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Extended dry run

Using --extended-dry-run or -x (supported since EasyBuild v2.4.0, see release notes for EasyBuild v2.4.0 (November 10th 2015)), a detailed overview of the build and install procedure that EasyBuild is going to execute can be obtained almost instantly.

All time-consuming operations, including executing commands to configure/build/install the software, are only reported rather than being actually performed.

Example output is available at Extended dry run: examples.

Important notes

There are a couple of things you should be aware of when using --extended-dry-run and interpreting the output it produces.

Build/install procedure reported by dry run may be (slightly) different

The actual build and install procedure may (slightly) differ from the one reported by --extended-dry-run, due to conditional checks in the easyblock being used.

For example, expressions that are conditional on the presence of certain files or directories in the build directory will always be false, since the build directory is never actually populated.

Errors are ignored (by default) during dry run

Any errors that occur are ignored, and are reported with a clear warning message. This is done because it is possible that these errors occur because of the dry run mechanism.

For example, the install step could assume that certain files created by a previous step will be present, but they will not be there since the commands that are supposed to produce them were not actually performed in dry run mode.

Errors are ignored on a per-step basis. When an error is ignored in a particular step, that step is aborted, which may result in partial dry run output for that particular step. Subsequent steps will still be run (in dry run mode), however.

Since it's possible that these errors occur due to a bug in the easyblock being used, it's important to pay attention to these ignored errors.

Ignored errors are reported as follows, for example:

== testing... [DRY RUN]

[test_step method]
!!! WARNING: ignoring error "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'test'"

At the end of dry run output, another warning message is shown if any ignored errors occurred:

== COMPLETED: Installation ended successfully

!!! WARNING: One or more errors were ignored, see warnings above

Disabling ignoring errors during dry run

Ignoring errors that occur during a dry run is enabled by default; it can be disabled using the configuration option that is available for it, i.e. by:

  • the --disable-extended-dry-run-ignore-errors command line option
  • by defining the $EASYBUILD_DISABLE_EXTENDED_DRY_RUN_IGNORE_ERRORS environment variable
  • or by defining disable-extended-dry-run-ignore-errors in an EasyBuild configuration file

(see also Configuring EasyBuild)

Overview of dry run mechanism

During an extended dry run, several operations are not performed, or are only simulated.

The sections below give a detailed overview of the dry run mechanism.

Temporary directories as build/install directories

To make very sure that EasyBuild does not touch any files or directories during the dry run, the build and (software/module) install directories are replaced by subdirectories of the temporary directory used by that particular EasyBuild session.

In the background, the values for self.builddir, self.installdir and self.installdir_mod are changed in the EasyBlock instance(s) being used; this also affects the use of the %(builddir)s and $(installdir)s values in easyconfig files.

Although the build and install directories are effectively temporary directories during a dry run (under a prefix like /tmp/eb-aD_yNu/__ROOT__), this is not visible in the dry run output: the 'fake' build and install directories are replaced by the corresponding original value in the dry run output. For example:

[extract_step method]
  running command "tar xzf /home/example/easybuild/sources/b/bzip2/bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz"
  (in /tmp/example/eb_build/bzip2/1.0.6/GCC-4.9.2)

Note on build directory in dry run mode

The build (sub)directory used during an actual (non-dry run) EasyBuild session may be different than the one mentioned in the dry run output.

This is because during a dry run, EasyBuild will guess the name of the subdirectory that is created by unpacking the first source file in the build directory as being <name>-<version>. Although this is a common pattern, it is not always 100% correct.

For example, you may see this in the dry run output for WRF (for which a build-in-installdir procedure is used):

[build_step method]
  running command "tcsh ./compile -j 4 wrf"
  (in /home/example/eb/software/WRF/3.6.1-intel-2015a-dmpar/WRF-3.6.1)

The actual build (and install) subdirectory is slightly different while not in dry run mode however, i.e.: /home/example/eb/software/WRF/3.6.1-intel-2015a-dmpar/WRFV3.

No downloading of missing source files/patches

Required files (source files/patches) are not downloaded during a dry run if they are not available yet.

The dry run output will specify whether files are found (and if so, at which path) or not; the exact output for files that were not found depends on whether or not source URLs are available.

For example: if the required source file for bzip2 is not available yet, it is indicated where EasyBuild will try to download it to:

[fetch_step method]
Available download URLs for sources/patches:

List of sources:
  * bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz downloaded to /home/example/easybuild/sources/b/bzip2/bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz

List of patches:

If the source file is already available in the source path that EasyBuild was configured with, it is indicated as such:

List of sources:
  * bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz found at /home/example/easybuild/sources/b/bzip2/bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz

In case no source URLs are available and required files are missing, they are simply marked as such:

Available download URLs for sources/patches:

List of sources:
  * bzip2-1.0.6.tar.bz2 (MISSING)

However, since the dry run mechanism never actually uses the source files/patches, this does not affect the remainder of the output of --extended-dry-run/-x.

Checksum verification is skipped

Computing checksums of sources files/patches, and verifying them against specified checksums (if available) is skipped during a dry run, because it is considered potentially too time-consuming. In addition, source files/patches may not be available anyway.

