Auxiliary surface compression

Most lossless image compression on Intel hardware, be that CCS, MCS, or HiZ, works by way of some chunk of auxiliary data (often a surface) which is used together with the main surface to provide compression. Even though this means more memory is allocated, the scheme allows us to reduce our over-all memory bandwidth since the auxiliary data is much smaller than the main surface.

The simplest example of this is single-sample fast clears (isl_aux_usage::ISL_AUX_USAGE_CCS_D) on Ivy Bridge through Broadwell and later. For this scheme, the auxiliary surface stores a single bit for each cache-line-pair in the main surface. If that bit is set, then the entire cache line pair contains only the clear color as provided in the RENDER_SURFACE_STATE for the image. If the bit is unset, then it’s not clear and you should look at the main surface. Since a cache line is 64B, this yields a scale-down factor of 1:1024.

Even the simple fast-clear scheme saves us bandwidth in two places. The first is when we go to clear the surface. If we’re doing a full-surface clear or clearing to the same color that was used to clear before, we don’t have to touch the main surface at all. All we have to do is record the clear color and smash the aux data to 0xff. The hardware then knows to ignore whatever is in the main surface and look at the clear color instead. The second is when we go to render. Say we’re doing some color blending. Instead of the blend unit having to read back actual surface contents to blend with, it looks at the clear bit and blends with the clear color recorded with the surface state instead. Depending on the geometry and cache utilization, this can save as much as one whole read of the surface worth of bandwidth.

The difficulty with a scheme like this comes when we want to do something else with that surface. What happens if the sampler doesn’t support this fast-clear scheme (it doesn’t on IVB)? In that case, we have to do a resolve where we run a special pipeline that reads the auxiliary data and applies it to the main surface. In the case of fast clears, this means that, for every 1 bit in the auxiliary surface, the corresponding pair of cache lines in the main surface gets filled with the clear color. At the end of the resolve operation, the main surface contents are the actual contents of the surface.

Types of surface compression

Intel hardware has several different compression schemes that all work along similar lines:


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Creating auxiliary surfaces

Each type of data compression requires some type of auxiliary data on the side. For most, this involves a second auxiliary surface. ISL provides helpers for creating each of these types of surfaces:


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Compression state tracking

All of the Intel auxiliary surface compression schemes share a common concept of a main surface which may or may not contain correct up-to-date data and some auxiliary data which says how to interpret it. The main surface is divided into blocks of some fixed size and some smaller block in the auxiliary data controls how that main surface block is to be interpreted. We then have to do resolves depending on the different HW units which need to interact with a given surface.

To help drivers keep track of what all is going on and when resolves need to be inserted, ISL provides a finite state machine which tracks the current state of the main surface and auxiliary data and their relationship to each other. The states are encoded with the isl_aux_state enum. ISL also provides helper functions for operating the state machine and determining what aux op (if any) is required to get to the right state for a given operation.


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