
class Limiter(key_func: Callable[[], str], *, app: Optional[Flask] = None, default_limits: Optional[List[Union[str, Callable[[], str]]]] = None, default_limits_per_method: Optional[bool] = None, default_limits_exempt_when: Optional[Callable[[], bool]] = None, default_limits_deduct_when: Optional[Callable[[Response], bool]] = None, default_limits_cost: Optional[Union[int, Callable[[], int]]] = None, application_limits: Optional[List[Union[str, Callable[[], str]]]] = None, application_limits_cost: Optional[Union[int, Callable[[], int]]] = None, headers_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, header_name_mapping: Optional[Dict[HeaderNames, str]] = None, strategy: Optional[str] = None, storage_uri: Optional[str] = None, storage_options: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]] = None, auto_check: bool = True, swallow_errors: Optional[bool] = None, fail_on_first_breach: Optional[bool] = None, on_breach: Optional[Callable[[RequestLimit], Optional[Response]]] = None, in_memory_fallback: Optional[List[str]] = None, in_memory_fallback_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, retry_after: Optional[str] = None, key_prefix: str = '', enabled: bool = True)[source]#

The Limiter class initializes the Flask-Limiter extension.

  • key_func – a callable that returns the domain to rate limit by.

  • appflask.Flask instance to initialize the extension with.

  • default_limits – a variable list of strings or callables returning strings denoting default limits to apply to all routes. Rate limit string notation for more details.

  • default_limits_per_method – whether default limits are applied per method, per route or as a combination of all method per route.

  • default_limits_exempt_when – a function that should return True/False to decide if the default limits should be skipped

  • default_limits_deduct_when – a function that receives the current flask.Response object and returns True/False to decide if a deduction should be made from the default rate limit(s)

  • default_limits_cost – The cost of a hit to the default limits as an integer or a function that takes no parameters and returns an integer (Default: 1).

  • application_limits – a variable list of strings or callables returning strings for limits that are applied to the entire application (i.e a shared limit for all routes)

  • application_limits_cost – The cost of a hit to the global application limits as an integer or a function that takes no parameters and returns an integer (Default: 1).

  • headers_enabled – whether X-RateLimit response headers are written.

  • header_name_mapping – Mapping of header names to use if Limiter.headers_enabled is True. If no mapping is provided the default values will be used.

  • strategy – the strategy to use. Refer to Rate limiting strategies

  • storage_uri – the storage location. Refer to RATELIMIT_STORAGE_URI

  • storage_options – kwargs to pass to the storage implementation upon instantiation.

  • auto_check – whether to automatically check the rate limit in the before_request chain of the application. default True

  • swallow_errors – whether to swallow any errors when hitting a rate limit. An exception will still be logged. default False

  • fail_on_first_breach – whether to stop processing remaining limits after the first breach. default True

  • on_breach – a function that will be called when any limit in this extension is breached. If the function returns an instance of flask.Response that will be the response embedded into the RateLimitExceeded exception raised.

  • in_memory_fallback – a variable list of strings or callables returning strings denoting fallback limits to apply when the storage is down.

  • in_memory_fallback_enabled – fall back to in memory storage when the main storage is down and inherits the original limits. default False

  • retry_after – Allows configuration of how the value of the Retry-After header is rendered. One of http-date or delta-seconds.

  • key_prefix – prefix prepended to rate limiter keys and app context global names.

  • enabled – Whether the extension is enabled or not

init_app(app: Flask) None[source]#

appflask.Flask instance to rate limit.

limit(limit_value: Union[str, Callable[[], str]], *, key_func: Optional[Callable[[], str]] = None, per_method: bool = False, methods: Optional[List[str]] = None, error_message: Optional[str] = None, exempt_when: Optional[Callable[[], bool]] = None, override_defaults: bool = True, deduct_when: Optional[Callable[[Response], bool]] = None, on_breach: Optional[Callable[[RequestLimit], Optional[Response]]] = None, cost: Union[int, Callable[[], int]] = 1, scope: Optional[Union[str, Callable[[str], str]]] = None) LimitDecorator[source]#

Decorator to be used for rate limiting individual routes or blueprints.

  • limit_value – rate limit string or a callable that returns a string. Rate limit string notation for more details.

  • scope – a string or callable that returns a string for defining the rate limiting scope.

  • key_func – function/lambda to extract the unique identifier for the rate limit. defaults to remote address of the request.

  • per_method – whether the limit is sub categorized into the http method of the request.

  • methods – if specified, only the methods in this list will be rate limited (default: None).

  • error_message – string (or callable that returns one) to override the error message used in the response.

  • exempt_when – function/lambda used to decide if the rate limit should skipped.

  • override_defaults

    whether the decorated limit overrides the default limits (Default: True).


    When used with a Blueprint the meaning of the parameter extends to any parents the blueprint instance is registered under. For more details see Nested Blueprints

  • deduct_when – a function that receives the current flask.Response object and returns True/False to decide if a deduction should be done from the rate limit

  • on_breach – a function that will be called when this limit is breached. If the function returns an instance of flask.Response that will be the response embedded into the RateLimitExceeded exception raised.

  • cost – The cost of a hit or a function that takes no parameters and returns the cost as an integer (Default: 1).