If checksums are available they are only reported, for example (for GCC v4.9.3):

[checksum_step method]
* expected checksum for gcc-4.9.3.tar.bz2: 6f831b4d251872736e8e9cc09746f327
* expected checksum for gmp-6.0.0a.tar.bz2: b7ff2d88cae7f8085bd5006096eed470
* expected checksum for mpfr-3.1.2.tar.gz: 181aa7bb0e452c409f2788a4a7f38476
* expected checksum for mpc-1.0.2.tar.gz: 68fadff3358fb3e7976c7a398a0af4c3
* expected checksum for mpfr-3.1.2-allpatches-20141204.patch: 58aec98d15982f9744a043d2f1c5af82

Source files are not unpacked

Source files are not unpacked, since this may require too much time (in case of large source files). Additionally, source files may not be available anyway.

This has a number of implications:

The extraction command is mentioned in the dry run output however, for example:

[extract_step method]
  running command "tar xjf bzip2-1.0.6.tar.bz2"
  (in /tmp/example/eb_build/bzip2/1.0.6/GCC-4.9.2)

Patch files are not applied, no runtime patching

Since source files are not unpacked, patch files can not applied either.

The dry run output does provide an overview of patch files, together with where they are found and how they are applied:

[patch_step method]
* applying patch file WRF_parallel_build_fix.patch
  running command "patch -b -p<derived> -i /home/example/easybuild/sources/w/WRF/WRF_parallel_build_fix.patch"
  (in /home/example/easybuild/easybuild/software/WRF/3.6.1-intel-2015a-dmpar)
* applying patch file WRF-3.6.1_known_problems.patch
  running command "patch -b -p<derived> -i /home/example/easybuild/sources/w/WRF/WRF-3.6.1_known_problems.patch"
  (in /home/example/easybuild/easybuild/software/WRF/3.6.1-intel-2015a-dmpar)

Likewise, runtime patching performed by the easyblock itself can not work either. If the apply_regex_substitutions function (available from is used, a clear overview is included in the dry run output (see also Runtime patching of files).

For example, in the configure step of the WRF easyblock when using the Intel compilers, this yields:

[configure_step method]
applying regex substitutions to file configure.wrf
  * regex pattern '^(DM_FC\s*=\s*).*$', replacement string '\1 mpif90'
  * regex pattern '^(DM_CC\s*=\s*).*$', replacement string '\1 mpicc -DMPI2_SUPPORT'

If the apply_regex_substitutions function provided for runtime patching is not used (and fileinput is used directly, for example), runtime patching performed by the easyblock will most likely result in an error, leading to the step in which it is being performed being aborted (see Errors are ignored (by default) during dry run).

Module load statements are executed or simulated

module load statements are either effectively executed or simulated, depending on whether the corresponding module files are available or not.

Available modules are loaded

module load statements are fairly light-weight, so they are effectively executed if the module being loaded is available.

The dry run output includes an overview of the modules being loaded. In addition an overview of all loaded modules, including the ones that were loaded indirectly, is shown.

For example:

[prepare_step method]
Defining build environment, based on toolchain (options) and specified dependencies...

Loading toolchain module...

module load GCC/4.9.2

Loading modules for dependencies...

module load M4/1.4.17-GCC-4.9.2

Full list of loaded modules:
  1) GCC/4.8.2
  2) M4/1.4.17-GCC-4.9.2

Loading of non-available modules is simulated

If the module file required to execute a particular module load statement is not available, the dry run mechanism will simulate the loading of the module.

The module load statements that were simulated rather than actually performed are clearly indicated using [SIMULATED] in the dry run output, for example:

[prepare_step method]
Defining build environment, based on toolchain (options) and specified dependencies...

Loading toolchain module...

module load intel/2015a

Loading modules for dependencies...

module load JasPer/1.900.1-intel-2015a
module load netCDF/4.3.2-intel-2015a [SIMULATED]
module load netCDF-Fortran/4.4.0-intel-2015a [SIMULATED]
module load tcsh/6.18.01-intel-2015a

Only modules that were effectively loaded will appear in the full list of modules being printed; modules for which the load was simulated will not be included.

Simulated loading of non-available dependency modules

For dependencies, simulating a module load statement basically (only) entails defining the $EBROOT* and $EBVERSION* environment variables (the full variable names are determined by the software name), which are picked up by resp. the get_software_root and get_software_version functions often used in easyblocks.

The $EBVERSION* environment variable is defined with the actual software version of the dependency.

For the $EBROOT* environment variable, the name of the environment variable itself prefixed with a '$' is used as a dummy value, rather than using an fake installation software prefix. For example, when simulating the load statement for a GCC module, the environment variable $EBROOTGCC is defined as the string value '$EBROOTGCC' (literally).

This results in sensible output when this value is picked up via get_software_root by the easyblock.

For example, for netCDF used as a dependency for WRF the following is included in the module file contents included in the dry run output:

Simulated loading of non-available toolchain module

When the module that corresponds to the toolchain being used is not available, the dry run mechanism will also simulate the module load statements for the individual toolchain components, to ensure that version checks on the toolchain components can work as expected.

For example, if the toolchain module intel/2015a is not available, the loading of the icc, ifort, impi and imkl modules that would be loaded by the intel module is also simulated:

[prepare_step method]
Defining build environment, based on toolchain (options) and specified dependencies...

