Geotrek-admin can be translated online on `Makina Corpus Weblate instance<>`_

Getting started

  • Create an account

  • Browse by project

  • Browse by language

Create an account

  • Click on “Register”

  • Fill the register form

  • Validate your email

  • Fill the password

  • Then connect to weblate

Official documentation to create an account and manage your profile.

Browse by project

  • Go to “Project > Browse all projects”

  • Select Geotrek-admin project

  • Click on tab “Languages”

  • Choose the language to translate


Browse by language

You could also choose language first

  • Go to “Languages > Browse all languages”

  • Choose the language you want to translate

  • Select the project to translate

Select a coponent to translate

  • Select a component (a module or a piece of documentation)

  • Click on “Translate” to start translating

And let’s go!

Weblate official documentation for translation.

Translation features

Weblate shows all translation by language and by module. Errors and left to translate can be displayed easily.

Weblate can identify problematic translations as chains between projects, punctuation inconsistancy.


Other occurrences in all components allows to check consistency.


Each translation generate a permalink (picto image).

Weblate has a “Zen mode” showing only chains to translate.

Release translations (only for github repository managers)

Weblate send new translations to translations branch in Github, dedicated to translations. When new translations chains are validated, manager has to send the manually to Github.

For each release, translations branch must be merged into master before building the release.

Send modifications to Github repository

  • In component, click “Manage > Repository maintenance”

  • Click “Commit” to save translation in local repository

  • Click “Push” to send local commits to translations branch in Github repository

Add translations to next release

  1. In Github, merge translations branch into master, and update changelog.

  2. After releasing, in Weblate, rebase the branche :

    • In the component, click “Manage > Repository maintenance”

    • Click “Rebase” to rebase translations branch onto master