The Connection object is used to send operation requests to the LDAP Server. It can use different connection strategies and supports the context manager protocol to automatically open, bind and unbind the connection.
The following strategies are available:
SYNC: the request is sent and the connection waits until the response is received. You get the result in the return value of the connection.
ASYNC: the request is sent and the connection immediately returns a message_id that can be used later to retrieve the response. Safe for multithreaded programs.
LDIF: the request is transformed in a ldif-change format and an LDIF output is returned.
RESTARTABLE: an automatically restartable synchronous connection. It retries operation for the specified number of times or forever.
REUSABLE: an asynchronous strategy that internally opens multiple connections to the Server (or multiple Servers via the ServerPool) each in a different thread
SAFE_SYNC: the request is sent and the connection waits until the response is received. Each operation returns a tuple of 4 elements: status, result, response, request. This strategy is thread-safe.
SAFE_RESTARTABLE: the request is sent and the connection waits until the response is received. Each operation returns a tuple of 4 elements: status, result, response, request, connection restarts if failing for the specified number of times or forever. This strategy is thread-safe.
SafeSync and SafeRestartable strategies can be used in multithreaded programs. Each LDAP operation with the SafeSync or SafeRestartable strategies returns a tuple of four elements: status, result, response and request.
status: states if the operation was successful
result: the LDAP result of the operation
response: the response of a LDAP Search Operation
request: the original request of the operation:
from ldap3 import Server, Connection, SAFE_SYNC server = Server('my_server') conn = Connection(s, 'my_user', 'my_password', client_strategy=SAFE_SYNC, auto_bind=True) status, result, response, _ ='o=test', '(objectclass=*)') # usually you don't need the original request (4th element of the return tuple)
The SafeSync and SafeRestartable strategies can be used with the Abstract Layer, but the Abstract Layer currently is NOT thread safe.
Lazy connections
In a lazy connection when you open() and bind() nothing is executed. These operation are deferred until an effective LDAP operation (add, modify, delete, compare, modifyDn, search, extended) is performed. If unbind() is executed when still in deferred status all deferred operation are cancelled and nothing is sent over the network. This can be helpful when your application opens connections ahead of knowing if an effective operation is needed.
When using an asynchronous strategy each operation returns immediately a message_id. You can call the get_response method of the connection object to obtain the response received from the server.
Connection parameters are:
server: the Server object to be contacted. It can be a ServerPool. In this case the ServerPool pooling strategy is followed when opening the connection. You can also pass a string containing the name of the server. In this case the Server object is implicitly created with default values.
user: the account of the user to log in for simple bind (defaults to None).
password: the password of the user for simple bind (defaults to None)
auto_bind: automatically opens and binds the connection. Can be AUTO_BIND_NONE, AUTO_BIND_NO_TLS, AUTO_BIND_TLS_AFTER_BIND, AUTO_BIND_TLS_BEFORE_BIND.
version: LDAP protocol version (defaults to 3).
authentication: authentication method, can be one of ANONYMOUS, SIMPLE, SASL or NTLM. Defaults to ANONYMOUS if user and password are both None else defaults to SIMPLE. NTLM uses NTLMv2 authentication. Username must be in the form domain\user.
client_strategy: communication strategy used by the client (defaults to SYNC).
auto_referrals: specify if the Connection must follows referrals automatically (defaults to True). Allowed referral servers are specified in the Server object.
sasl_mechanism: specify the SASL mechanism to use for SASL authentication. Available mechanism are EXTERNAL, DIGEST-MD5 (deprecated by RFCs because insecure) and GSSAPI.
sasl_credential: an object specific to the SASL mechanism chosen. Refer to the documentation for each SASL mechanism supported.
collect_usage: binds a ConnectionUsage object to the connection to store metrics of connection usage (see later).
read_only: when True inhibits modify, delete, add and modifyDn (move) operations, defaults to False.