Loading toolchain module...

module load icc/2015.1.133-GCC-4.9.2 [SIMULATED]
module load ifort/2015.1.133-GCC-4.9.2 [SIMULATED]
module load impi/ [SIMULATED]
module load imkl/ [SIMULATED]
module load intel/2015a [SIMULATED]

Build environment is reported

The build environment that is set up based on the toolchain (and toolchain options) being used, and the dependencies being loaded is reported as a part of the dry run output.

For example, when GCC is used as a toolchain something like this will be included in the prepare_step part of the dry run output:

Defining build environment...

  export CC="gcc"
  export CFLAGS="-O2"
  export CXX="g++"
  export CXXFLAGS="-O2"
  export F77="gfortran"
  export F90="gfortran"
  export F90FLAGS="-O2"
  export FFLAGS="-O2"
  export FLIBS="-lgfortran"
  export LDFLAGS="-L/home/example/eb/software/GCC/4.8.2/lib"
  export LIBS="-lm -lpthread"
  export OPTFLAGS="-O2"
  export PRECFLAGS=""

This is particularly useful as an overview of which environment variables that are defined by the toolchain mechanism, and to assess the effect of changing toolchain options.

The output is deliberately formatted such that is can be easily copy-pasted, which can be useful to mimic the environment in which EasyBuild will perform the build and install procedure.

Shell commands are not executed

Any shell commands that are executed via the run_cmd and run_cmd_qa functions that are provided by the EasyBuild framework via the are not executed, only reported (see also Executing commands).

This typically includes the commands that are defined in the easyblock to be run as a part of the configure/build/install steps.

For example:

configuring... [DRY RUN]

[configure_step method]
  running command " ./configure --prefix=/home/example/eb/software/make/3.82-GCC-4.8.2 "
  (in /home/example/eb/build/make/3.82/GCC-4.8.2/make-3.82)

building... [DRY RUN]

[build_step method]
  running command " make -j 4 "
  (in /home/example/eb/build/make/3.82/GCC-4.8.2/make-3.82)


installing... [DRY RUN]

[stage_install_step method]

[make_installdir method]

[install_step method]
  running command " make install "
  (in /home/example/eb/build/make/3.82/GCC-4.8.2/make-3.82)

There are a couple of minor exceptions though. Some (light-weight) commands are always run by the EasyBuild framework, even in dry run mode, and an easyblock can specify that particular commands must always be run (see also Executing commands).

Sanity check paths/commands are not checked

Since nothing is actually being installed during a dry run, the sanity check paths/commands can not be checked.

Instead, the dry run mechanism will produce a clear overview of which paths are expected to be found in the installation directory, and which commands are expected to work (if any).

For example:

sanity checking... [DRY RUN]

[sanity_check_step method]
Sanity check paths - file ['files']
  * WRFV3/main/ideal.exe
  * WRFV3/main/libwrflib.a
  * WRFV3/main/ndown.exe
  * WRFV3/main/nup.exe
  * WRFV3/main/real.exe
  * WRFV3/main/tc.exe
  * WRFV3/main/wrf.exe
Sanity check paths - (non-empty) directory ['dirs']
  * WRFV3/main
  * WRFV3/run
Sanity check commands

Module file is incomplete and only printed

During a dry run, the contents of the module file that would be installed is still generated, but only printed; it is not actually written to file.

More importantly however, the module file being reported is bound to be incomplete, since the module generator only includes certain statements conditionally, for example only if the files/directories to which they relate actually exist. This typically affects prepend-path statements, e.g. for $PATH, $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc.

For example, the reported module file for make v3.82 built with GCC/4.8.2 may look something like:

creating module... [DRY RUN]

[make_module_step method]
Generating module file /home/example/eb/modules/all/make/3.82-GCC-4.8.2, with contents:

    proc ModulesHelp { } {
        puts stderr { make-3.82: GNU version of make utility - Homepage:

    module-whatis {Description: make-3.82: GNU version of make utility - Homepage:}

    set root /home/example/eb/software/make/3.82-GCC-4.8.2

    conflict make

    if { ![ is-loaded GCC/4.8.2 ] } {
        module load GCC/4.8.2

    setenv  EBROOTMAKE      "$root"
    setenv  EBVERSIONMAKE       "3.82"
    setenv  EBDEVELMAKE     "$root/easybuild/make-3.82-GCC-4.8.2-easybuild-devel"

    # Built with EasyBuild version 2.4.0

Note that there is no prepend-path PATH statement for the bin subdirectory, for example.

Guidelines for easyblocks

To ensure useful output under --extended-dry-run, easyblocks should be implemented keeping in mind that some operations are possible not performed, to avoid generating errors in dry run mode.

Although errors are just ignored by the dry run mechanism on a per-step basis, they may hide subsequent operations and useful information for the remainder of the step (see also Errors are ignored (by default) during dry run).

Detecting dry run mode and enhancing the dry run output

To detect whether an easyblock is being used in dry run mode, it suffices to check the self.dry_run class variable.

Additional messages can be included in the dry run output using the self.dry_run_msg method.

For example:

class Example(EasyBlock):

    def configure_step(self):

        if self.dry_run:
            self.dry_run_msg("Dry run mode detected, not reading template configuration files")

Check whether files/directories exist before accessing them

Rather than assuming that particular files or directories will be there, easyblocks should take into that they may not be, for example because EasyBuild is being run in dry run mode.

