
The unicode extension implements a (non-standard) \unicode{} macro that allows arbitrary unicode code points to be entered in your mathematics. You can specify the height and depth of the character (the width is determined by the browser), and the default font from which to take the character.


\unicode{65}                        % the character 'A'
\unicode{x41}                       % the character 'A'
\unicode[.55,0.05]{x22D6}           % less-than with dot, with height .55em and depth 0.05em
\unicode[.55,0.05][Geramond]{x22D6} % same taken from Geramond font
\unicode[Garamond]{x22D6}           % same, but with default height, depth of .8em,.2em

Once a size and font are provided for a given unicode point, they need not be specified again in subsequent \unicode{} calls for that character.

The result of \unicode{...} will have TeX class ORD (i.e., it will act like a variable). Use \mathbin{...}, \mathrel{...}, etc., to specify a different class.

Note that a font list can be given in the \unicode{} macro. If not is provided, MathJax will use its own fonts, if possible, and then the default font list for unknown characters if not.


In version 2, you could configure the default font to be used for \unicode characters if one wasn’t given explicitly. This has not been implemented in version 3.

This extension is loaded automatically when the autoload extension is used. To load the unicode extension explicitly, add '[tex]/unicode' to the load array of the loader block of your MathJax configuration, and add 'unicode' to the packages array of the tex block.

window.MathJax = {
  loader: {load: ['[tex]/unicode']},
  tex: {packages: {'[+]': ['unicode']}}

Alternatively, use \require{unicode} in a TeX expression to load it dynamically from within the math on the page, if the require extension is loaded.

unicode Commands

The unicode extension implements the following macros: \unicode