Nested Grid Particle Storage in RebuildHierarchy


In the previous version of RebuildHierarchy(), all of the particles were moved to the parent on the level L0 being rebuilt. This causes problems when running large simulations with nested initial grids because a small number of top-level grids cover the refine region, compared to the total number of top-level grids. This is illustrated in the figure below.


On distributed memory machines, only one (or more) top-level grid exists on one processor. The particles are stored only on the host processor, stored in grid::ProcessorNumber. This processor will run out of memory if a large number of particles are moved exclusively to a grid on this processor.


We can avoid this memory oversubscription by temporarily keeping the particles on the processor from the previous timestep, i.e. the processor of the original child grid, during the rebuild process. However, we still want to move the particles to the parent grid on level L0 because we will be rebuilding this and finer levels from the data existing on these grids.

This is only necessary on levels with static subgrids because on levels with dynamics hierarchies the grids will be distributed across processors sufficiently to avoid this problem. On the levels with static subgrids, we depart from the standard particle storage in Enzo, where the particles are stored on one processor and NumberOfParticles is the same on all processors. We adopt the strategy of storing particles on many processors for one grid, and NumberOfParticles denotes the number of particles actually stored on the local processor. Once we rebuild the coarsest level with a dynamical hierarchy, we move all of the particles to their host processor, i.e. ProcessorNumber, and synchronize NumberOfParticles to equal the total number of particles on the grid over all processors.

Below we will outline this method to distribute memory usage from particles during RebuildHierarchy() on level L. Pre-existing routines in RebuildHierarchy() are not included in the outline.

  1. Set NumberOfParticles to zero on all grids on level >= L, except on the grid’s host processor.

  2. Find the finest level (Lsub) with static subgrids. In the code, this is called MaximumStaticSubgridLevel.

  3. grid::MoveAllParticles() – Move all particles on grids on level > L to their parents on level L, but keep them on the same processor as before. Now the particles are on their parent, but distributed across many processors.

  4. CommunicationTransferParticles() – Move any particles that have migrated across grid boundaries to their siblings.

  5. CommunicationCollectParticles(SIBLINGS_ONLY) – If we are rebuilding a level > Lsub, move all particles to their host processor, as this new method is not needed. This was previously done in grid::MoveAllParticles. This routine is faster than before because we do the communication in one MPI_Alltoallv() call.

  6. Loop over levels L0 -> MAX_DEPTH_OF_HIERARCHY.

  7. DepositParticleMassFlaggingField() – If level <= Lsub, then the particles are distributed across processor. This causes complications when creating the mass refinement flagging field for particles. Therefore, we must sum this particle mass field over these processors. For each grid, only processors with particles contribute to this sum to reduce the amount of computation and communication. In short, this routine performs a non-blocking MPI_SUM over a select number of processors.

  8. CommunicationCollectParticles(SUBGRIDS_LOCAL) – This routine replaces grid::MoveSubgridParticlesFast(). It keeps the particles on the same processor, but this doesn’t matter here because the children grids are always created on the same processor as its parent and then moved to another processor during load balancing.

  9. CommunicationCollectParticles(SIBLINGS_ONLY) – After load balancing is complete on level Lsub, we can safely move the particles to their host processor without the worry of running out of memory.