For example, instead of simply assuming that a directory named 'test' will be there, the existence should be checked first. If not, an appropriate error should be produced, but only when the easyblock is not being used in dry run mode.

Bad example:

# *BAD* example: maybe the 'test' directory is not there (e.g., because we're in dry run mode)!
    testcases = os.listdir('test')
except OSError as err:
    raise EasyBuildError("Unexpected error when determining list of test cases: %s", err)

Good example:

# make sure the 'test' directory is there before trying to access it
if os.path.exists('test'):
        testcases = os.listdir('test')
    except OSError as err:
        raise EasyBuildError("Unexpected error when determining list of test cases: %s", err)

# only raise an error if we're not in dry run mode
elif not self.dry_run:
    raise EasyBuildError("Test directory not found, failed to determine list of test cases")

Easyblocks that do not take this into account are likely to result in ignored errors during a dry run (see also Errors are ignored (by default) during dry run). For example, for the bad example shown above:

!!! WARNING: ignoring error "Unexpected error when determining list of test cases: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'test'"

Use functions provided by the EasyBuild framework

The EasyBuild framework provides a bunch of functions that are "dry run-aware", and which can significantly help in keeping easyblocks free from conditional statements checking self.dry_run:

Defining environment variables


For defining environment variables, the setvar function available in the module should be used.

For example, from the WRF easyblock:

jasper = get_software_root('JasPer')
if jasper:
    env.setvar('JASPERINC', os.path.join(jasper, 'include'))

When triggered in dry run mode, this will result in a clear dry run message like:


The actual output depends on whether or not the required module for JasPer is available (see Simulated loading of non-available dependency modules).

Silently defining environment variables

The setvar function also supports defining environment variables silently, i.e. without producing a corresponding dry run message, via the named argument verbose.

This is used in a couple of places in the EasyBuild framework, to avoid some environment variables being defined cluttering the dry run output without added value. It can be used for similar reasons in easyblocks.

For example, the PythonPackage uses it in the install step, to modify $PYTHONPATH as required by the python install procedure (which is considered not relevant to include in the dry run output, since it's a technicality):

env.setvar('PYTHONPATH', new_pythonpath, verbose=False)

Writing or appending to files


For writing and appending to files, the EasyBuild framework provides the write_file function (available from the module).

Using it is straightforward, for example:

write_file('example.txt', "Contents for the example file")

To append to an existing file, write_file support a named argument append.

When used in dry run mode, write_file does not actually (attempt to) write to the file; instead, it just produces an appropriate dry run message and returns.

For example:

file written: /tmp/eb-ksVC07/tmp.conf

Runtime patching of files


To make runtime patching of files in easyblocks easier, and to do it with taking the possibility of being in dry run module into account, the EasyBuild framework provides the apply_regex_substitutions function (available from the module, since EasyBuild v2.4.0).

This function takes two arguments: a path to the file that should be patched, and a list of tuples specifying the regular expression pattern to match on, and the string value that should be used as replacement text.

For example (simple fictional example):

# replace value for C++ compiler
apply_regex_substitutions('', [('^(CPLUSPLUS\s*=).*', '\1 %s' % os.environ['CXX'])])

When used in dry run mode, it will produce a message like:

applying regex substitutions to file
  * regex pattern '^(CPLUSPLUS\s*=\s).*', replacement string '\1 g++'

Executing commands

(run_cmd and run_cmd_qa)

To execute shell commands, the run_cmd and run_cmd_qa functions are provided by the EasyBuild framework in the module, with the latter providing support for running interactive commands.

In their simplest form, they simply take the command to execute as a string. For example:

run_cmd("tcsh ./compile -j %s wrf" % self.cfg['parallel'])

In dry run mode, these functions just produce a dry run message, rather than actually executing the specified command. For example:

running command "tcsh ./compile -j 4 wrf"
(in /home/example/eb/software/WRF/3.6.1-intel-2015a-dmpar/WRF-3.6.1)

Take into account that the directory included in the message may not be 100% accurate, see Note on build directory in dry run mode.

Silently executing commands

The verbose named argument supported by the run_cmd function allows to execute a particular command silently, i.e. without producing a dry run message.

For example:

# only run for debugging purposes
run_cmd("ulimit -v", verbose=False)
Forced execution of particular commands

Sometimes, it can be required that specific (light-weight) commands are always executed, because they have side-effects that are assumed to have taken place later in the easyblock.

For this, the run_cmd function support another named argument, i.e. force_in_dry_run. When set to True, the specified command will always be executed, even when in dry run mode.

This is mainly intended for use in the EasyBuild framework itself, where commands that verify certain things must be executed, but it can also be useful for easyblocks (if used correctly).

For example:

out, exit_code = run_cmd("type module", simple=False, force_in_dry_run=True)

Extended dry run: examples

Output examples for eb --extended-dry-run/eb -x:

make v3.82 with GCC/4.8.2

$ eb make-3.82-GCC-4.8.2.eb -x
== temporary log file in case of crash /tmp/eb-ksVC07/easybuild-MmAugb.log

== processing EasyBuild easyconfig /home/example/eb/easybuild-easyconfigs/easybuild/easyconfigs/m/make/make-3.82-GCC-4.8.2.eb

Important note: the actual build & install procedure that will be performed may diverge
(slightly) from what is outlined below, due to conditions in the easyblock which are
incorrectly handled in a dry run.
Any errors that may occur are ignored and reported as warnings, on a per-step basis.
Please be aware of this, and only use the information below for quick debugging purposes.

