Document Management

Create New Drawings'AC1027', setup=False, units=6) Drawing

Create a new Drawing from scratch, dxfversion can be either “AC1009” the official DXF version name or “R12” the AutoCAD release name.

new() can create drawings for following DXF versions:


AutoCAD Release


AutoCAD R12


AutoCAD R2000


AutoCAD R2004


AutoCAD R2007


AutoCAD R2010


AutoCAD R2013


AutoCAD R2018

The units argument defines th document and modelspace units. The header variable $MEASUREMENT will be set according to the given units, 0 for inch, feet, miles, … and 1 for metric units. For more information go to module ezdxf.units

  • dxfversion – DXF version specifier as string, default is “AC1027” respectively “R2013”

  • setup

    setup default styles, False for no setup, True to setup everything or a list of topics as strings, e.g. [“linetypes”, “styles”] to setup only some topics:




    setup line types


    setup text styles


    setup default ezdxf dimension styles


    setup 25 standard visual styles

  • units – document and modelspace units, default is 6 for meters

Open Drawings

Open DXF drawings from file system or text stream, byte stream usage is not supported.

DXF files prior to R2007 requires file encoding defined by header variable $DWGCODEPAGE, DXF R2007 and later requires an UTF-8 encoding.

ezdxf supports reading of files for following DXF versions:





< AC1009


pre AutoCAD R12 upgraded to AC1009




AutoCAD R12




AutoCAD R13 upgraded to AC1015




AutoCAD R14 upgraded to AC1015




AutoCAD R2000




AutoCAD R2004




AutoCAD R2007




AutoCAD R2010




AutoCAD R2013




AutoCAD R2018

ezdxf.readfile(filename: str | PathLike, encoding: str | None = None, errors: str = 'surrogateescape') Drawing

Read the DXF document filename from the file-system.

This is the preferred method to load existing ASCII or Binary DXF files, the required text encoding will be detected automatically and decoding errors will be ignored.

Override encoding detection by setting argument encoding to the estimated encoding. (use Python encoding names like in the open() function).

If this function struggles to load the DXF document and raises a DXFStructureError exception, try the ezdxf.recover.readfile() function to load this corrupt DXF document.

  • filename – filename of the ASCII- or Binary DXF document

  • encoding – use None for auto detect (default), or set a specific encoding like “utf-8”, argument is ignored for Binary DXF files

  • errors

    specify decoding error handler

    • ”surrogateescape” to preserve possible binary data (default)

    • ”ignore” to use the replacement char U+FFFD “�” for invalid data

    • ”strict” to raise an UnicodeDecodeError exception for invalid data

  • IOError – not a DXF file or file does not exist

  • DXFStructureError – for invalid or corrupted DXF structures

  • UnicodeDecodeError – if errors is “strict” and a decoding error occurs TextIO) Drawing

Read a DXF document from a text-stream. Open stream in text mode (mode='rt') and set correct text encoding, the stream requires at least a readline() method.

Since DXF version R2007 (AC1021) file encoding is always “utf-8”, use the helper function dxf_stream_info() to detect the required text encoding for prior DXF versions. To preserve possible binary data in use errors='surrogateescape' as error handler for the import stream.

If this function struggles to load the DXF document and raises a DXFStructureError exception, try the function to load this corrupt DXF document.


stream – input text stream opened with correct encoding


DXFStructureError – for invalid or corrupted DXF structures

ezdxf.readzip(zipfile: str | PathLike, filename: str | None = None, errors: str = 'surrogateescape') Drawing

Load a DXF document specified by filename from a zip archive, or if filename is None the first DXF document in the zip archive.

  • zipfile – name of the zip archive

  • filename – filename of DXF file, or None to load the first DXF document from the zip archive.

  • errors

    specify decoding error handler

    • ”surrogateescape” to preserve possible binary data (default)

    • ”ignore” to use the replacement char U+FFFD “�” for invalid data

    • ”strict” to raise an UnicodeDecodeError exception for invalid data

  • IOError – not a DXF file or file does not exist or if filename is None - no DXF file found

  • DXFStructureError – for invalid or corrupted DXF structures

  • UnicodeDecodeError – if errors is “strict” and a decoding error occurs

ezdxf.decode_base64(data: bytes, errors: str = 'surrogateescape') Drawing

Load a DXF document from base64 encoded binary data, like uploaded data to web applications.

  • data – DXF document base64 encoded binary data

  • errors

    specify decoding error handler

    • ”surrogateescape” to preserve possible binary data (default)

    • ”ignore” to use the replacement char U+FFFD “�” for invalid data

    • ”strict” to raise an UnicodeDecodeError exception for invalid data

  • DXFStructureError – for invalid or corrupted DXF structures

  • UnicodeDecodeError – if errors is “strict” and a decoding error occurs


This works well with DXF files from trusted sources like AutoCAD or BricsCAD, for loading DXF files with minor or major flaws look at the ezdxf.recover module.

Save Drawings

Save the DXF document to the file system by Drawing methods save() or saveas(). Write the DXF document to a text stream with write(), the text stream requires at least a write() method. Get required output encoding for text streams by property Drawing.output_encoding

Drawing Settings

The HeaderSection stores meta data like modelspace extensions, user name or saving time and current application settings, like actual layer, text style or dimension style settings. These settings are not necessary to process DXF data and therefore many of this settings are not maintained by ezdxf automatically.

Header variables set at new


DXF version


date/time at creating the drawing


every drawing gets a GUID

Header variables updated at saving


actual date/time at saving


next available handle as hex string


encoding setting


every saved version gets a new GUID

Ezdxf Metadata

Store internal metadata like ezdxf version and creation time for a new created document as metadata in the DXF file. Only standard DXF features are used to store meta data and this meta data is preserved by Autodesk products, BricsCAD and of course ezdxf. Other 3rd party DXF libraries may remove this meta data.

For DXF R12 the meta data is stored as XDATA by AppID EZDXF in the model space BLOCK entity in the BLOCKS section.

For DXF R2000+ the meta data is stored in the “root” DICTIONARY in the OBJECTS section as a DICTIONARY object by the key EZDXF_META.

The MetaData object has a dict-like interface and can also store custom metadata:

metadata = doc.ezdxf_metadata()

# set data
metadata["MY_CUSTOM_META_DATA"] = "a string with max. length of 254"

# get data, raises a KeyError() if key not exist
value = metadata["MY_CUSTOM_META_DATA"]

# get data, returns an empty string if key not exist
value = metadata.get("MY_CUSTOM_META_DATA")

# delete entry, raises a KeyError() if key not exist
del metadata["MY_CUSTOM_META_DATA"]

# discard entry, does not raise a KeyError() if key not exist

Keys and values are limited to strings with a max. length of 254 characters and line ending \n will be replaced by \P.

Keys used by ezdxf:

  • WRITTEN_BY_EZDXF: ezdxf version and UTC time in ISO format

  • CREATED_BY_EZDXF: ezdxf version and UTC time in ISO format

Example of the ezdxf marker string: 0.16.4b1 @ 2021-06-12T07:35:34.898808+00:00

class ezdxf.document.MetaData
abstract MetaData.__contains__(key: str) bool

Returns key in self.

abstract MetaData.__getitem__(key: str) str

Returns the value for self[key].


KeyErrorkey does not exist

MetaData.get(key: str, default: str = '') str

Returns the value for key. Returns default if key not exist.

abstract MetaData.__setitem__(key: str, value: str) None

Set self[key] to value.

abstract MetaData.__delitem__(key: str) None

Delete self[key].


KeyErrorkey does not exist

MetaData.discard(key: str) None

Remove key, does not raise an exception if key not exist.