
The autoload extension predefines all the macros from the extensions that haven’t been loaded already so that they automatically load the needed extension when they are first used, with the exception of the physics package, since it redefines standard macros, and the ams package, due to the large number of macros it contains.

The autoload extension is loaded in all the components that include the TeX input jax, other than input/tex-base. That means that the TeX input jax essentially has access to all the extensions, even if they aren’t loaded initially, and you should never have to use \require or load other extensions (except physics) explicitly unless you want to.

You can control which extensions autoload will load using the autoload object in the tex block of your MathJax configuration. This object contains key: value pairs where the key is the name of an extension, and value is an array listing the macro names that cause that extension to be loaded. If environments can also cause the extension to be loaded, value is an array consisting of two sub-arrays, the first being the names of the macros that cause the extension to autoload, and the second being the names of the environments that cause the extension to be loaded.

For example,

window.MathJax = {
  tex: {
    autoload: {
      verb: ['verb']

says that the \verb command should load the verb extension when it is first used.

If the array is empty, then that extension will not be loaded, so to prevent autoload from loading an extension, assign it the empty array. E.g.,

window.MathJax = {
  tex: {
    autoload: {
      verb: []

says that the verb extension will not be autoloaded.


The autoload extension defines \color to be the one from the color extension (the LaTeX-compatible one rather than the non-standard MathJax version). If you wish to use the non-standard version-2 \color macro from the colorv2 extension instead, use the following:

window.MathJax = {
  tex: {
    autoload: {
      color: [],
      colorv2: ['color']

This extension is already loaded in all the components that include the TeX input jax, other than input/tex-base. To load the autoload extension explicitly (when using input/tex-base for example), add '[tex]/autoload' to the load array of the loader block of your MathJax configuration, and add 'autoload' to the packages array of the tex block.

window.MathJax = {
  loader: {load: ['[tex]/autoload']},
  tex: {packages: {'[+]': ['autoload']}}

Since the autoload extension is included in the combined components that contain the TeX input jax, it will already be in the package list. In that case, if you want to disable it, you can remove it:

window.MathJax = {
  tex: {packages: {'[-]': ['autload']}}

autoload Options

Adding the autoload extension to the packages array defines an autoload sub-block to the tex configuration block. This block contains key: value pairs where the key is a TeX package name, and the value is an array of macros that cause that package to be loaded, or an array consisting of two arrays, the first giving names of macros and the second names of environments; the first time any of them are used, the extension will be loaded automatically.

The default autoload definitions are the following:

MathJax = {
  tex: {
    autoload: expandable({
      action: ['toggle', 'mathtip', 'texttip'],
      amscd: [[], ['CD']],
      bbox: ['bbox'],
      boldsymbol: ['boldsymbol'],
      braket: ['bra', 'ket', 'braket', 'set', 'Bra', 'Ket', 'Braket', 'Set', 'ketbra', 'Ketbra'],
      cancel: ['cancel', 'bcancel', 'xcancel', 'cancelto'],
      color: ['color', 'definecolor', 'textcolor', 'colorbox', 'fcolorbox'],
      enclose: ['enclose'],
      extpfeil: ['xtwoheadrightarrow', 'xtwoheadleftarrow', 'xmapsto',
                 'xlongequal', 'xtofrom', 'Newextarrow'],
      html: ['data', 'href', 'class', 'style', 'cssId'],
      mhchem: ['ce', 'pu'],
      newcommand: ['newcommand', 'renewcommand', 'newenvironment', 'renewenvironment', 'def', 'let'],
      unicode: ['unicode'],
      verb: ['verb']

To prevent an extension from autoloading, set its value to an empty array. E.g., to not autoload the color extension, use

MathJax = {
  tex: {
    autoload: expandable({
      color: []

If you define your own extensions, and they have a prefix other than [tex], then include that in the extension name. For instance,

MathJax = {
  tex: {
    autoload: expandable({
      '[extensions]/myExtension' : ['myMacro', 'myOtherMacro']

See the Loader Options section for details about how to define your own prefixes, like the [extensions] prefix used here.