*** DRY RUN using 'ConfigureMake' easyblock (easybuild.easyblocks.generic.configuremake @ /home/example/eb/easybuild-easyblocks/easybuild/easyblocks/generic/configuremake.pyc) ***

== building and installing make/3.82-GCC-4.8.2...
fetching files... [DRY RUN]

[fetch_step method]
Available download URLs for sources/patches:

List of sources:
  * make-3.82.tar.bz2 will be downloaded to /home/example/eb/sources/m/make/make-3.82.tar.bz2

List of patches:

creating build dir, resetting environment... [DRY RUN]

[check_readiness_step method]

[make_builddir method]

[reset_changes method]

[handle_iterate_opts method]

unpacking... [DRY RUN]

[checksum_step method]
* expected checksum for make-3.82.tar.bz2: (none)

[extract_step method]
  running command "tar xjf /home/example/eb/sources/m/make/make-3.82.tar.bz2"
  (in /home/example/eb/build/make/3.82/GCC-4.8.2)

patching... [DRY RUN]

[patch_step method]

preparing... [DRY RUN]

[prepare_step method]
Defining build environment, based on toolchain (options) and specified dependencies...

Loading toolchain module...

module load GCC/4.8.2

Loading modules for dependencies...

Full list of loaded modules:
  1) GCC/4.8.2

Defining build environment...

  export CC="gcc"
  export CFLAGS="-O2"
  export CXX="g++"
  export CXXFLAGS="-O2"
  export F77="gfortran"
  export F90="gfortran"
  export F90FLAGS="-O2"
  export FFLAGS="-O2"
  export FLIBS="-lgfortran"
  export LDFLAGS="-L/home/example/eb/software/GCC/4.8.2/lib"
  export LIBS="-lm -lpthread"
  export OPTFLAGS="-O2"
  export PRECFLAGS=""

configuring... [DRY RUN]

[configure_step method]
  running command " ./configure --prefix=/home/example/eb/software/make/3.82-GCC-4.8.2 "
  (in /home/example/eb/build/make/3.82/GCC-4.8.2/make-3.82)

building... [DRY RUN]

[build_step method]
  running command " make -j 4 "
  (in /home/example/eb/build/make/3.82/GCC-4.8.2/make-3.82)

testing... [DRY RUN]

[test_step method]

installing... [DRY RUN]

[stage_install_step method]

[make_installdir method]

[install_step method]
  running command " make install "
  (in /home/example/eb/build/make/3.82/GCC-4.8.2/make-3.82)

taking care of extensions... [DRY RUN]

[extensions_step method]

postprocessing... [DRY RUN]

[post_install_step method]

sanity checking... [DRY RUN]

[sanity_check_step method]
Sanity check paths - file ['files']
  * bin/make
Sanity check paths - (non-empty) directory ['dirs']
Sanity check commands

cleaning up... [DRY RUN]

[cleanup_step method]

creating module... [DRY RUN]

[make_module_step method]
Generating module file /home/example/eb/modules/all/make/3.82-GCC-4.8.2, with contents:

    proc ModulesHelp { } {
        puts stderr { make-3.82: GNU version of make utility - Homepage:

    module-whatis {Description: make-3.82: GNU version of make utility - Homepage:}

    set root /home/example/eb/software/make/3.82-GCC-4.8.2

    conflict make

    if { ![ is-loaded GCC/4.8.2 ] } {
        module load GCC/4.8.2

    setenv  EBROOTMAKE      "$root"
    setenv  EBVERSIONMAKE       "3.82"
    setenv  EBDEVELMAKE     "$root/easybuild/make-3.82-GCC-4.8.2-easybuild-devel"

    # Built with EasyBuild version 2.4.0

permissions... [DRY RUN]

[permissions_step method]

packaging... [DRY RUN]

[package_step method]

== COMPLETED: Installation ended successfully

Important note: the actual build & install procedure that will be performed may diverge
(slightly) from what is outlined above, due to conditions in the easyblock which are
incorrectly handled in a dry run.
Any errors that may occur are ignored and reported as warnings, on a per-step basis.
Please be aware of this, and only use the information above for quick debugging purposes.

(no ignored errors during dry run)

== Build succeeded for 1 out of 1
== Temporary log file(s) /tmp/eb-ksVC07/easybuild-MmAugb.log* have been removed.
== Temporary directory /tmp/eb-ksVC07 has been removed.

WRF v3.6.1 with intel/2015a

$ eb WRF-3.6.1-intel-2015a-dmpar.eb -x
== temporary log file in case of crash /tmp/eb-Dh1wOp/easybuild-0bu9u9.log

== processing EasyBuild easyconfig /home/example/eb/easybuild-easyconfigs/easybuild/easyconfigs/w/WRF/WRF-3.6.1-intel-2015a-dmpar.eb

Important note: the actual build & install procedure that will be performed may diverge
(slightly) from what is outlined below, due to conditions in the easyblock which are
incorrectly handled in a dry run.
Any errors that may occur are ignored and reported as warnings, on a per-step basis.
Please be aware of this, and only use the information below for quick debugging purposes.

