The Properties File: lmodrc.luaΒΆ

This discussion is under construction.


  1. The system lmodrc.lua is in init/lmodrc.lua.

  2. It is copied to the init directory in the installation directory.

  3. During the install process this file is modified to include the location of the system spider cache.

  4. Need to explain how the lmodrc table works.

  5. Point out that sites (and users) can add properties

  6. Explain how the validT and displayT entries work together.

  7. Explain how short, long, color, and doc are used.

  8. Explain that long is not used at the moment.

Show how module files can be marked:

propT = {
   state = {
      validT = { experimental = 1, testing = 1, obsolete = 1 },
      displayT = {
         experimental  = { short = "(E)",  long = "(E)",     color = "blue",  doc = "Experimental", },
         testing       = { short = "(T)",  long = "(T)",     color = "green", doc = "Testing", },
         obsolete      = { short = "(O)",  long = "(O)",     color = "red",   doc = "Obsolete", },