.. _code-generation-targets: ************************ Code Generation Targets ************************ ``Idris`` has been designed such that the compiler can generate code for different backends upon request. By default ``Idris`` generates a ``C`` backend when generating an executable. Included within the standard Idris installation are backends for Javascript and Node.js. However, there are third-party code generators out there. Below we describe some of these backends and how you can use them when compiling your ``Idris`` code. If you want to write your own codegen for your language there is a `stub project on GitHub `__ that can help point you in the right direction. Official Backends ================== C Language ---------- The default target of Idris is C. In order to view the generated C code, compile via: :: $ idris hello.idr -S -o hello.c Javascript ---------- To generate code that is tailored for running in the browser issue the following command: :: $ idris --codegen javascript hello.idr -o hello.js Idris can produce big chunks of JavaScript code (hello world weighs in at about 60 lines). However, the generated code can be minified using the `closure-compiler `__ from Google. :: java -jar compiler.jar --compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS --js hello.js Node.js ------- Generating code for NodeJS is slightly different. Idris outputs a JavaScript file that can be directly executed via node. :: $ idris --codegen node hello.idr -o hello $ ./hello Hello world Third Party ============ .. note:: These are third-party code generations and may have bit-rotted or do not work with current versions of Idris. Please speak to the project's maintainors if there are any problems. CIL (.NET, Mono, Unity) ----------------------- :: idris --codegen cil Main.idr -o HelloWorld.exe \ && mono HelloWorld.exe The resulting assemblies can also be used with .NET or Unity. Requires `idris-cil `__. Erlang ------ `Available online `__ Java ---- `Available online `__ :: idris hello.idr --codegen java -o hello.jar Note: The resulting .jar is automatically prefixed by a header including an .sh script to allow executing it directly. JVM --- `Available online `__ LLVM ----- `Available online `__ Malfunction ------------ `Available online `__ Ocaml ----- `Available online `__ PHP --- `Available online `__ Python ------ `Available online `__ Ruby ---- `Available online `__ WS --- `Available online `__ WebAssembly ----------- `Available online `__