*** DRY RUN using 'EB_WRF' easyblock (easybuild.easyblocks.wrf @ /home/example/eb/easybuild-easyblocks/easybuild/easyblocks/w/ ***

== building and installing WRF/3.6.1-intel-2015a-dmpar...
fetching files... [DRY RUN]

[fetch_step method]
Available download URLs for sources/patches:

List of sources:
  * WRFV3.6.1.TAR.gz will be downloaded to /home/example/eb/sources/w/WRF/WRFV3.6.1.TAR.gz

List of patches:
  * WRF_parallel_build_fix.patch found at /home/example/eb/easybuild-easyconfigs/easybuild/easyconfigs/w/WRF/WRF_parallel_build_fix.patch
  * WRF-3.6.1_netCDF-Fortran_separate_path.patch found at /home/example/eb/easybuild-easyconfigs/easybuild/easyconfigs/w/WRF/WRF-3.6.1_netCDF-Fortran_separate_path.patch
  * WRF-3.6.1_known_problems.patch found at /home/example/eb/easybuild-easyconfigs/easybuild/easyconfigs/w/WRF/WRF-3.6.1_known_problems.patch
  * WRF_tests_limit-runtimes.patch found at /home/example/eb/easybuild-easyconfigs/easybuild/easyconfigs/w/WRF/WRF_tests_limit-runtimes.patch

creating build dir, resetting environment... [DRY RUN]

[check_readiness_step method]

[make_builddir method]

[reset_changes method]

[handle_iterate_opts method]

unpacking... [DRY RUN]

[checksum_step method]
* expected checksum for WRFV3.6.1.TAR.gz: (none)
* expected checksum for WRF_parallel_build_fix.patch: (none)
* expected checksum for WRF-3.6.1_netCDF-Fortran_separate_path.patch: (none)
* expected checksum for WRF-3.6.1_known_problems.patch: (none)
* expected checksum for WRF_tests_limit-runtimes.patch: (none)

[extract_step method]
  running command "tar xzf /home/example/eb/sources/w/WRF/WRFV3.6.1.TAR.gz"
  (in /home/example/eb/software/WRF/3.6.1-intel-2015a-dmpar)

patching... [DRY RUN]

[patch_step method]
* applying patch file WRF_parallel_build_fix.patch
  running command "patch -b -p<derived> -i /home/example/eb/easybuild-easyconfigs/easybuild/easyconfigs/w/WRF/WRF_parallel_build_fix.patch"
  (in /home/example/eb/software/WRF/3.6.1-intel-2015a-dmpar)
* applying patch file WRF-3.6.1_netCDF-Fortran_separate_path.patch
  running command "patch -b -p<derived> -i /home/example/eb/easybuild-easyconfigs/easybuild/easyconfigs/w/WRF/WRF-3.6.1_netCDF-Fortran_separate_path.patch"
  (in /home/example/eb/software/WRF/3.6.1-intel-2015a-dmpar)
* applying patch file WRF-3.6.1_known_problems.patch
  running command "patch -b -p<derived> -i /home/example/eb/easybuild-easyconfigs/easybuild/easyconfigs/w/WRF/WRF-3.6.1_known_problems.patch"
  (in /home/example/eb/software/WRF/3.6.1-intel-2015a-dmpar)
* applying patch file WRF_tests_limit-runtimes.patch
  running command "patch -b -p<derived> -i /home/example/eb/easybuild-easyconfigs/easybuild/easyconfigs/w/WRF/WRF_tests_limit-runtimes.patch"
  (in /home/example/eb/software/WRF/3.6.1-intel-2015a-dmpar)

preparing... [DRY RUN]

[prepare_step method]
Defining build environment, based on toolchain (options) and specified dependencies...

Loading toolchain module...

module load icc/2015.1.133-GCC-4.9.2 [SIMULATED]
module load ifort/2015.1.133-GCC-4.9.2 [SIMULATED]
module load impi/ [SIMULATED]
module load imkl/ [SIMULATED]
module load intel/2015a [SIMULATED]

Loading modules for dependencies...

module load JasPer/1.900.1-intel-2015a [SIMULATED]
module load netCDF/4.3.2-intel-2015a [SIMULATED]
module load netCDF-Fortran/4.4.0-intel-2015a [SIMULATED]
module load tcsh/6.18.01-intel-2015a [SIMULATED]

Full list of loaded modules:

!!! WARNING: Not all FFTW interface libraries ['fftw3xc_intel', 'mkl_intel_lp64', 'mkl_sequential', 'mkl_core'] are found in ['$EBROOTIMKL/mkl/lib/intel64', '$EBROOTIMKL/compiler/lib/intel64'], can't set $FFT_LIB.

