MathJax Badges
We are proud of the work we have done on MathJax, and we hope you are proud to use it. If you would like to show your support for the MathJax project, please consider including one of our “Powered by MathJax” web badges on your pages that use it.
The MathJax Badges
Thanks to our friends at OER Glue for designing the last two badges.
The MathJax Logo
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<a href=""> <img title="Powered by MathJax" src="" border="0" alt="Powered by MathJax" /> </a> |
Alternative versions
While we do not allow the modification of the badges or the logo, we are open to requests for different versions.
An SVG version of the square badge is available.
Smaller versions of the main logo are available
We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of excellence for MathJax, and part of that is avoiding confusion and misleading impressions; therefore, if you do use our badge or logo, we ask that you observe these simple rules (for the fine print, see below):
Things You Can Do
Use the MathJax Logo or Badges in marketing, and other publicity materials related to MathJax.
Distribute unchanged MathJax products (code, development tools, documentation) as long as you distribute them without charge.
Describe your own software as “based on MathJax technology”, or “incorporating MathJax source code” if your software includes modified MathJax products.
Link to MathJax’s website(s) by using the logos and badges we provide.
Use MathJax’s word marks in describing and advertising your services or products relating to a MathJax product, so long as you don’t do anything that might mislead customers. For example, it’s OK if your website says, “Customization services for MathJax available here”.
Make t-shirts, desktop wallpaper, or baseball caps though only for yourself and your friends (meaning people from whom you don’t receive anything of value in return).
Things You Cannot Do
Alter our logo or badges in any way.
Use our logo or badge online without including the link to the MathJax home page.
Place our logo or badges in such close proximity to other content that it is indistinguishable.
Make our logo or badges the most distinctive or prominent feature on your website, printed material or other content.
Use our logo or badges in a way that suggests any type of association or partnership with MathJax or approval, sponsorship or endorsement by MathJax (unless allowed via a license from us).
Use our logo or badges in a way that is harmful, deceptive, obscene or otherwise objectionable to the average person.
Use our logo or badges on websites or other places containing content associated with hate speech, pornography, gambling or illegal activities.
Use our logo or badges in, or in connection with, content that disparages us or sullies our reputation.
And now the fine print:
The words and logotype “MathJax,” the MathJax badges, and any combination of the foregoing, whether integrated into a larger whole or standing alone, are MathJax’s trademarks. You are authorized to use our trademarks under the terms and conditions above, and only on the further condition that you download the trademarks directly from our website. MathJax retains full, unfettered, and sole discretion to revoke this trademark license for any reason whatsoever or for no specified reason.