****************************** New Foreign Function Interface ****************************** .. sectionauthor:: Edwin Brady Ever since Idris has had multiple backends compiling to different target languages on potentially different platforms, we have had the problem that the foreign function interface (FFI) was written under the assumption of compiling to C. As a result, it has been hard to write generic code for multiple targets, or even to be sure that if code compiles that it will run on the expected target. As of 0.9.17, Idris will have a new foreign function interface (FFI) which is aware of multiple targets. Users who are working with the default code generator can happily continue writing programs as before with no changes, but if you are writing bindings for an external library, writing a back end, or working with a non-C back end, there are some things you will need to be aware of, which this page describes. The ``IO'`` monad, and ``main`` =============================== The ``IO`` monad exists as before, but is now specific to the C backend (or, more precisely, any backend whose foreign function calls are compatible with C.) Additionally, there is now an ``IO'`` monad, which is parameterised over a FFI descriptor: .. code-block:: idris data IO' : (lang : FFI) -> Type -> Type The Prelude defines two FFI descriptors which are imported automatically, for C and JavaScript/Node, and defines ``IO`` to use the C FFI and ``JS_IO`` to use the JavaScript FFI: .. code-block:: idris FFI_C : FFI FFI_JS : FFI IO : Type -> Type IO a = IO' FFI_C a JS_IO : Type -> Type JS_IO a = IO' FFI_JS a As before, the entry point to an Idris program is ``main``, but the type of ``main`` can now be any implementation of ``IO'``, e.g. the following are both valid: .. code-block:: idris main : IO () main : JS_IO () The FFI descriptor includes details about which types can be marshalled between the foreign language and Idris, and the "target" of a foreign function call (typically just a String representation of the function's name, but potentially something more complicated such as an external library file or even a URL). FFI descriptors =============== An FFI descriptor is a record containing a predicate which holds when a type can be marshalled, and the type of the target of a foreign call: .. code-block:: idris record FFI where constructor MkFFI ffi_types : Type -> Type ffi_fn : Type For C, this is: .. code-block:: idris ||| Supported C integer types public export data C_IntTypes : Type -> Type where C_IntChar : C_IntTypes Char C_IntNative : C_IntTypes Int C_IntBits8 : C_IntTypes Bits8 C_IntBits16 : C_IntTypes Bits16 C_IntBits32 : C_IntTypes Bits32 C_IntBits64 : C_IntTypes Bits64 ||| Supported C function types public export data C_FnTypes : Type -> Type where C_Fn : C_Types s -> C_FnTypes t -> C_FnTypes (s -> t) C_FnIO : C_Types t -> C_FnTypes (IO' FFI_C t) C_FnBase : C_Types t -> C_FnTypes t ||| Supported C foreign types public export data C_Types : Type -> Type where C_Str : C_Types String C_Float : C_Types Double C_Ptr : C_Types Ptr C_MPtr : C_Types ManagedPtr C_Unit : C_Types () C_Any : C_Types (Raw a) C_FnT : C_FnTypes t -> C_Types (CFnPtr t) C_IntT : C_IntTypes i -> C_Types i ||| A descriptor for the C FFI. See the constructors of `C_Types` ||| and `C_IntTypes` for the concrete types that are available. %error_reverse public export FFI_C : FFI FFI_C = MkFFI C_Types String Linking foreign code ==================== This is the example of linking C code. .. code-block:: idris %include C "mylib.h" %link C "mylib.o" Example Makefile .. code-block:: shell DEFAULT: mylib.o main.idr idris main.idr -o executableFile clean: rm -f executableFile mylib.o main.ibc Foreign calls ============= To call a foreign function, the ``foreign`` function is used. For example: .. code-block:: idris do_fopen : String -> String -> IO Ptr do_fopen f m = foreign FFI_C "fileOpen" (String -> String -> IO Ptr) f m The ``foreign`` function takes an FFI description, a function name (the type is given by the ``ffi_fn`` field of ``FFI_C`` here), and a function type, which gives the expected types of the remaining arguments. Here, we're calling an external function ``fileOpen`` which takes, in the C, a ``char*`` file name, a ``char*`` mode, and returns a file pointer. It is the job of the C back end to convert Idris ``String`` to C ``char*`` and vice versa. The argument types and return type given here must be