The ams extension implements AMS math environments and macros, and
macros for accessing the characters in the AMS symbol fonts. This
extension is already loaded in all the components that include
the TeX input jax, other than input/tex-base
. See the list
of control sequences for details about what commands
are implemented in this extension.
To load the ams extension explicitly (when using
for example), add '[tex]/ams'
to the
array of the loader
block of your MathJax configuration,
and add 'ams'
to the packages
array of the tex
window.MathJax = {
loader: {load: ['[tex]/ams']},
tex: {packages: {'[+]': ['ams']}}
Alternatively, use \require{ams}
in a TeX expression to load it
dynamically from within the math on the page, if the require
extension is loaded.
Since the ams extension is included in the combined components that contain the TeX input jax, it will already be in the package list. In that case, if you want to disable it, you can remove it:
window.MathJax = {
tex: {packages: {'[-]': ['ams']}}
ams Options
Adding the ams extension to the packages
array defines an
sub-block of the tex
configuration block with the
following values:
MathJax = {
tex: {
ams: {
multlineWidth: '100%',
multlineIndent: '1em'
- multlineWidth: '100%'
The width to use for multline environments.
- multlineIndent: '1em'
The margin to use on both sides of multline environments.
The mutlineWidth
option used to be in the main tex
but as of version 3.2, it is now in the ams
sub-block of the
block. Version 3.2 includes code to move the configuration
from its old location to its new one, but that
backward-compatibility code will be removed in a future version.
ams Commands
The ams extension implements the following macros:
, \backepsilon
, \backprime
, \backsim
, \backsimeq
, \barwedge
, \Bbbk
, \because
, \beth
, \between
, \bigstar
, \binom
, \blacklozenge
, \blacksquare
, \blacktriangle
, \blacktriangledown
, \blacktriangleleft
, \blacktriangleright
, \Box
, \boxdot
, \boxed
, \boxminus
, \boxplus
, \boxtimes
, \bumpeq
, \Bumpeq
, \Cap
, \centerdot
, \cfrac
, \checkmark
, \circeq
, \circlearrowleft
, \circlearrowright
, \circledast
, \circledcirc
, \circleddash
, \circledR
, \circledS
, \complement
, \Cup
, \curlyeqprec
, \curlyeqsucc
, \curlyvee
, \curlywedge
, \curvearrowleft
, \curvearrowright
, \daleth
, \dashleftarrow
, \dashrightarrow
, \dbinom
, \ddddot
, \dddot
, \DeclareMathOperator
, \dfrac
, \diagdown
, \diagup
, \Diamond
, \digamma
, \divideontimes
, \Doteq
, \doteqdot
, \dotplus
, \doublebarwedge
, \doublecap
, \doublecup
, \downdownarrows
, \downharpoonleft
, \downharpoonright
, \eqcirc
, \eqref
, \eqsim
, \eqslantgtr
, \eqslantless
, \eth
, \fallingdotseq
, \Finv
, \frac
, \Game
, \genfrac
, \geqq
, \geqslant
, \ggg
, \gggtr
, \gimel
, \gnapprox
, \gneq
, \gneqq
, \gnsim
, \gtrapprox
, \gtrdot
, \gtreqless
, \gtreqqless
, \gtrless
, \gtrsim
, \gvertneqq
, \hslash
, \idotsint
, \iiiint
, \impliedby
, \implies
, \injlim
, \intercal
, \Join
, \leadsto
, \leftarrowtail
, \leftleftarrows
, \leftrightarrows
, \leftrightharpoons
, \leftrightsquigarrow
, \leftthreetimes
, \leqq
, \leqslant
, \lessapprox
, \lessdot
, \lesseqgtr
, \lesseqqgtr
, \lessgtr
, \lesssim
, \lhd
, \llcorner
, \Lleftarrow
, \lll
, \llless
, \lnapprox
, \lneq
, \lneqq
, \lnsim
, \looparrowleft
, \looparrowright
, \lozenge
, \lrcorner
, \Lsh
, \ltimes
, \lvert
, \lVert
, \lvertneqq
, \maltese
, \mathring
, \measuredangle
, \mho
, \multimap
, \ncong
, \negmedspace
, \negthickspace
, \nexists
, \ngeq
, \ngeqq
, \ngeqslant
, \ngtr
, \nleftarrow
, \nLeftarrow
, \nleftrightarrow
, \nLeftrightarrow
, \nleq
, \nleqq
, \nleqslant
, \nless
, \nmid
, \nobreakspace
, \notag
, \nparallel
, \nprec
, \npreceq
, \nrightarrow
, \nRightarrow
, \nshortmid
, \nshortparallel
, \nsim
, \nsubseteq
, \nsubseteqq
, \nsucc
, \nsucceq
, \nsupseteq
, \nsupseteqq
, \ntriangleleft
, \ntrianglelefteq
, \ntriangleright
, \ntrianglerighteq
, \nvdash
, \nvDash
, \nVdash
, \nVDash
, \operatorname
, \pitchfork
, \precapprox
, \preccurlyeq
, \precnapprox
, \precneqq
, \precnsim
, \precsim
, \projlim
, \restriction
, \rhd
, \rightarrowtail
, \rightleftarrows
, \rightleftharpoons
, \rightrightarrows
, \rightsquigarrow
, \rightthreetimes
, \risingdotseq
, \Rrightarrow
, \Rsh
, \rtimes
, \rvert
, \rVert
, \shortmid
, \shortparallel
, \shoveleft
, \shoveright
, \sideset
, \SkipLimits
, \smallfrown
, \smallsetminus
, \smallsmile
, \sphericalangle
, \sqsubset
, \sqsupset
, \square
, \Subset
, \subseteqq
, \subsetneq
, \subsetneqq
, \substack
, \succapprox
, \succcurlyeq
, \succnapprox
, \succneqq
, \succnsim
, \succsim
, \Supset
, \supseteqq
, \supsetneq
, \supsetneqq
, \tag
, \tbinom
, \tfrac
, \therefore
, \thickapprox
, \thicksim
, \triangledown
, \trianglelefteq
, \triangleq
, \trianglerighteq
, \twoheadleftarrow
, \twoheadrightarrow
, \ulcorner
, \unlhd
, \unrhd
, \upharpoonleft
, \upharpoonright
, \upuparrows
, \urcorner
, \varDelta
, \varGamma
, \varinjlim
, \varkappa
, \varLambda
, \varliminf
, \varlimsup
, \varnothing
, \varOmega
, \varPhi
, \varPi
, \varprojlim
, \varpropto
, \varPsi
, \varSigma
, \varsubsetneq
, \varsubsetneqq
, \varsupsetneq
, \varsupsetneqq
, \varTheta
, \vartriangle
, \vartriangleleft
, \vartriangleright
, \varUpsilon
, \varXi
, \vDash
, \Vdash
, \veebar
, \Vvdash
, \xleftarrow
, \xrightarrow
, \yen
And the following environments:
, align
, alignat*
, alignat
, aligned
, alignedat
, bmatrix
, Bmatrix
, cases
, eqnarray*
, gather*
, gather
, gathered
, matrix
, multline*
, multline
, pmatrix
, smallmatrix
, split
, subarray
, vmatrix
, Vmatrix