Parameter File Example

Below we describe the different sections of the “” input file we ran in the previous section:


The example input file begins with a comment header. Comments in Cello parameter files begin with # :

### Problem: Hello World
### Summary: Evolve high-pressure region shaped as an "E"
###    Date: 2011-10-27

Parameters are organized into “groups”, which may be nested. Below we look in turn at each group in the sample parameter file.

Domain Group

Domain {
   lower = [ 0.0, 0.0 ];
   upper = [ 1.0, 1.0 ];

Mesh Group

Mesh {
   root_size      = [160, 160];
   root_blocks    = [  1,   1 ];

Field Group

Field {

   ghost_depth  = 3;
   courant = 0.8;

   fields = [

Method Group

Method {

   sequence = [ "ppm" ];

   ppm {
      diffusion   = true;
      flattening  = 3;
      steepening  = true;
      dual_energy = false;

Physics Group

Physics {

   dimensions = 2;
   gamma = 1.4;


Initial Group

Initial {
    density       { value = [ 1.0,
    (0.35 < x && x < 0.40 && 0.25 < y && y < 0.70) ||
    (0.35 < x && x < 0.60 && 0.25 < y && y < 0.30) ||
    (0.35 < x && x < 0.60 && 0.45 < y && y < 0.50) ||
    (0.35 < x && x < 0.60 && 0.65 < y && y < 0.70),
                              0.125 ]; };
    total_energy  { value = [ 1.0  / (0.4 * 1.0) ,
    (0.35 < x && x < 0.40 && 0.25 < y && y < 0.75) ||
    (0.35 < x && x < 0.60 && 0.25 < y && y < 0.30) ||
    (0.35 < x && x < 0.60 && 0.45 < y && y < 0.55) ||
    (0.35 < x && x < 0.60 && 0.65 < y && y < 0.75),
                              0.14 / (0.4 * 0.1)]; };
    velocity_x    { value = [0.0]; };
    velocity_y    { value = [0.0]; }

Boundary Group

Boundary { type = "reflecting" }

Stopping Group

Stopping {
   cycle = 500;

Output Group

Output {

   file_groups = ["cycle_step"];

   cycle_step {
      field_list = ["density"];
      type     = "image";
      name       = ["E-%03d.png","cycle"];
      schedule = ["cycle","interval", 10];
      colormap_alpha = [0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.0,
                        0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.33,
                        1.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.66,
                        1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.0];