  • New in version 2.9.0: The returned object can also be used as a context manager

    for rate limiting a code block inside a view. For example:

    def route():
           with limiter.limit("10/second"):
               # something expensive
       except RateLimitExceeded: pass
shared_limit(limit_value: Union[str, Callable[[], str]], scope: Union[str, Callable[[str], str]], *, key_func: Optional[Callable[[], str]] = None, per_method: bool = False, methods: Optional[List[str]] = None, error_message: Optional[str] = None, exempt_when: Optional[Callable[[], bool]] = None, override_defaults: bool = True, deduct_when: Optional[Callable[[Response], bool]] = None, on_breach: Optional[Callable[[RequestLimit], Optional[Response]]] = None, cost: Union[int, Callable[[], int]] = 1) LimitDecorator[source]#

decorator to be applied to multiple routes sharing the same rate limit.

  • limit_value – rate limit string or a callable that returns a string. Rate limit string notation for more details.

  • scope – a string or callable that returns a string for defining the rate limiting scope.

  • key_func – function/lambda to extract the unique identifier for the rate limit. defaults to remote address of the request.

  • per_method – whether the limit is sub categorized into the http method of the request.

  • methods – if specified, only the methods in this list will be rate limited (default: None).

  • error_message – string (or callable that returns one) to override the error message used in the response.

  • exempt_when (function) – function/lambda used to decide if the rate limit should skipped.

  • override_defaults

    whether the decorated limit overrides the default limits. (default: True)


    When used with a Blueprint the meaning of the parameter extends to any parents the blueprint instance is registered under. For more details see Nested Blueprints

  • deduct_when – a function that receives the current flask.Response object and returns True/False to decide if a deduction should be done from the rate limit

  • on_breach – a function that will be called when this limit is breached. If the function returns an instance of flask.Response that will be the response embedded into the RateLimitExceeded exception raised.

  • cost – The cost of a hit or a function that takes no parameters and returns the cost as an integer (default: 1).

exempt(obj: Blueprint, *, flags: ExemptionScope = ExemptionScope.APPLICATION | ExemptionScope.DEFAULT) Blueprint[source]#
exempt(obj: Callable[[...], R], *, flags: ExemptionScope = ExemptionScope.APPLICATION | ExemptionScope.DEFAULT) Callable[[...], R]
exempt(*, flags: ExemptionScope = ExemptionScope.APPLICATION | ExemptionScope.DEFAULT) Union[Callable[[Callable[[P], R]], Callable[[P], R]], Callable[[Blueprint], Blueprint]]

Mark a view function or all views in a blueprint as exempt from rate limits.

  • obj – view function or blueprint to mark as exempt.

  • flags – Controls the scope of the exemption. By default application wide limits and defaults configured on the extension are opted out of. Additional flags can be used to control the behavior when obj is a Blueprint that is nested under another Blueprint or has other Blueprints nested under it (See Nested Blueprints)

The method can be used either as a decorator without any arguments (the default flags will apply and the route will be exempt from default and application limits:

def route(...):

Specific exemption flags can be provided at decoration time:

def route(...):

If an entire blueprint (i.e. all routes under it) are to be exempted the method can be called with the blueprint as the first parameter and any additional flags:

bp = Blueprint(...)
request_filter(fn: Callable[[], bool]) Callable[[], bool][source]#

decorator to mark a function as a filter to be executed to check if the request is exempt from rate limiting.


fn – The function will be called before evaluating any rate limits to decide whether to perform rate limit or skip it.

check() None[source]#

Explicitly check the limits for the current request. This is only relevant if the extension was initialized with auto_check set to False



reset() None[source]#

resets the storage if it supports being reset

property storage: Storage#

The backend storage configured for the rate limiter

property limiter: RateLimiter#

Instance of the rate limiting strategy used for performing rate limiting.

property current_limit: Optional[RequestLimit]#

Get details for the most relevant rate limit used in this request.

In a scenario where multiple rate limits are active for a single request and none are breached, the rate limit which applies to the smallest time window will be returned.


The value of remaining in RequestLimit is after deduction for the current request.

For example:

def route(...):
  • Request 1 at t=0 (no breach): this will return the details for for 1/second

  • Request 2 at t=1 (no breach): it will still return the details for 1/second

  • Request 3 at t=2 (breach): it will return the details for 2/day

property current_limits: List[RequestLimit]#

Get a list of all rate limits that were applicable and evaluated within the context of this request.

The limits are returned in a sorted order by smallest window size first.


flag ExemptionScope(value)[source]#

Flags used to configure the scope of exemption when used in conjunction with exempt().

Valid values are as follows:

NONE = <ExemptionScope.NONE: 0>#
DEFAULT = <ExemptionScope.DEFAULT: 2>#
ANCESTORS = <ExemptionScope.ANCESTORS: 8>#
class RequestLimit(extension: Limiter, limit: RateLimitItem, request_args: List[str], breached: bool)[source]#

Provides details of a rate limit within the context of a request

limit: RateLimitItem#

The instance of the rate limit

key: str#

The full key for the request against which the rate limit is tested

breached: bool#

Whether the limit was breached within the context of this request

property reset_at: int#

Timestamp at which the rate limit will be reset

property remaining: int#

Quantity remaining for this rate limit

get_remote_address() str[source]#

the ip address for the current request (or if none found)


exception RateLimitExceeded(limit: Limit, response: Optional[Response] = None)[source]#

Exception raised when a rate limit is hit.

  • limit – The actual rate limit that was hit. Used to construct the default response message

  • response – Optional pre constructed response. If provided it will be rendered by flask instead of the default error response of HTTPException