Legacy Assistive Support in v2

Interactions between screen readers and MathJax are delicate and vary from browser to broswer, operating system to operating system, and screen reader to screen reader. The following information was gathered over time for version 2 of MathJax and various broser/operating-system/screen-reader combinations. The information is several years old, and my no longer be completely accurate, as features in browsers and screen readers change regularly. Because this inforamtion changes regularly with updates to browsers and screen readers, we are unable to maintin a table like this for version 3.

Support Matrix (AssistiveMML.js)

Below is a summary of results for MathML enabled screenreaders and the legacy AssistiveMML extension, based on tests as well as user reports.

Screenreader Browser OS Usable? Bugs
ChromeVox Chrome any +1 no bugs
NVDA any WinXP DNA MathPlayer 4 does not support WinXP
NVDA Chrome any DNA Chrome issues prevent MathML support by NVDA
NVDA Firefox Win7 +1 no bugs
NVDA Firefox Win8.1 +1 no bugs
NVDA Firefox Win10 +1 no bugs
NVDA MS Edge Win10 DNA Edge issues prevent MathML support by NVDA
NVDA IE11 Win8.1 +1 no bugs
NVDA IE10 Win7 +1 no bugs
NVDA IE9 Win7 +1 no bugs
JAWS any WinXP DNA JAWS 15 was the last version to support Windows XP but MathML support in JAWS starts with JAWS 16
JAWS Chrome any DNA JAWS only supports IE and Firefox
JAWS Firefox Win8.1 +1 no bugs
JAWS Firefox Win7 +1 no bugs
JAWS Firefox Win10 +1 no bugs
JAWS MS Edge Win10 DNA JAWS only supports IE and Firefox
JAWS IE11 Win8.1 +1 no bugs
JAWS IE10 Win7 +1 no bugs
JAWS IE9 Win7 +1 no bugs
VoiceOver Safari OSX +1 see notes below
VoiceOver Chrome OSX DNA Chrome and VoiceOver issues prevent MathML support in this combination.
VoiceOver Firefox OSX DNA Chrome and Firefox issues prevent MathML support in this combination.
Orca Firefox Ubuntu 15.10 +1 no bugs
Orca Web Ubuntu 15.10 DNA Chrome issues prevent MathML support by ORCA
Orca Chrome(ium) Ubuntu 15.10 DNA Chrome issues prevent MathML support by ORCA

Notes on Apple VoiceOver

  • VoiceOver on OSX

    • Safari. The visually-hidden MathML is read out and gets an outline. Visual rendering is ignored correctly. VoiceOver somtimes drops parts of the equation due to its partial MathML support.

    • Chrome. The visually-hidden MathML is detected but VoiceOver does not read it correctly (only e.g., “4 items detected; math”; this seems like a VO bug); an outline is added. Visual rendering is ignored correctly.

    • Firefox. The visually-hidden MathML is only read as a string of contained characters; an outline is added. Visual rendering is ignored correctly.

  • VoiceOver on iOS

    • The “slide two fingers from top to read screen” method will read the visually-hidden MathML. Visual rendering is ignored correctly.

    • Manual exploration.

      • Exploration by swiping left/right will read the visually-hidden MathML. Visual rendering is ignored correctly.

      • Tapping on an equation does not work due to the visually-hidden MathML being placed in a 1px box.

Notes on MathPlayer 4 and Internet Explorer 11

Design Science suggests that you always use IE’s Enterprise mode for MathPlayer in IE11, see their documentation. However, it seems that this is only required for MathPlayer’s visual rendering to work and this additionally requires the MathPlayer BrowserHelperAddon to be active in IE.

Unfortunately, the MathPlayer BrowserHelperAddon can lead to crashes. E.g., if you switch MathJax’s output to the NativeMML output, MathPlayer will crash IE11; you’ll have to clear the MathJax cookie to reset things. Also, in a plain MathML sample (without MathJax), clicking on the MathPlayer rendering will crash IE11.

Using IE’s Enterprise mode should work with NVDA and the AssistiveMML extension but they don’t seem to work with NVDA and plain MathML pages.

We suggest you do not switch on IE’s Enterprise mode on pages using MathJax and we also have to strongly suggest that you not use the BrowserHelperAddon with MathJax on IE11.