present in the ``fn_types`` predicate of the ``FFI_C`` description for the foreign call to be valid. **Note** The arguments to ``foreign`` *must* be known at compile time, because the foreign calls are generated statically. The ``%inline`` directive on a function can be used to give hints to help this, for example a shorthand for calling external JavaScript functions: .. code-block:: idris %inline jscall : (fname : String) -> (ty : Type) -> {auto fty : FTy FFI_JS [] ty} -> ty jscall fname ty = foreign FFI_JS fname ty C callbacks ----------- It is possible to pass an Idris function to a C function taking a function pointer by using ``CFnPtr`` in the function type. The Idris function is passed to ``MkCFnPtr`` in the arguments. The example below shows declaring the C standard library function ``qsort`` which takes a pointer to a comparison function. .. code-block:: idris myComparer : Ptr -> Ptr -> Int myComparer = ... qsort : Ptr -> Int -> Int -> IO () qsort data elems elsize = foreign FFI_C "qsort" (Ptr -> Int -> Int -> CFnPtr (Ptr -> Ptr -> Int) -> IO ()) data elems elsize (MkCFnPtr myComparer) There are a few limitations to callbacks in the C FFI. The foreign function can't take the function to make a callback of as an argument. This will give a compilation error: .. code-block:: idris -- This does not work example : (Int -> ()) -> IO () example f = foreign FFI_C "callbacker" (CFnPtr (Int -> ()) -> IO ()) f Note that the function that is used as a callback can't be a closure, that is it can't be a partially applied function. This is because the mechanism used is unable to pass the closed-over values through C. If we want to pass Idris values to the callback we have to pass them through C explicitly. Non-primitive Idris values can be passed to C via the ``Raw`` type. The other big limitation is that it doesn't support ``IO`` functions. Use ``unsafePerformIO`` to wrap them (i.e. to make an ``IO`` function usable as a callback, change the return type from ``IO r`` to ``r``, and change the ``= do`` to ``= unsafePerformIO $ do``). There are two special function names: ``%wrapper`` returns the function pointer that wraps an Idris function. This is useful if the function pointer isn't taken by a C function directly but should be inserted into a data structure. A foreign declaration using ``%wrapper`` must return ``IO Ptr``. .. code-block:: idris -- this returns the C function pointer to a qsort comparer example_wrapper : IO Ptr example_wrapper = foreign FFI_C "%wrapper" (CFnPtr (Ptr -> Ptr -> Int) -> IO Ptr) (MkCFnPtr myComparer) ``%dynamic`` calls a C function pointer with some arguments. This is useful if a C function returns or data structure contains a C function pointer, for example structs of function pointers are common in object-oriented C such as in COM or the Linux kernel. The function type contains an extra ``Ptr`` at the start for the function pointer. ``%dynamic`` can be seen as a pseudo-function that calls the function in the first argument, passing the remaining arguments to it. .. code-block:: idris -- we have a pointer to a function with the signature int f(int), call it example_dynamic : Ptr -> Int -> IO Int example_dynamic fn x = foreign FFI_C "%dynamic" (Ptr -> Int -> IO Int) fn x If the foreign name is prefixed by a ``&``, it is treated as a pointer to the global variable with the following name. The type must be just ``IO Ptr``. .. code-block:: idris -- access the global variable errno errno : IO Ptr errno = foreign FFI_C "&errno" (IO Ptr) If the foreign name is prefixed by a ``#``, the name is pasted in literally. This is useful to access constants that are preprocessor definitions (like ``INT_MAX``). .. code-block:: idris %include C "limits.h" -- access the preprocessor definition INT_MAX intMax : IO Int intMax = foreign FFI_C "#INT_MAX" (IO Int) main : IO () main = print !intMax For more complicated interactions with C (such as reading and setting fields of a C ``struct``), there is a module C FFI available in the contrib package. C heap ------ Idris has two heaps where objects can be allocated: +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | FP heap | C heap | +======================================+=======================================+ | Cheney-collected | Mark-and-sweep-collected | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Garbage collections touches only | Garbage collection has to traverse | | live objects. | all registered items. | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Ideal for FP-style rapid allocation | Ideal for C-style allocation of a few | | of lots of small short-lived pieces | big buffers. | | of memory, such as data constructors.| | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Finalizers are impossible to support | Items have finalizers that are called | | reasonably. | on deallocation. | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Data is copied all the time (when | Copying does not happen. | | collecting garbage, modifying data, | | | registering managed pointers, etc.) | | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Contains objects of various types. | Contains C heap items: ``(void *)`` | | | pointers with finalizers. A finalizer | | | is a routine that deallocates the | | | resources associated with the item. | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Fixed set of object types. | The data pointer may point | | | to anything, as long as the finalizer | | | cleans up correctly. | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Not suitable for C resources and | Suitable for C resources and arbitrary| | arbitrary pointers. | pointers. | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Values form a compact memory block. | Items are kept in a linked list. | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Any Idris value, most notably | Items represented by the | | ``ManagedPtr``. | Idris type ``CData``. | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Data of ``ManagedPtr`` allocated | Data allocated in C, pointer copied | | in C, buffer then copied into the FP | into the C heap. | | heap. | | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Allocation and reallocation not | Allocated and reallocate freely in C, | | possible from C code (without having | registering the allocated items | | a reference to the VM). Everything | in the FFI. | | is copied instead. | | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ The FP heap is the primary heap. It may contain values of type ``CData``, which are references to items in the C heap. A C heap item contains a ``(void *)`` pointer and the corresponding finalizer. Once a C heap item is no longer referenced from the FP heap, it is marked as unused and the next GC sweep will call its finalizer and deallocate it. There is no Idris interface for ``CData`` other than its type and FFI. Usage from C code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Although not enforced in code, ``CData`` is meant to be opaque and non-RTS code (such as libraries or C bindings) should access only its ``(void *)`` field called ``data``. * Feel free to mutate both the pointer ``data`` (eg. after calling ``realloc``) and the memory it points to. However, keep in mind that this must not break Idris's referential transparency. * **WARNING!** If you call ``cdata_allocate`` or ``cdata_manage``, the resulting ``CData`` object *must* be returned from your FFI function so that it is inserted in the C heap by the RTS. Otherwise the memory will be leaked. .. code:: idris some_allocating_fun : Int -> IO CData some_allocating_fun i = foreign FFI_C "some_allocating_fun" (Int -> IO CData) i other_fun : CData -> Int -> IO Int other_fun cd i = foreign FFI_C "other_fun" (CData -> Int -> IO Int) cd i .. code:: cpp #include "idris_rts.h" static void finalizer(void * data) { MyStruct * ptr = (MyStruct *) data; free_something(ptr->something); free(ptr); } CData some_allocating_fun(int arg) { size_t size = sizeof(...); void * data = (void *) malloc(size); // ... return cdata_manage(data, size, finalizer); } int other_fun(CData cd, int arg) { int result = foo(cd->data); return result; } The ``Raw`` type constructor allows you to access or return a runtime representation of the value. For instance, if you want to copy a string generated from C code into an Idris value, you may want to return a ``Raw String`` instead of a ``String`` and use ``MKSTR`` or ``MKSTRlen`` to copy it over. .. code-block:: idris getString : () -> IO (Raw String) getString () = foreign FFI_C "get_string" (IO (Raw String)) .. code-block:: cpp const VAL get_string () { char * c_string = get_string_allocated_with_malloc() const VAL idris_string = MKSTR(get_vm(), c_string); free(c_string); return idris_string } FFI implementation ------------------ In order to write bindings to external libraries, the details of how ``foreign`` works