Uploading Media

To use any the APIs mentioned in this document you will required Authentication

Uploading and posting an media requiest you to make two to three requests:

  1. Uploads the data to the server

  2. Post media to feed

  3. Update media to have title, description, license, etc. (optional)

These steps could be condenced in the future however currently this is how the pump.io API works. There is currently an issue open, if you would like to change how this works please contribute upstream: https://github.com/e14n/pump.io/issues/657

Upload Media to Server

To upload media you should use the URI /api/user/<username>/uploads.

A POST request should be made to the media upload URI submitting at least two header:

  • Content-Type - This being a valid mimetype for the media.

  • Content-Length - size in bytes of the media.

The media data should be submitted as POST data to the image upload URI. You will get back a JSON encoded response which will look similiar to:

    "updated": "2014-01-11T09:45:48Z",
    "links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "https://<server>/image/4wiBUV1HT8GRqseyvX8m-w"
    "fullImage": {
        "url": "https://<server>//uploads/<username>/2014/1/11/V3cBMw.jpg",
        "width": 505,
        "height": 600
    "replies": {
        "url": "https://<server>//api/image/4wiBUV1HT8GRqseyvX8m-w/replies"
    "image": {
        "url": "https://<server>/uploads/<username>/2014/1/11/V3cBMw_thumb.jpg",
        "width": 269,
        "height": 320
    "author": {
        "preferredUsername": "<username>",
        "displayName": "<username>",
        "links": {
            "activity-outbox": {
                "href": "https://<server>/api/user/<username>/feed"
            "self": {
                "href": "https://<server>/api/user/<username>/profile"
            "activity-inbox": {
                "href": "https://<server>/api/user/<username>/inbox"
        "url": "https://<server>/<username>",
        "updated": "2013-08-14T10:01:21Z",
        "id": "acct:<username>@<server>",
        "objectType": "person"
    "url": "https://<server>/<username>/image/4wiBUV1HT8GRqseyvX8m-w",
    "published": "2014-01-11T09:45:48Z",
    "id": "https://<server>/api/image/4wiBUV1HT8GRqseyvX8m-w",
    "objectType": "image"

The main things in this response is fullImage which contains url (the URL of the original image - i.e. fullsize) and image which contains url (the URL of a thumbnail version).


Media which have been uploaded but not submitted to a feed will periodically be deleted.

Submit to feed

This is submitting the media to appear on the website. This will create an object in your feed which will then appear on the GNU MediaGoblin website so the user and others can view and interact with the media.

The URL you need to POST to is /api/user/<username>/feed

You first should do a post to the feed URI with some of the information you got back from the above request (which uploaded the media). The request should look something like:

    "verb": "post",
    "object": {
        "id": "https://<server>/api/image/6_K9m-2NQFi37je845c83w",
        "objectType": "image"


Any other data submitted will be ignored

Submitting Metadata

Finally if you wish to set a title, description and license you will need to do and update request to the endpoint, the following attributes can be submitted:





This is the title for the media



This is the description for the media



This is the license to be used



license attribute is mediagoblin specific, pump.io does not support this attribute

The update request should look something similiar to:

    "verb": "update",
    "object": {
        "displayName": "My super awesome image!",
        "content": "The awesome image I took while backpacking to modor",
        "license": "creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/",
        "id": "https://<server>/api/image/6_K9m-2NQFi37je845c83w",
        "objectType": "image"


Any other data submitted will be ignored.