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Setting up the development environment

The easiest way to setup your development environment and install the needed dependendecies is to use Poetry. For instructions, see Poetry Docs - Installation.

After installing Poetry you can use the following command to install all the needed dependencies:

poetry install

After installing the dependencies, you can enter the Python virtual environment that Poetry created with the following command:

poetry shell

Running tests and linters

Tests and code linters are executed in CI pipeline when you open a new pull request, but you can also execute them locally. This project contains a Makefile that allows you to easily run all tests and linters with one command:

# Run tests and linters
# Run only tests
make test
# Run only linters
make lint

Running tests with multiple Python versions using Tox

CI pipeline also runs tests using all the supported Python versions. You can use Tox if you want to run these tests yourself, but first you need to have all different Python versions available in your local system.

One option is to use Pyenv to manage different Python versions. For example, if you would want to run the test suite using Python versions 3.6 and 3.7, you can install the needed Python versions with the following commands:

pyenv install 3.6.14
pyenv install 3.7.11

After the installation, you can make the installed Python versions available globally:

pyenv global 3.6.14 3.7.11

Finally, you can run Tox and it should discover the installed Python version automatically:

tox -e py36,py37

You can omit the -e argument if you want to run the tests against all supported Python versions. If everything works, the output should be something similar to this:

__________ summary __________
  py36: commands succeeded
  py37: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

Updating documentation

The documentation is built using Mkdocs. After installing the development dependencies, you can simply run the following command to serve the documentation on your local machine:

mkdocs serve

For more details, see Mkdocs - User guide and Mkdocs Material theme documentation.

The documentation is hosted on Read the Docs. Read the Docs uses the requirements.txt in docs folder to install needed dependecies. To regenerate this file, run this command:

poetry export --without-hashes --dev -f requirements.txt --output docs/requirements.txt