Running Test Problems

Enzo comes with a set of pre-written parameter files which are used to test Enzo. This is useful when migrating to a new machine with different compilers, or when new versions of compilers and libraries are introduced. Also, all the test problems should run to completion, which is generally not a guarantee!

At the top of each Enzo parameter file is a line like ProblemType = 23, which tells Enzo the type of problem. You can see how this affects Enzo by inspecting InitializeNew.C. In this example, this gets called:

if (ProblemType == 23)
  ret = TestGravityInitialize(fptr, Outfptr, TopGrid, MetaData);

which then calls the routine in TestGravityInitialize.C, and so on. By inspecting the initializing routine for each kind of problem, you can see what and how things are being included in the simulation.

The test problem parameter files are inside the run subdirectory. Please see Enzo Test Suite for a full list of test problems. Descriptions for the test problems can be found in Enzo Test Problems. The files that end in .enzo are the Enzo parameter files, and .inits are inits parameter files. inits files are only used for cosmology simulations, and you can see an example of how to run that in Deprecated: Running a Cosmology Simulation. Let’s try a couple of the non-cosmology test problems.

ShockPool3D test

The ShockPool3D is a purely hydrodynamical simulation testing a shock with non-periodic boundary conditions. Once you’ve built enzo (Obtaining and Building Enzo), make a directory to run the test problem in. Copy enzo.exe and ShockPool3D.enzo into that directory. This example test will be run using an interactive session. On Kraken, to run in an interactive queue, type:

qsub -I -V -q debug -lwalltime=2:00:00,size=12

12 cores (one node) is requested for two hours. Of course, this procedure may differ on your machine. Once you’re in the interactive session, inside your test run directory, enter:

aprun -n 12 ./enzo.exe -d ShockPool3D.enzo > 01.out

The test problem is run on 12 processors, the debug flag (-d) is on, and the standard output is piped to a file (01.out). This took about an hour and twenty minutes to run on Kraken. When it’s finished, you should see Successful run, exiting. printed to stderr. Note that if you use other supercomputers, aprun may be replaced by ‘mpirun’, or possibly another command. Consult your computer’s documentation for the exact command needed.

If you want to keep track of the progress of the run, in another terminal type:

tail -f 01.out
tail -f 01.out | grep dt

The first command above gives too verbose output to keep track of the progress. The second one will show what’s more interesting, like the current cycle number and how deep in the AMR hierarchy the run is going (look for Level[n] where n is the zero-based AMR level number). This command is especially useful for batch queue jobs where the standard out always goes to a file.

GravityTest test

The GravityTest.enzo problem only tests setting up the gravity field of 5000 particles. A successful run looks like this and should take less than a second, even on one processor:

test2> aprun -n 1 ./enzo.exe GravityTest.enzo > 01.out
****** GetUnits:  1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 *******
CWD test2
Global Dir set to test2
Successfully read in parameter file GravityTest.enzo.
INITIALIZATION TIME =   6.04104996e-03
Successful run, exiting.

Other Tests & Notes

All the outputs of the tests have been linked to on this page, below. Some of the tests were run using only one processor, and others that take more time were run using 16. All tests were run with the debug flag turned on (which makes the output log, 01.out more detailed). Enzo was compiled in debug mode without any optimization turned on (gmake opt-debug). The tests that produce large data files have only the final data output saved. If you wish to do analysis on these datasets, you will have to change the values of GlobalDir, BoundaryConditionName, BaryonFileName and ParticleFileName in the restart, boundary and hierarchy files to match where you’ve saved the data.


The PressurelessCollapse test required isolated boundary conditions, so you need to compile Enzo with that turned on (gmake isolated-bcs-yes). You will also need to turn off the top grid bookkeeping (gmake unigrid-transpose-no).

Input Files

A few of the test require some input files to be in the run directory. They are kept in input:

> ls input/

You can either copy the files into your run directory as a matter of habit, or copy them only if they’re needed.
