Flask Extensions

Flask extensions extend the functionality of Flask in various different ways. For instance they add support for databases and other common tasks.

Finding Extensions

Flask extensions are listed on the Flask Extension Registry and can be downloaded with easy_install or pip. If you add a Flask extension as dependency to your requirements.txt or setup.py file they are usually installed with a simple command or when your application installs.

Using Extensions

Extensions typically have documentation that goes along that shows how to use it. There are no general rules in how extensions are supposed to behave but they are imported from common locations. If you have an extension called Flask-Foo or Foo-Flask it should be always importable from flask_foo:

import flask_foo

Building Extensions

While Flask Extension Registry contains many Flask extensions, you may not find an extension that fits your need. If this is the case, you can always create your own. Consider reading Flask Extension Development to develop your own Flask extension.