Debugging Modulefiles

Most modulefiles are simple combination of a help() message, a couple of setenv() and a prepend_path() or two and don’t require much in the way of debugging. However modulefiles are a program and might need debugging.

Using module show to check a modulefile

You can check how Lmod will evaluate a module file by using module show. Lmod evaluates a modulefile and prints out the module commands. If the modulefile is syntactically then module show will report the module commands such as setenv() and prepend_path() etc.

Note that if the originally modulefile is written in TCL, the output will be in Lua.

TCL modulefiles

As was discuss in How does Lmod convert TCL modulefile into Lua, Lmod converts TCL modulefiles into a lua modulefile by executing normal tcl commands and translates TCL module commands into lua functions. To see what Lmod does with your TCL modulefile, you can run tcl2lua.tcl to see the translation:

$ $LMOD_DIR/tcl2lua.tcl <path_to_modulefile>

For example, suppose you have a TCL modulefile in ~/my_modules/foo/1.0:


global env
set home $env(HOME)
set pkg "$home/foo"
prepend-path PATH $pkg/bin
setenv FOO_DIR $pkg

Then running the command produces:

$ $LMOD_DIR/tcl2lua.tcl ~/my_modules/foo/1.0


Lua Modulefiles

It is important to remember that Lmod uses a two part process to change the your environment. The lmod program produces text that is appropriate for the shell choice: bash commands for bash shell; csh commands for C-shell and so on. Then that text is evaluated by the shell to change your environment.

We can take advantage of this two part process to debug modulefiles by getting Lmod to produce the commands but not evaluate them. So starting with a simple lua modulefile called ~/my_modules/foo/1.0.lua:

local home = os.getenv("HOME")
local pkg  = pathJoin(home,"foo")
io.stderr:write("home: ",home,"\n")
io.stderr:write("pkg:  ",pkg,"\n")


You can see that the above modulefile two extra print debugging statements that you’ll want to remove after debugging. Running the Lmod command produces:

$ module use ~/my_modules
$ $LMOD_CMD bash load foo/1.0

home: /home/user
pkg:  /home/user/foo
export FOO;
export PATH;

Actually the lmod command will produce much more text. It contains other environment variables such as:

export __LMFILES__;
export PATH;
export _ModuleTable001_;
export _ModuleTable_Sz_;

LOADEDMODULES and __LMFILES__ are the list of modules loaded and their locations. These variables is made available to be compatible with Tmod and can be used by modulefiles. Variables like __LMOD_REF_COUNT_PATH are used to support reference counting for path like variables. Finally, Lmod uses a lua table called the _ModuleTable_ which contains the information used between Lmod invocations. This table is base64 encoded and split into 256 character blocks and stored in $_ModuleTable001, $_ModuleTable002, ...