.. _eff-tutorial-index: #################### The Effects Tutorial #################### A tutorial on the `Effects` package in `Idris`. .. topic:: Effects and the ``Control.ST`` module There is a new module in the ``contrib`` package, ``Control.ST``, which provides the resource tracking facilities of `Effects` but with better support for creating and deleting resources, and implementing resources in terms of other resources. Unless you have a particular reason to use `Effects` you are strongly recommended to use ``Control.ST`` instead. There is a tutorial available on this site for ``Control.ST`` with several examples (:ref:`st-tutorial-index`). .. note:: The documentation for Idris has been published under the Creative Commons CC0 License. As such to the extent possible under law, *The Idris Community* has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to Documentation for Idris. More information concerning the CC0 can be found online at: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 introduction state simpleeff depeff impleff hangman conclusions summary