lazy: when True connection will defer open and bind until another LDAP operation is requested
check_names: when True attribute names in assertions and filters will be checked against the schema (Server must have schema loaded with the get_info=ALL or get_info=SCHEMA parameter) and search result will be formatted as specified in schema.
raise_exceptions: when True LDAP operations will raise exceptions (subclasses of LDAPOperationResult) when the result is not one of the following: RESULT_SUCCESS, RESULT_COMPARE_FALSE, RESULT_COMPARE_TRUE, RESULT_REFERRAL.
pool_name: an optional identifier for the Connection pool when using a pooled connection strategy
pool_size: size of the connection pool used in a pooled connection strategy
pool_lifetime: number of seconds before recreating a new connection in a pooled connection strategy
pool_keepalive: number of seconds to wait before sending an Abandon(0) operation in an idle connection in a pooled connection strategy. Abandon(0) is an harmless LDAP operation used to not let the server closing the connection
fast_decoder: when False use the pyasn1 decoder instead of the faster internal decoder. Gives a better output in extended log
receive_timeout: set the socket in non-blocking mode - raising an exception after the specified amount of seconds if nothing is received over the wire
return_empty_attributes: when a search is performed if an attribute is empty then sets its value to an empty list, default to True
auto_range: if a server returns a fixed amount of entries in searches using the range tag (RFCs 3866) setting this value to True let the ldap3 library automatically request all entries with additional searches. The entries are returned as if a single search is performed
use_referral_cache: when True referral connections are not immediately closed, and kept in a cache should another request need to contact the same server
auto_escape: automatically applies LDAP encoding to filter values, default to True
auto_encode: automatically tries to convert from local encoding to UTF8 for well known syntaxes and types, default to True
The auto_range feature is very useful when searching Active Directory servers. When an Active Directory search returns more than 1000 entries this feature is automatically used by the server. So it can happens that your code works seamlessy until your data grow to exceed the 1000 entries limit and your code stops working properly without any apparent reason.
With the connection object you can perform all the standard LDAP operations:
bind: performs a bind to the LDAP Server with the authentication type and credential specified in the connection:
controls: additional controls to send in the request
When binding with a username from an untrusted source (as a user typing it in a terminal
or in a web page) you should perform escape_rdn(username)
to ensure that the input value doesn’t contain any illegal character. The escape_rdn() function is in the ldap3.utils.dn namespace.
unbind: disconnect and close the connection:
controls: additional controls to send in the request
compare: performs a comparison between an attribute value of an entry and an arbitrary value:
dn: distinguished name of the entry whose attribute is to compare
attribute: name of the attribute to compare
value: value to be compared
controls: additional controls to send in the request
add: add an entry to the LDAP server
dn: distinguished name of the object to add
object_class: class name of the attribute to add, can be a string containing a single value or a list of strings
attributes: a dictionary in the form {‘attr1’: ‘val1’, ‘attr2’: ‘val2’, …} (or {‘attr1’: [‘val1’, ‘val2’, …], …} for multivalued attributes)
controls: additional controls to send in the request
delete: deletes the object specified:
dn: distinguished name of the object to delete
controls: additional controls to send in the request
modify: modifies attributes of an entry:
dn: distinguished name of the object whose attributes must be modified
changes: a dictionary in the form {‘attribute1’: [(operation1, [val1, val2, …]), (operation2, [val1, val2, …]), …]}, operation is MODIFY_ADD, MODIFY_DELETE, MODIFY_REPLACE, MODIFY_INCREMENT
controls: additional controls to send in the request
modify_dn: modifies the relative distinguished name of an entry or performs a move of an entry:
dn: distinguished name of the entry whose relative name must be modified
relative_dn: new relative dn of the entry
delete_old_dn: remove the previous dn (defaults to True)
new_superior: the new container of the entry
controls: additional controls to send in the request
modify_dn is really a two-flavours operation: you can rename the last part of the dn or you move the entry in another container but you cannot perform both operations at the same time.
