merged, in those rare cases where a perfectly-formed and unimprovable pull request lands in our laps. As for issues, if it needs a design decision, expert opinion or more info, it can’t be accepted.

No issue or pull request can have both a blue (accepted) and a red, grey or black label at the same time.

Preferably, the ticket should either be accepted (blue), rejected (black) or marked as having critical needs (red) as soon as possible. It’s important that open tickets should have a clear status, not least for the sake of the person who submitted it so that they know it’s being assessed.

Tickets should not be allowed to linger indefinitely with critical (red) needs. If the opinions or information required to accept the ticket are not forthcoming, the ticket should be declared unhealthy (grey) with marked for rejection and rejected (black) at the next release.


Critical needs (red) affect status.

Non-critical needs labels (pink) can be added as appropriate (and of course, removed as work progresses) to pull requests.

It’s important that open tickets should have a clear needs labels, so that it’s apparent what needs to be done to make progress with it.

Kinds and components#

Of necessity, these are somewhat porous categories. For example, it’s not always absolutely clear whether a pull request represents an enhancement or a bug-fix, and tickets can apply to multiple parts of the CMS - so do the best you can with them.

Other labels#

backport, blocker, has patch or easy pickings labels should be applied as appropriate, to healthy (blue) tickets only.


At any time, people can comment on the ticket, of course. Although only core maintainers can change labels, anyone can suggest changing a label.

Label reference#

Components and kinds should be self-explanatory, but statuses, needs and miscellaneous other labels are clarified below.


A ticket’s status is its position in the pipeline - its point in our workflow.

Every issue should have a status, and be given one as soon as possible. An issue should have only one status applied to it.

Many of these statuses apply equally well to both issues and pull requests, but some make sense only for one or the other:


(issues only) The issue has been accepted as a genuine issue that needs to be addressed. Note that it doesn’t necessarily mean we will do what the issue suggests, if it makes a suggestion - simply that we agree that there is an issue to be resolved.


The issue or pull request are in some way mistaken - the ‘problem’ is in fact correct and expected behaviour, or the problems were caused by (for example) misconfiguration.

When this label is applied, an explanation must be provided in a comment.

won’t fix#

The issue or pull request imply changes to django CMS’s design or behaviour that the core team consider incompatible with our chosen approach.

When this label is applied, an explanation must be provided in a comment.

marked for rejection#

We’ve been unable to reproduce the issue, and it has lain dormant for a long time. Or, it’s a pull request of low significance that requires more work, and looks like it might have been abandoned. These tickets will be closed when we make the next release.

When this label is applied, an explanation must be provided in a comment.

work in progress#

(pull requests only) Work is on-going.

The author of the pull request should include “(work in progress)” in its title, and remove this when they feel it’s ready for final review.

ready for review#

(pull requests only) The pull request needs to be reviewed. (Anyone can review and make comments recommending that it be merged (or indeed, any further action) but only a core maintainer can change the label.)

ready to be merged#

(pull requests only) The pull request has successfully passed review. Core maintainers should not mark their own code, except in the simplest of cases, as ready to be merged, nor should they mark any code as ready to be merged and then merge it themselves - there should be another person involved in the process.

When the pull request is merged, the label should be removed.


If an issue or pull request lacks something that needs to be provided for it to progress further, this should be marked with a “needs” label. A “needs” label indicates an action that should be taken in order to advance the item’s status.

Critical needs#

Critical needs (red) mean that a ticket is ‘unhealthy’ and won’t be accepted (issues) or work in progress, ready for review or ready to be merged until those needs are addressed. In other words, no ticket can have both a blue and a red label.)

more info#

Not enough information has been provided to allow us to proceed, for example to reproduce a bug or to explain the purpose of a pull request.

expert opinion#

The issue or pull request presents a technical problem that needs to be looked at by a member of the core maintenance team who has a special insight into that particular aspect of the system.

design decision#

The issue or pull request has deeper implications for the CMS, that need to be considered carefully before we can proceed further.

Non-critical needs#

A healthy (blue) ticket can have non-critical needs:


(issues only) The issue has been given a status: accepted, but now someone needs to write the patch to address it.


(pull requests only) Code without docs or tests?! In django CMS? No way!


has patch#

(issues only) A patch intended to address the issue exists. This doesn’t imply that the patch will be accepted, or even that it contains a viable solution.

When this label is applied, a comment should cross-reference the pull request(s) containing the patch.

easy pickings#

An easy-to-fix issue, or an easy-to-review pull request - newcomers to django CMS development are encouraged to tackle easy pickings tickets.


We can’t make the next release without resolving this issue.


Any patch will should be backported to a previous release, either because it has security implications or it improves documentation.

on hold#

(pull requests only) The pull request has to wait for a higher-priority pull request to land first, to avoid complex merges or extra work later. Any on hold pull request is by definition work in progress.

When this label is applied, a comment should cross-reference the other pull request(s).