
This documentation covers IPython versions 6.0 and higher. Beginning with version 6.0, IPython stopped supporting compatibility with Python versions lower than 3.3 including all versions of Python 2.7.

If you are looking for an IPython version compatible with Python 2.7, please use the IPython 5.x LTS release and refer to its documentation (LTS is the long term support release).

Module: core.inputtransformer2

Input transformer machinery to support IPython special syntax.

This includes the machinery to recognise and transform %magic commands, !system commands, help? querying, prompt stripping, and so forth.

Added: IPython 7.0. Replaces inputsplitter and inputtransformer which were deprecated in 7.0.

9 Classes

class IPython.core.inputtransformer2.PromptStripper(prompt_re, initial_re=None)

Bases: object

Remove matching input prompts from a block of input.

  • prompt_re (regular expression) – A regular expression matching any input prompt (including continuation, e.g. ...)

  • initial_re (regular expression, optional) – A regular expression matching only the initial prompt, but not continuation. If no initial expression is given, prompt_re will be used everywhere. Used mainly for plain Python prompts (>>>), where the continuation prompt ... is a valid Python expression in Python 3, so shouldn’t be stripped.


If initial_re and prompt_re differ, only initial_re will be tested against the first line. If any prompt is found on the first two lines, prompts will be stripped from the rest of the block.

__init__(prompt_re, initial_re=None)
class IPython.core.inputtransformer2.TokenTransformBase(start)

Bases: object

Base class for transformations which examine tokens.

Special syntax should not be transformed when it occurs inside strings or comments. This is hard to reliably avoid with regexes. The solution is to tokenise the code as Python, and recognise the special syntax in the tokens.

IPython’s special syntax is not valid Python syntax, so tokenising may go wrong after the special syntax starts. These classes therefore find and transform one instance of special syntax at a time into regular Python syntax. After each transformation, tokens are regenerated to find the next piece of special syntax.

Subclasses need to implement one class method (find) and one regular method (transform).

The priority attribute can select which transformation to apply if multiple transformers match in the same place. Lower numbers have higher priority. This allows “%magic?” to be turned into a help call rather than a magic call.

classmethod find(tokens_by_line)

Find one instance of special syntax in the provided tokens.

Tokens are grouped into logical lines for convenience, so it is easy to e.g. look at the first token of each line. tokens_by_line is a list of lists of tokenize.TokenInfo objects.

This should return an instance of its class, pointing to the start position it has found, or None if it found no match.

transform(lines: List[str])

Transform one instance of special syntax found by find()

Takes a list of strings representing physical lines, returns a similar list of transformed lines.

class IPython.core.inputtransformer2.MagicAssign(start)

Bases: TokenTransformBase

Transformer for assignments from magics (a = %foo)

classmethod find(tokens_by_line)

Find the first magic assignment (a = %foo) in the cell.

transform(lines: List[str])

Transform a magic assignment found by the find() classmethod.

class IPython.core.inputtransformer2.SystemAssign(start)

Bases: TokenTransformBase

Transformer for assignments from system commands (a = !foo)

classmethod find(tokens_by_line)

Find the first system assignment (a = !foo) in the cell.

transform(lines: List[str])

Transform a system assignment found by the find() classmethod.

class IPython.core.inputtransformer2.EscapedCommand(start)

Bases: TokenTransformBase

Transformer for escaped commands like %foo, !foo, or /foo

classmethod find(tokens_by_line)

Find the first escaped command (%foo, !foo, etc.) in the cell.


Transform an escaped line found by the find() classmethod.

class IPython.core.inputtransformer2.HelpEnd(start, q_locn)

Bases: TokenTransformBase

Transformer for help syntax: obj? and obj??

__init__(start, q_locn)
classmethod find(tokens_by_line)

Find the first help command (foo?) in the cell.


Transform a help command found by the find() classmethod.

class IPython.core.inputtransformer2.TransformerManager

Bases: object

Applies various transformations to a cell or code block.

The key methods for external use are transform_cell() and check_complete().

check_complete(cell: str)

Return whether a block of code is ready to execute, or should be continued


source (string) – Python input code, which can be multiline.


  • status (str) – One of ‘complete’, ‘incomplete’, or ‘invalid’ if source is not a prefix of valid code.

  • indent_spaces (int or None) – The number of spaces by which to indent the next line of code. If status is not ‘incomplete’, this is None.


Find and run the transform earliest in the code.

Returns (changed, lines).

This method is called repeatedly until changed is False, indicating that all available transformations are complete.

The tokens following IPython special syntax might not be valid, so the transformed code is retokenised every time to identify the next piece of special syntax. Hopefully long code cells are mostly valid Python, not using lots of IPython special syntax, so this shouldn’t be a performance issue.

transform_cell(cell: str) str

Transforms a cell of input code

class IPython.core.inputtransformer2.MaybeAsyncCompile(extra_flags=0)

Bases: Compile

class IPython.core.inputtransformer2.MaybeAsyncCommandCompiler(extra_flags=0)

Bases: CommandCompiler


8 Functions


Remove leading empty lines

If the leading lines are empty or contain only whitespace, they will be removed.


Remove leading indentation.

If the first line starts with a spaces or tabs, the same whitespace will be removed from each following line in the cell.

IPython.core.inputtransformer2.find_end_of_continued_line(lines, start_line: int)

Find the last line of a line explicitly extended using backslashes.

Uses 0-indexed line numbers.

IPython.core.inputtransformer2.assemble_continued_line(lines, start: Tuple[int, int], end_line: int)

Assemble a single line from multiple continued line pieces

Continued lines are lines ending in \, and the line following the last \ in the block.

For example, this code continues over multiple lines:

if (assign_ix is not None) \
     and (len(line) >= assign_ix + 2) \
     and (line[assign_ix+1].string == '%') \
     and (line[assign_ix+2].type == tokenize.NAME):

This statement contains four continued line pieces. Assembling these pieces into a single line would give:

if (assign_ix is not None) and (len(line) >= assign_ix + 2) and (line[...

This uses 0-indexed line numbers. start is (lineno, colno).

Used to allow %magic and !system commands to be continued over multiple lines.

IPython.core.inputtransformer2.make_tokens_by_line(lines: List[str])

Tokenize a series of lines and group tokens by line.

The tokens for a multiline Python string or expression are grouped as one line. All lines except the last lines should keep their line ending (’n’, ‘rn’) for this to properly work. Use .splitlines(keeplineending=True) for example when passing block of text to this function.

IPython.core.inputtransformer2.show_linewise_tokens(s: str)

For investigation and debugging