Search: performs a search in the LDAP database:
search_base: the base of the search request.
search_filter: the filter of the search request. It must conform to the LDAP filter syntax specified in RFC4515. If the search filter contains the following characters you must use the relevant escape ASCII sequence, as per RFC4515 (section 3): ‘*’ -> ‘\\2A’, ‘(’ -> ‘\\28’, ‘)’ -> ‘\\29’, ‘\’ -> ‘\\5C’, chr(0) -> ‘\\00’.
search_scope: specifies how broad the search context is:
BASE: retrieves attributes of the entry specified in the search_base.
LEVEL: retrieves attributes of the entries specified in the search_base. The base must reference a container object.
SUBTREE: retrieves attributes of the entries specified in the search_base and all subordinate containers downward.
dereference_aliases: specifies how the server must treat references to other entries:
DEREF_NEVER: never dereferences entries, returns alias objects instead. The alias contains the reference to the real entry.
DEREF_SEARCH: while searching subordinates of the base object, dereferences any alias within the search scope. Dereferenced objects become the bases of further search scopes where the Search operation is also applied. The server should eliminate duplicate entries that arise due to alias dereferencing while searching.
DEREF_BASE: dereferences aliases in locating the base object of the search, but not when searching subordinates of the base object.
DEREF_ALWAYS: always returns the referenced entries, not the alias object.
attributes: a single attribute or a list of attributes to be returned by the search (defaults to None). If attributes is None no attribute is returned. If attributes=ALL_ATTRIBUTES all attributes are returned, if attributes=ALL_OPERATIONAL_ATTRIBUTES all operational attributes are returned. To get both use attributes=[ALL_ATTRIBUTES, ALL_OPERATIONAL_ATTRIBUTES].
size_limit: maximum number of entries returned by the search (defaults to None). If None the whole set of found entries is returned, unless the server has a more restrictive constrai.
time_limit: number of seconds allowed for the search (defaults to None). If None the search can take an unlimited amount of time, unless the server has a more restrictive constrain.
types_only: doesn’t return attribute values.
get_operational_attributes: if True returns information attributes (managed automatically by the server) for each entry.
controls: additional controls to send in the request.
paged_size: if paged_size is greater than 0 a simple paged search is executed as described in RFC2696 (defaults to None). The search will return at most the specified number of entries.
paged_criticality: if True the search will be executed only if the server is capable of performing a simple paged search. If False and the server is not capable of performing a simple paged search a standard search will be executed.
paged_cookie: an opaque string received in a paged paged search that must be sent back while requesting subsequent entries of the search result.
Abandon: abandons the operation indicated by message_id, if possible:
message_id: id of a previously sent request
controls: additional controls to send in the request to be abandoned
Extended: performs an extended operation:
request_name: name of the extended operation
request_value: optional value sent in the request (defaults to None)
controls: additional controls to send in the request
no_encode: when True the value is passed without any encoding (defaults to False)
Additional methods defined:
start_tls: establishes a secure connection, can be executed before or after the bind operation.
do_sasl_bind: performs a SASL bind with the parameter defined in the Connection. It’s automatically executed when you call the bind operation if SASL authentication is used.
refresh_dsa_info: reads info from server as specified in the get_info parameter of the Connection object.
response_to_ldif: a method you can call to convert the response of a search to a LDIF format (ldif-content). It has the following parameters:
search_result: the result of the search to be converted (defaults to None). If None get the last response received from the Server
all_base64: converts all the value to base64 (defaults to False)
response_to_json: this method returns the entries found in a search in a string with JSON format
response_to_file: this method saves to a file the entries found in a search with JSON format. You can specify if you want the raw attributes with the raw=True parameter. Entries are saved as a list in the ‘entries’ key.