Defining build environment...

  export BLACS_INC_DIR=""
  export BLACS_LIB_DIR=""
  export BLACS_MT_STATIC_LIBS="libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64.a"
  export BLACS_STATIC_LIBS="libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64.a"
  export BLAS_INC_DIR=""
  export BLAS_LAPACK_MT_STATIC_LIBS="libmkl_intel_lp64.a,libmkl_intel_thread.a,libmkl_core.a,libiomp5.a,libpthread.a"
  export BLAS_LAPACK_STATIC_LIBS="libmkl_intel_lp64.a,libmkl_sequential.a,libmkl_core.a"
  export BLAS_LIB_DIR=""
  export BLAS_MT_STATIC_LIBS="libmkl_intel_lp64.a,libmkl_intel_thread.a,libmkl_core.a,libiomp5.a,libpthread.a"
  export BLAS_STATIC_LIBS="libmkl_intel_lp64.a,libmkl_sequential.a,libmkl_core.a"
  export CC="icc"
  export CFLAGS="-O2 -ftz -fp-speculation=safe -fp-model source"
  export CPPFLAGS=""
  export CXX="icpc"
  export CXXFLAGS="-O2 -ftz -fp-speculation=safe -fp-model source"
  export F77="ifort"
  export F90="ifort"
  export F90FLAGS="-O2 -ftz -fp-speculation=safe -fp-model source"
  export FFLAGS="-O2 -ftz -fp-speculation=safe -fp-model source"
  export FFTW_INC_DIR=""
  export FFTW_LIB_DIR=""
  export FFTW_STATIC_LIBS=""
  export FFT_INC_DIR=""
  export FFT_LIB_DIR=""
  export FFT_STATIC_LIBS=""
  export I_MPI_CC="icc"
  export I_MPI_CXX="icpc"
  export I_MPI_F77="ifort"
  export I_MPI_F90="ifort"
  export LAPACK_INC_DIR=""
  export LAPACK_LIB_DIR=""
  export LAPACK_MT_STATIC_LIBS="libmkl_intel_lp64.a,libmkl_intel_thread.a,libmkl_core.a,libiomp5.a,libpthread.a"
  export LAPACK_STATIC_LIBS="libmkl_intel_lp64.a,libmkl_sequential.a,libmkl_core.a"
  export LDFLAGS=""
  export LIBBLACS="-Wl,-Bstatic -Wl,--start-group -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -Wl,--end-group -Wl,-Bdynamic"
  export LIBBLACS_MT="-Wl,-Bstatic -Wl,--start-group -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -Wl,--end-group -Wl,-Bdynamic"
  export LIBBLAS="-Wl,-Bstatic -Wl,--start-group -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -Wl,--end-group -Wl,-Bdynamic"
  export LIBBLAS_MT="-Wl,-Bstatic -Wl,--start-group -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -Wl,--end-group -Wl,-Bdynamic -liomp5 -lpthread"
  export LIBFFT=""
  export LIBLAPACK="-Wl,-Bstatic -Wl,--start-group -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -Wl,--end-group -Wl,-Bdynamic"
  export LIBLAPACK_MT="-Wl,-Bstatic -Wl,--start-group -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -Wl,--end-group -Wl,-Bdynamic -liomp5 -lpthread"
  export LIBLAPACK_MT_ONLY="-Wl,-Bstatic -Wl,--start-group -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -Wl,--end-group -Wl,-Bdynamic -liomp5 -lpthread"
  export LIBLAPACK_ONLY="-Wl,-Bstatic -Wl,--start-group -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -Wl,--end-group -Wl,-Bdynamic"
  export LIBS="-liomp5 -lpthread"
  export LIBSCALAPACK="-Wl,-Bstatic -Wl,--start-group -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -Wl,--end-group -Wl,-Bdynamic"
  export LIBSCALAPACK_MT="-Wl,-Bstatic -Wl,--start-group -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -Wl,--end-group -Wl,-Bdynamic -liomp5 -lpthread"
  export LIBSCALAPACK_MT_ONLY="-Wl,-Bstatic -Wl,--start-group -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -Wl,--end-group -Wl,-Bdynamic -liomp5 -lpthread"
  export LIBSCALAPACK_ONLY="-Wl,-Bstatic -Wl,--start-group -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -Wl,--end-group -Wl,-Bdynamic"
  export MPICC="mpicc"
  export MPICH_CC="icc"
  export MPICH_CXX="icpc"
  export MPICH_F77="ifort"
  export MPICH_F90="ifort"
  export MPICXX="mpicxx"
  export MPIF77="mpif77"
  export MPIF90="mpif90"
  export MPI_INC_DIR=""
  export MPI_LIB_DIR=""
  export MPI_LIB_SHARED=""
  export MPI_LIB_STATIC=""
  export OPTFLAGS="-O2"
  export PRECFLAGS="-ftz -fp-speculation=safe -fp-model source"
  export SCALAPACK_MT_STATIC_LIBS="libmkl_scalapack_lp64.a,libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64.a,libmkl_intel_lp64.a,libmkl_intel_thread.a,libmkl_core.a,libiomp5.a,libpthread.a"
  export SCALAPACK_STATIC_LIBS="libmkl_scalapack_lp64.a,libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64.a,libmkl_intel_lp64.a,libmkl_sequential.a,libmkl_core.a"

configuring... [DRY RUN]

