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Welcome to the official EasyBuild tutorial!

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For the sake of this tutorial, you can:

  • use the #tutorial channel in the EasyBuild Slack for asking questions or getting help;
  • use AWS Cloud9 for the hands-on exercises (only during the live tutorial on June 23rd 2020!);

A container image is available that can be run using either Docker or Singularity, which provides a prepared environment that can be used for the hands-on exercises in this tutorial.

Tutorial contents

(Practical information)

  1. Introduction to EasyBuild
  2. Installation (*)
  3. Configuration (*)
  4. Basic usage (*)
  5. Troubleshooting (*)
  6. Hierarchical module naming schemes (*)
  7. Adding support for additional software (*)
  8. EasyBuild at Jülich Supercomputing Centre
  9. EasyBuild at Compute Canada
  10. The EasyBuild community
  11. Contributing to EasyBuild
  12. Comparison with other tools
  13. Getting help

(sections indicated with (*) involve hands-on exercises)


This introductory tutorial to EasyBuild was streamed on Tuesday June 23rd 2020.
The recordings are available on YouTube.

See for more information.

Last update: April 21, 2022