Example TestsΒΆ

What follows is a commented example of some tests in a single file demonstrating many of the Test Format features. See Loading and Running Tests for the Python needed to integrate with a testing harness.

# Fixtures can be used to set any necessary configuration, such as a
# persistence layer, and establish sample data. They operate per
# file. They are context managers, each one wrapping the next in the
# sequence.

    - ConfigFixture
    - SampleDataFixture

# There is an included fixture named "SkipAllFixture" which can be
# used to declare that all the tests in the given file are to be
# skipped.

# Each test file can specify a set of defaults that will be used for
# every request. This is useful for always specifying a particular
# header or always requiring SSL. These values will be used on every
# test in the file unless overriden. Lists and dicts are merged one
# level deep, except for "data" which is copied verbatim whether it
# is a string, list or dict (it can be all three).

    ssl: True
        x-my-token: zoom

# The tests themselves are a list under a "tests" key. It's useful
# to use plenty of whitespace to help readability.


# Each request *must* have a name which is unique to the file. When it
# becomes a TestCase the name will be lowercased and spaces will
# become "_". Use that generated name when limiting test runs.

    - name: a test for root
      desc: Some explanatory text that could be used by other tooling

# The URL can either be relative to a host specified elsewhere or
# be a fully qualified "http" or "https" URL. *You* are responsible
# for url-encoding the URL.

      url: /
      method: GET

# If no status or method are provided they default to "200" and
# "GET".

# Instead of explicitly stating "url" and "method" you can join
# those two keys into one key representing the method. The method
# *must* be uppercase.

    - name: another test for root
      desc: Same test as above but with GET key
      GET: /

# A single test can override settings in defaults (set above).

    - name: root without ssl redirects
      ssl: False
      GET: /
      status: 302

# When evaluating response headers it is possible to use a regular
# expression to not have to test the whole value. Regular expressions match
# anywhere in the output, not just at the beginning.

          location: /^https/

# By default redirects will not be followed. This can be changed.

    - name: follow root without ssl redirect
      ssl: False
      redirects: True
      GET: /
      status: 200 # This is the response code after the redirect.

# URLs can express query parameters in two ways: either in the url
# value directly, or as query_parameters. If both are used then
# query_parameters are appended. In this example the resulting URL
# will be equivalient to
# /foo?section=news&article=1&article=2&date=yesterday
# but not necessarily in that order.

    - name: create a url with parameters
      GET: /foo?section=news
              - 1
              - 2
          date: yesterday

# Request headers can be used to declare media-type choices and
# experiment with authorization handling (amongst other things).
# Response headers allow evaluating headers in the response. These
# two together form the core value of gabbi.

    - name: test accept
      GET: /resource
          accept: application/json
          content-type: /application/json/

# If a header must not be present in a response at all that can be
# expressed in a test as follows.

    - name: test forbidden headers
      GET: /resource
          - x-special-header

# All of the above requests have defaulted to a "GET" method. When
# using "POST", "PUT" or "PATCH", the "data" key provides the
# request body.

    - name: post some text
      POST: /text_repo
          content-type: text/plain
      data: "I'm storing this"
      status: 201

# If the data is not a string, it will be transformed into JSON.
# You must supply an appropriate content-type request header.

    - name: post some json
      POST: /json_repo
          content-type: application/json
          name: smith
          abode: castle
      status: 201

# If the data is a string prepended with "<@" the value will be
# treated as the name of a file in the same directory as the YAML
# file. Again, you must supply an appropriate content-type. If the
# content-type is one of several "text-like" types, the content will
# be assumed to be UTF-8 encoded.

    - name: post an image
      POST: /image_repo
          content-type: image/png
      data: <@kittens.png

# A single request can be marked to be skipped.

    - name: patch an image
      skip: patching images not yet implemented
      PATCH: /image_repo/12d96fb8-e78c-11e4-8c03-685b35afa334

# Or a single request can be marked that it is expected to fail.

    - name: check allow headers
      desc: the framework doesn't do allow yet
      xfail: True
      PUT: /post_only_url
      status: 405
          allow: POST

# The body of a response can be evaluated with response handlers.
# The most simple checks for a set of strings anywhere in the
# response. Note that the strings are members of a list.

    - name: check for css file
      GET: /blog/posts/12
          - normalize.css

# For JSON responses, JSONPath rules can be used.

    - name: post some json get back json
      POST: /json_repo
          content-type: application/json
          name: smith
          abode: castle
      status: 201
          $.name: smith
          $.abode: castle

# Requests run in sequence. One test can make reference to the test
# immediately prior using some special variables.
# "$LOCATION" contains the "location" header in the previous
# response.
# "$HEADERS" is a pseudo dictionary containing all the headers of
# the previous response.
# "$ENVIRON" is a pseudo dictionary providing access to the current
# environment.
# "$RESPONSE" provides access to the JSON in the prior response, via
# JSONPath. See http://jsonpath-rw.readthedocs.io/ for
# jsonpath-rw formatting.
# $SCHEME and $NETLOC provide access to the current protocol and
# location (host and port).

    - name: get the thing we just posted
          x-magic-exchange: $HEADERS['x-magic-exchange']
          x-token: $ENVIRON['OS_TOKEN']
          $.name: $RESPONSE['$.name']
          $.abode: $RESPONSE['$.abode']
          content-location: /$SCHEME://$NETLOC/

# For APIs where resource creation is asynchronous it can be
# necessary to poll for the resulting resource. First we create the
# resource in one test. The next test uses the "poll" key to loop
# with a delay for a set number of times.

    - name: create asynch
      POST: /async_creator
          content-type: application/json
          name: jones
          abode: bungalow
      status: 202

    - name: poll for created resource
          count: 10 # try up to ten times
          delay: .5 # wait .5 seconds between each try
          $.name: $RESPONSE['$.name']
          $.abode: $RESPONSE['$.abode']