
cp .env-dev.dist .env
# Edit .env if need be
cp docker-compose-dev.yml docker-compose.yml
docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm web
docker-compose run --rm web
docker-compose run --rm web ./ createsuperuser
docker-compose up -d

Got to http://localhost:8000

Contribution guide


  • Use flake8

  • KISS & DRY as much as possible

  • Elegant and generic is good, simple is better

  • Commits messages are explicit and mention issue number ((ref #12) or (fixes #23))

  • Features are developed in a branch and merged from Github pull-requests.

Definition of done

  • docs/changelog.rst is up-to-date

  • A unit-test covers the bugfix or the new feature

  • A frontend test (:path:jstests/nav-*.js) covers the navigation bug fix or feature

  • A JS Mocha test (:path:jstests/tests.*.js) covers the JavaScript bug fix or feature

  • Unit-tests coverage is above or at least equal with previous commits

  • Settings have default value in settings/ or conf/settings-default.ini

  • Installation instructions are up-to-date

Check TODO in the source tree:

find geotrek | xargs egrep -n -i '(TODO|XXX|temporary|FIXME)'


On master branch:

  • If need be, merge translations branch managed with

  • Update files VERSION, docs/ and docs/changelog.rst to remove +dev suffix and increment version (please use semver rules)

  • Run dch -r -D RELEASED, update version in the same way and save

  • Commit with message ‘Release x.y.z’ to merge in master branch before release

  • Add git tag X.Y.Z

  • Update files VERSION, docs/ and docs/changelog.rst to add +dev suffix

  • Run dch -v <version>+dev --no-force-save-on-release and save

  • Commit with message ‘Back to development’

  • Push branch and tag

  • When pushing a release tag ‘x.y.z’, CircleCI will generate the .deb package file, and publish it on (see .circleci/config.yml file for details)

  • Add release on Github (copy-paste doc/changelog.rst paragraph)


Model modification

docker-compose run web ./ makemigrations <appName>
docker-compose run web ./ migrate


Add migration file to source control.

Run tests

ENV variable must be set to run tests:

docker-compose run --rm -e ENV=tests web ./ test

Test without dynamic segmentation:

docker-compose run --rm -e ENV=tests_nds web ./ test

Database reset

Data only:

docker-compose run web ./ flush

Restore existing Database

Assuming a dump of your database is located in your project directory:

docker-compose run --rm web pg_restore -h $POSTGRES_HOST -U $POSTGRES_USER -d $POSTGRES_DB /opt/geotrek/<path_to_backup>.dump

Restore your ./var/conf/ project files, and data files into ./var/media.

Then run a synchronization.

Mapentity development


UML diagrams of data model

UML diagrams of Geotrek-admin data models are available in docs/data-model directory. To regenerate them from PostgreSQL, install postgresql-autodoc and graphviz Ubuntu packages and run make uml.


A container based on sphinx image is created using docker-compose-dev.yml, documentation is built in watch mode thanks to sphinx-autobuild.

Access to documentation built in html :

Translate documentation

  • Generate .pot if needed

docker-compose run --rm sphinx make gettext
  • Generate .po files

docker-compose run --rm sphinx sphinx-intl update -p _build/locale -l fr