Advanced User Guide for Personal Modulefiles

This advanced guide is for users wishing to create modulefiles for their own software. The reasons are simple:

  1. Install newer version of open sources software than is currently available.

  2. Easily change version of applications or libraries under their own development.

  3. Better documentation for what software is available.

You can create new version of some software and place it in your personal PATH and forget about it. At least when it is in a module, it will be listed in the loaded modules it will also appear in the list of available software via module avail

User Created Modules

Users can create their own modules. The first step is to add to the module path:

$ module use /path/to/personal/modulefiles

This will prepend /path/to/personal/modulefiles to the MODULEPATH environment variable. This means that any modulefiles defined here will be used instead of the system modules.

Suppose that the user creates a directory called $HOME/modulefiles and he wants a personal copy of the “git” package and he does the usual “tar, configure, make, make install” steps:

$ wget
$ tar xf git-2.6.2.tar.gz
$ cd git-2.6.2
$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/pkg/git/2.6.2
$ make
$ make install

This document has assumed that 2.6.2 is the current version of git, it will need to be replaced with the current version. To create a modulefile for git one does:

$ cd ~/modulefiles
$ mkdir git
$ cd git
$ cat > 2.6.2.lua
local home    = os.getenv("HOME")
local version = myModuleVersion()
local pkgName = myModuleName()
local pkg     = pathJoin(home,"pkg",pkgName,version,"bin")
prepend_path("PATH", pkg)

Starting first from the name: git/2.6.2.lua, modulefiles with the .lua extension are assumed to be written in lua and files without are assumed to be written in TCL. This modulefile for git adds ~/pkg/git/2.6.2/bin to the user’s path so that the personal version of git can be found. Note that the use of the functions myModuleName() and myModuleVersion() allows the module to be generic and not hard-wired to a particular module file. We have used the cat command to quickly create this lua modulefile. Obviously, this file can easily created by your favorite editor (emacs, vi, nano, …).

Starting first from the name: git/2.6.2.lua, Modulefiles with the .lua extension are assumed to be written in lua and files without are assumed to be written in TCL.

The first line reads the user’s HOME directory from the environment. The second line uses the “pathJoin” function provided from Lmod. It joins strings together with the appropriate number of “/”. The last line calls the “prepend_path” function to add the path to git to the user’s path.

Finally the user can do:

$ module use $HOME/modulefiles
$ module load git
$ type git

For git to be available on future logins, users need to add the following to their startup scripts or a saved collection.

$ module use $HOME/modulefiles
$ module load git

The modulefiles can be stored in different directories. There is an environment variable MODULEPATH which controls that. Modulefiles that are listed in an earlier directory are found before ones in later directories. This is similar to command searching in the PATH variable. There can be several versions of a command. The first one found in the PATH is used.

Finding Modules With Same Name

Suppose the user has created a “git” module to provide the latest available. At a later date, the system administrators add a newer version of “git”

$ module avail git
--------------- /home/user/modulefiles ----------------

--------------- /opt/apps/modulefiles ----------------
git/1.7.4   git/2.0.1   git/3.5.4 (D)

$ module load git

The load command will load git/3.5.4 because it is the highest version.

If a user wishes to make their own version of git the default module, they will have to mark it as a default. Marking a module as a default is discussed in section Marked a Version as Default