Enzo-E Coding Guidelines

[ This page is under development: last updated 2022-02-24 ]

This page describes current coding guidelines for Enzo-E development. It is a working document and always open to suggestions for changes.

Naming files

All Enzo-E-related files should be in the src/Enzo subdirectory of the Enzo-E source code directory. File names have the form component_class.[hc]pp, where component is the high-level code component (for Enzo-E code it is always “enzo”), class is the class-name (see below for Enzo-E class naming guidelines), and extension .hpp for header (declaration) files and .cpp for source (definition) files.

File type

Enzo-E file name

Physics method


Linear solver


Initial conditions


Boundary conditions






Naming classes

Enzo-E classes all begin with Enzo, followed by the (capitalized) general type indicating the type of Cello class (”Method”, “Solver”, “Initial” for initial conditions, etc.), followed by the specific name for the class type. For example, the Conjugate Gradient (CG) linear solver class is named EnzoSolverCg. Note that all code implementing an Enzo-E class should (generally) live in the files enzo_class-name.hpp and enzo_class-name.cpp.

Class type

Enzo-E class name

Cello base class

Physics method



Linear solver



Initial conditions



Boundary conditions









Naming class methods

Methods (functions associated with a specific class) are generally named beginning with a lower-case letter, and underscores for spacing. Public methods end in an underscore _.

Method type

Method name

public methods


private methods


Charm++ entry methods


Charm++ reduction entry methods


Note that Charm entry methods have very different behavior than regular C++ methods–they are (usually) asynchronous, return immediately, and are called using a Charm++ proxy to a class typically residing on a different processing element in a different memory space. So it’s important to name entry methods in a way that they are obviously entry methods! See the Charm++ manual for more details.

Accessing Field data

There are 2 approaches for accessing Cello Field block arrays.

  1. The traditional approach is to directly manipulate the raw pointers managed by Cello. These can be accessed with the Field::values method.

  2. The preferred approach is to use the CelloArray multidimensional array templates that wrap the raw pointers managed by Cello. Using CelloArrays improve code clarity and safety at the cost of very marginal losses in performance (according to benchmarks). Field::view is used to help facillitate this approach. For more details about CelloArrays, see Using CelloArray

Below, we provide a table that summarizes the suggested names for Field-related variables used to access the array elements. We additionally provide brief descriptions of relevant Field methods. Sample code is also included for both approaches. In each case, the sample code initializes active zones (non-ghost zones) of the "density" field to be equal to 0.0.

Summary of field attributes

Field-related variable

suggested names

Array dimensions


Active region size


Ghost zone depth


Loop variables


Relevant Field methods

The traditional approach for accessing fields relies on:

char * Field::values (int id_field, int index_history=0) throw ();

This method returns the pointer to the data for the corresponding field (specified by id_field). If no field can be found, this returns a nullptr. The inclusion of ghost zones is determined by whether or not they’ve been allocated. While invoking this method as part of a Method object’s implementation, it’s fairly safe to assume that the returned array will indeed include the ghost zones.

The index_history argument is used to optionally specify the generation of field values that you want to load (higher values correspond to older generations of values). The default value, 0, will give you the current generation of values (this is usually what you want).

The preferred approach for accessing fields relies upon:

template<class T>
CelloArray<T,3> Field::view (int id_field,
                             ghost_choice choice = ghost_choice::include,
                             int index_history=0) throw ();

This returns a CelloArray that acts as a view of the specified field. The meaning of the id_field and index_history arguments are unchanged from Field::values. Unlike Field::values, when an invalid id_field is specified, the program will abort with an error.

The template parameter T specifies the expected datatype of the field. If the field does not have the expected datatype, the program will abort with an explanatory error message. While implementing a Method object in the Enzo layer, this parameter is frequently enzo_float.

By default, the returned CelloArray always include ghost zones. This behavior is controlled by the choice argument, which can be passed the following values:

  • ghost_choice::include: the returned view always includes ghost zones (the program aborts with an error message if ghost zones aren’t allocated). This is the default value.

  • ghost_choice::exclude: the returned view always excludes ghost zones.

  • ghost_choice::permit: the returned view includes ghost zones if they are allocated (replicating the behavior of Field::values).

Overloads are also provided for Field::values and Field::view that:
  • provide read-only access to field arrays from a const Field instance

  • let you replace the first argument with a string holding the field’s name

Sample code for clearing active density zones

Traditional Approach

Field field = cello::field();
int id = field.field_id("density");
int mx, my, mz;
field.dimensions (id, &mx, &my, &mz);
int gx, gy, gz;
field.ghost_depth(id, &gx, &gy, &gz);

enzo_float * d = (enzo_float *) field.values(id);

for (int iz=gz; iz<mz-gz; iz++) {
  for (int iy=gy; iy<my-gy; iy++) {
    for (int ix=gx; ix<my-gx; ix++) {
      int i = ix + mx*(iy + my*iz);
      d[i] = 0.0;

Preferred Approach

A shorter version of the following snippet is also possible where we pass ghost_choice::exclude as the second argument to field.view to entirely exclude the ghost zone from the array.

Field field = cello::field();
int id = field.field_id("density");
int gx, gy, gz;
field.ghost_depth(id, &gx, &gy, &gz);

CelloArray<enzo_float,3> d = field.view<enzo_float>(id);

// we can get the array shape directly from the array (a minor design quirk
// may make the arguments for the shape method seem a little unintuitive)
int mz = d.shape(0);
int my = d.shape(1);
int mx = d.shape(2);

for (int iz=gz; iz<mz-gz; iz++) {
  for (int iy=gy; iy<my-gy; iy++) {
    for (int ix=gx; ix<my-gx; ix++) {
      d(iz, iy, ix) = 0.0;

More code examples that use this functionallity can be found in the implementation of the EnzoInitialCloud and EnzoInitialBCenter classes

Accessing Particles

Preprocessor Macros

In case you add a new preprocessor macro or definition that is being used in a .ci file, you have to add it to the CHARM_PREPROC_DEFS list in the main CMakeLists.txt so that it is being used/forwarded when processing the .ci files.

For example, for Grackle we set set(CHARM_PREPROC_DEFS ${CHARM_PREPROC_DEFS} "-DCONFIG_USE_GRACKLE "), which appends to the existing list of defintions alredy stored in the CHARM_PREPROC_DEFS variable.