Connection attributes:
server: the active Server object used in the connection
server_pool: the ServerPool object used in the connection if available
read_only: True if the connection is in read only mode
version: the LDAP protocol version used
result: the result of the last operation
response: the response of the last operation (for example, the entries found in a search), without the result
last_error: any error occurred in the last operation (for synchronous strategies)
bound: True if bound to server else False
listening: True if the socket is listening to the server
closed: True if the socket is not open
strategy_type: the client strategy type used by the connection
strategy: the strategy instance used by the connection
authentication: the authentication type used in the connection
user: the user name for simple bind
password: password for simple bind
auto_bind: True if auto_bind is active else False
tls_started: True if the Transport Security Layer is active
usage: metrics of connection usage
lazy: connection will defer open and bind until another LDAP operation is requested
check_names: True if you want to check the attribute and object class names against the schema in filters and in add/compare/modify operations
pool_name: an optional identifier for the Connection pool when using a pooled connection strategy
pool_size: size of the connection pool used in a pooled connection strategy
pool_lifetime: number of seconds before recreating a new connection in a pooled connection strategy
Controls, if used, must be a list of tuples. Each tuple must have 3 elements: the control OID, a boolean to specify if the control is critical, and a value. If the boolean is set to True the server must honorate the control or refuse the operation. Mixing controls must be defined in controls specification (as per RFC4511). controlValue is optional, set it to None to not send any value.
Each operation has a result stored as a dictionary in the connection.result attribute. You can check the result value to know if the operation has been sucessful. The dictionary has the following field:
result: the numeric result code of the operation as specified in RFC4511
description: extended description of the result code, as specified in RFC4511
message: a diagnostic message sent by the server (optional)
dn: a distinguish name of an entry related to the request (optional)
referrals: a list of referrals where the operation can be continued (optional)
Responses are received and stored in the connection.response as a list of dictionaries. You can get the search result entries of a Search operation iterating over the response attribute. Each entry is a dictionary with the following field:
dn: the distinguished name of the entry
attributes: a dictionary of returned attributes and their values. Values are in UTF-8 format. If the Connection is aware of the server schema, values are properly stored: directly for single-valued attributes and as a list for multi-valued attributes. A multi-valued attribute with a single value is always stored as a list. If the server schema is unkwown all values are stored as a list.
raw_attributes: the unencoded values, always stores as a list of bytearray regardless of the schema definition.
Checked Attributes
The checked attributes feature checks the LDAP syntax of the attributes defined in schema and returns a properly formatted entry value while performing searches. This means that if, for example, you have an attributes specified as GUID in the server schema you will get the properly formatted GUID value (‘012381d3-3b1c-904f-b29a-012381d33b1c’) in the connection.response[0][‘attributes’] key dictionary instead of a sequence of bytes. Or if you request an attribute defined as an Integer in the schema you will get the value already converted to int. Furthermore for attributes defined single valued in the schema you will get the value instead of a list containing only one value. To activate this feature you must set the get_info parameter to SCHEMA or ALL when defining the server object and the check_names attributes to True in the Connection object (the default).
There are some standard formatters defined in the library, most of them are defined in the relevants RFCs:
format_unicode # returns an unicode object in Python 2 and a string in Python 3
format_integer # returns an integer
format_binary # returns a bytes() sequence
format_uuid # returns a GUID (UUID) as specified in RFC 4122 - byte order is big endian
format_uuid_le # same as above but byte order is little endian
format_boolean # returns a boolean
format_time # returns a datetime object (with properly defined timezone, or UTC if timezone is not specified) as defined in RFC 4517
You can even define your custom formatter for specific purposes. Just pass a dictionary in the format {‘identifier’: callable} in the ‘formatter’ parameter of the Server object. The callable must be able to receive a bytes value and convert it to the relevant object or class instance.
Custom formatters have precedence over standard formatter. In each category (from highest to lowest) the resolution order is:
attribute name
attribute oid (from schema)
attribute names (from oid_info)
attribute syntax (from schema)
If a suitable formatter is not found the value will be rendered as bytes.