******************************* The Interactive Theorem Prover ******************************* This short guide contributed by a community member illustrates how to prove associativity of addition on ``Nat`` using the interactive theorem prover. First we define a module ``Foo.idr`` .. code-block:: idris module Foo plusAssoc : plus n (plus m o) = plus (plus n m) o plusAssoc = ?rhs We wish to perform induction on ``n``. First we load the file into the Idris ``REPL`` as follows:: $ idris Foo.idr We will be given the following prompt, in future releases the version string will differ:: ____ __ _ / _/___/ /____(_)____ / // __ / ___/ / ___/ Version _/ // /_/ / / / (__ ) https://www.idris-lang.org/ /___/\__,_/_/ /_/____/ Type :? for help Idris is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details type :warranty. Type checking ./Foo.idr Metavariables: Foo.rhs *Foo> Explore the Context ==================== We start the interactive session by asking Idris to prove the hole ``rhs`` using the command ``:p rhs``. Idris by default will show us the initial context. This looks as follows:: *Foo> :p rhs ---------- Goal: ---------- { hole 0 }: (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> (o : Nat) -> plus n (plus m o) = plus (plus n m) o Application of Intros ===================== We first apply the ``intros`` tactic:: -Foo.rhs> intros ---------- Other goals: ---------- { hole 2 } { hole 1 } { hole 0 } ---------- Assumptions: ---------- n : Nat m : Nat o : Nat ---------- Goal: ---------- { hole 3 }: plus n (plus m o) = plus (plus n m) o Induction on ``n`` ================== Then apply ``induction`` on to ``n``:: -Foo.rhs> induction n ---------- Other goals: ---------- elim_S0 { hole 2 } { hole 1 } { hole 0 } ---------- Assumptions: ---------- n : Nat m : Nat o : Nat ---------- Goal: ---------- elim_Z0: plus Z (plus m o) = plus (plus Z m) o Compute ======= :: -Foo.rhs> compute ---------- Other goals: ---------- elim_S0 { hole 2 } { hole 1 } { hole 0 } ---------- Assumptions: ---------- n : Nat m : Nat o : Nat ---------- Goal: ---------- elim_Z0: plus m o = plus m o Trivial ======= :: -Foo.rhs> trivial ---------- Other goals: ---------- { hole 2 } { hole 1 } { hole 0 } ---------- Assumptions: ---------- n : Nat m : Nat o : Nat ---------- Goal: ---------- elim_S0: (n__0 : Nat) -> (plus n__0 (plus m o) = plus (plus n__0 m) o) -> plus (S n__0) (plus m o) = plus (plus (S n__0) m) o Intros ====== :: -Foo.rhs> intros ---------- Other goals: ---------- { hole 4 } elim_S0 { hole 2 } { hole 1 } { hole 0 } ---------- Assumptions: ---------- n : Nat m : Nat o : Nat n__0 : Nat ihn__0 : plus n__0 (plus m o) = plus (plus n__0 m) o ---------- Goal: ---------- { hole 5 }: plus (S n__0) (plus m o) = plus (plus (S n__0) m) o Compute ======= :: -Foo.rhs> compute ---------- Other goals: ---------- { hole 4 } elim_S0 { hole 2 } { hole 1 } { hole 0 } ---------- Assumptions: ---------- n : Nat m : Nat o : Nat n__0 : Nat ihn__0 : plus n__0 (plus m o) = plus (plus n__0 m) o ---------- Goal: ---------- { hole 5 }: S (plus n__0 (plus m o)) = S (plus (plus n__0 m) o) Rewrite ======= :: -Foo.rhs> rewrite ihn__0 ---------- Other goals: ---------- { hole 5 } { hole 4 } elim_S0 { hole 2 } { hole 1 } { hole 0 } ---------- Assumptions: ---------- n : Nat m : Nat o : Nat n__0 : Nat ihn__0 : plus n__0 (plus m o) = plus (plus n__0 m) o ---------- Goal: ---------- { hole 6 }: S (plus n__0 (plus m o)) = S (plus n__0 (plus m o)) Trivial ======= :: -Foo.rhs> trivial rhs: No more goals. -Foo.rhs> qed Proof completed! Foo.rhs = proof intros induction n compute trivial intros compute rewrite ihn__0 trivial Two goals were created: one for ``Z`` and one for ``S``. Here we have proven associativity, and assembled a tactic based proof script. This proof script can be added to ``Foo.idr``.