Version 3 is now the current version of MathJax. This document is for version 2.
MathJax Documentation
MathJax is an open-source JavaScript display engine for LaTeX, MathML, and AsciiMath notation that works in all modern browsers.
Basic Usage
Configuration options
Advanced topics
The MathJax API
Upgrading MathJax
- Upgrading MathJax
- What's New in MathJax v2.7
- What's New in MathJax v2.6
- What's New in MathJax v2.5
- What's New in MathJax v2.4
- What's New in MathJax v2.3
- What's New in MathJax v2.2
- What's New in MathJax v2.1
- What's New in MathJax v2.0
- What's New in MathJax v1.1
- Migrating from MathJax v1.0 to v1.1
- Converting to MathJax from jsMath
Reference Pages
This version of the documentation was built Dec 10, 2023.