[configure_step method]
  export JASPERINC="$EBROOTJASPER/include"
Perl script patched: arch/
  running interactive command "./configure"
  (in /home/example/eb/software/WRF/3.6.1-intel-2015a-dmpar/WRF-3.6.1)
applying regex substitutions to file configure.wrf
  * regex pattern '^(DM_FC\s*=\s*).*$', replacement string '\1 mpif90'
  * regex pattern '^(DM_CC\s*=\s*).*$', replacement string '\1 mpicc -DMPI2_SUPPORT'
  * regex pattern '^(SFC\s*=\s*).*$', replacement string '\1 ifort'
  * regex pattern '^(SCC\s*=\s*).*$', replacement string '\1 icc'
  * regex pattern '^(CCOMP\s*=\s*).*$', replacement string '\1 icc'
applying regex substitutions to file configure.wrf
  * regex pattern '^(FCOPTIM.*)(\s-O3)(\s.*)$', replacement string '\1 -O2 -ftz -fp-speculation=safe -fp-model source \3'
  * regex pattern '^(CFLAGS_LOCAL.*)(\s-O3)(\s.*)$', replacement string '\1 -O2 -ftz -fp-speculation=safe -fp-model source \3'

building... [DRY RUN]

[build_step method]
  running command "tcsh ./compile -j 4 wrf"
  (in /home/example/eb/software/WRF/3.6.1-intel-2015a-dmpar/WRF-3.6.1)
  running command "tcsh ./compile -j 4 em_real"
  (in /home/example/eb/software/WRF/3.6.1-intel-2015a-dmpar/WRF-3.6.1)
  running command "tcsh ./compile -j 4 em_b_wave"
  (in /home/example/eb/software/WRF/3.6.1-intel-2015a-dmpar/WRF-3.6.1)

testing... [DRY RUN]

[test_step method]
  export I_MPI_MPD_TMPDIR="/tmp/eb-Dh1wOp"
  export I_MPI_PROCESS_MANAGER="mpd"
file written: /tmp/eb-Dh1wOp/mpi_cmd_for-nzyh5V/mpdboot
file written: /tmp/eb-Dh1wOp/mpi_cmd_for-nzyh5V/nodes
  export I_MPI_MPD_TMPDIR="/tmp/eb-Dh1wOp"
  export I_MPI_PROCESS_MANAGER="mpd"
file written: /tmp/eb-Dh1wOp/mpi_cmd_for-hIOEd_/mpdboot
file written: /tmp/eb-Dh1wOp/mpi_cmd_for-hIOEd_/nodes

installing... [DRY RUN]

[stage_install_step method]

[make_installdir method]

[install_step method]

taking care of extensions... [DRY RUN]

[extensions_step method]

postprocessing... [DRY RUN]

[post_install_step method]

sanity checking... [DRY RUN]

[sanity_check_step method]
Sanity check paths - file ['files']
  * WRFV3/main/ideal.exe
  * WRFV3/main/libwrflib.a
  * WRFV3/main/ndown.exe
  * WRFV3/main/nup.exe
  * WRFV3/main/real.exe
  * WRFV3/main/tc.exe
  * WRFV3/main/wrf.exe
Sanity check paths - (non-empty) directory ['dirs']
  * WRFV3/main
  * WRFV3/run
Sanity check commands

cleaning up... [DRY RUN]

[cleanup_step method]

creating module... [DRY RUN]

[make_module_step method]
Generating module file /home/example/eb/modules/all/WRF/3.6.1-intel-2015a-dmpar, with contents:

    proc ModulesHelp { } {
        puts stderr { The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model is a next-generation mesoscale
     numerical weather prediction system designed to serve both operational forecasting and atmospheric
     research needs. - Homepage:

    module-whatis {Description: The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model is a next-generation mesoscale
     numerical weather prediction system designed to serve both operational forecasting and atmospheric
     research needs. - Homepage:}

    set root /home/example/eb/software/WRF/3.6.1-intel-2015a-dmpar

    conflict WRF

    if { ![ is-loaded intel/2015a ] } {
        module load intel/2015a

    if { ![ is-loaded JasPer/1.900.1-intel-2015a ] } {
        module load JasPer/1.900.1-intel-2015a

    if { ![ is-loaded netCDF/4.3.2-intel-2015a ] } {
        module load netCDF/4.3.2-intel-2015a

    if { ![ is-loaded netCDF-Fortran/4.4.0-intel-2015a ] } {
        module load netCDF-Fortran/4.4.0-intel-2015a

    setenv  EBROOTWRF       "$root"
    setenv  EBVERSIONWRF        "3.6.1"
    setenv  EBDEVELWRF      "$root/easybuild/WRF-3.6.1-intel-2015a-dmpar-easybuild-devel"

    setenv  NETCDF      "$EBROOTNETCDF"
    # Built with EasyBuild version 2.4.0

permissions... [DRY RUN]

[permissions_step method]

packaging... [DRY RUN]

[package_step method]

== COMPLETED: Installation ended successfully

Important note: the actual build & install procedure that will be performed may diverge
(slightly) from what is outlined above, due to conditions in the easyblock which are
incorrectly handled in a dry run.
Any errors that may occur are ignored and reported as warnings, on a per-step basis.
Please be aware of this, and only use the information above for quick debugging purposes.

(no ignored errors during dry run)

== Build succeeded for 1 out of 1
== Temporary log file(s) /tmp/eb-Dh1wOp/easybuild-0bu9u9.log* have been removed.
== Temporary directory /tmp/eb-Dh1wOp has been removed.

Last update: November 18, 2022