are unnecessary: you simply need to know that ``foreign`` takes an FFI descriptor, the function name, and its type. It is instructive to look a little deeper, however: The type of ``foreign`` is as follows: .. code-block:: idris foreign : (ffi : FFI) -> (fname : ffi_fn f) -> (ty : Type) -> {auto fty : FTy ffi [] ty} -> ty The important argument here is the implicit ``fty``, which contains a proof (``FTy``) that the given type is valid according to the FFI description ``ffi``: .. code-block:: idris data FTy : FFI -> List Type -> Type -> Type where FRet : ffi_types f t -> FTy f xs (IO' f t) FFun : ffi_types f s -> FTy f (s :: xs) t -> FTy f xs (s -> t) Notice that this uses the ``ffi_types`` field of the FFI descriptor --- these arguments to ``FRet`` and ``FFun`` give explicit proofs that the type is valid in this FFI. For example, the above ``do_fopen`` builds the following implicit proof as the ``fty`` argument to ``foreign``: .. code-block:: idris FFun C_Str (FFun C_Str (FRet C_Ptr)) Compiling foreign calls ======================= (This section assumes some knowledge of the Idris internals.) When writing a back end, we now need to know how to compile ``foreign``. We'll skip the details here of how a ``foreign`` call reaches the intermediate representation (the IR), though you can look in ``IO.idr`` in the ``prelude`` package to see a bit more detail --- a ``foreign`` call is implemented by the primitive function ``mkForeignPrim``. The important part of the IR as defined in ``Lang.hs`` is the following constructor: .. code-block:: idris data LExp = ... | LForeign FDesc -- Function descriptor FDesc -- Return type descriptor [(FDesc, LExp)] So, a ``foreign`` call appears in the IR as the ``LForeign`` constructor, which takes a function descriptor (of a type given by the ``ffi_fn`` field in the FFI descriptor), a return type descriptor (given by an application of ``FTy``), and a list of arguments with type descriptors (also given by an application of ``FTy``). An ``FDesc`` describes an application of a name to some arguments, and is really just a simplified subset of an ``LExp``: .. code-block:: idris data FDesc = FCon Name | FStr String | FUnknown | FApp Name [FDesc] There are corresponding structures in the lower level IRs, such as the defunctionalised, simplified and bytecode forms. Our ``do_fopen`` example above arrives in the ``LExp`` form as: .. code-block:: idris LForeign (FStr "fileOpen") (FCon (sUN "C_Ptr")) [(FCon (sUN "C_Str"), f), (FCon (sUN "C_Str"), m)] (Assuming that ``f`` and ``m`` stand for the ``LExp`` representations of the arguments.) This information should be enough for any back end to marshal the arguments and return value appropriately. .. note:: When processing ``FDesc``, be aware that there may be implicit arguments, which have not been erased. For example, ``C_IntT`` has an implicit argument ``i``, so will appear in an ``FDesc`` as something of the form ``FApp (sUN "C_IntT") [i, t]`` where ``i`` is the implicit argument (which can be ignored) and ``t`` is the descriptor of the integer type. See ``CodegenC.hs``, specifically the function ``toFType``, to see how this works in practice. JavaScript FFI descriptor ========================= The JavaScript FFI descriptor is a little more complex, because the JavaScript FFI supports marshalling functions. It is defined as follows: .. code-block:: idris mutual data JsFn t = MkJsFn t data JS_IntTypes : Type -> Type where JS_IntChar : JS_IntTypes Char JS_IntNative : JS_IntTypes Int data JS_FnTypes : Type -> Type where JS_Fn : JS_Types s -> JS_FnTypes t -> JS_FnTypes (s -> t) JS_FnIO : JS_Types t -> JS_FnTypes (IO' l t) JS_FnBase : JS_Types t -> JS_FnTypes t data JS_Types : Type -> Type where JS_Str : JS_Types String JS_Float : JS_Types Double JS_Ptr : JS_Types Ptr JS_Unit : JS_Types () JS_FnT : JS_FnTypes a -> JS_Types (JsFn a) JS_IntT : JS_IntTypes i -> JS_Types i The reason for wrapping function types in a ``JsFn`` is to help the proof search when building ``FTy``. We hope to improve proof search eventually, but for the moment it works much more reliably if the indices are disjoint! An example of using this appears in `IdrisScript `__ when setting timeouts: .. code-block:: idris setTimeout : (() -> JS_IO ()) -> (millis : Int) -> JS_IO Timeout setTimeout f millis = do timeout <- jscall "setTimeout(%0, %1)" (JsFn (() -> JS_IO ()) -> Int -> JS_IO Ptr) (MkJsFn f) millis pure $ MkTimeout timeout