Source code for mmaction.datasets.transforms.loading
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import copy as cp
import io
import os
import os.path as osp
import shutil
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
import mmcv
import numpy as np
import torch
from mmcv.transforms import BaseTransform
from mmengine.fileio import FileClient
from mmaction.registry import TRANSFORMS
from mmaction.utils import get_random_string, get_shm_dir, get_thread_id
class LoadRGBFromFile(BaseTransform):
"""Load a RGB image from file.
Required Keys:
- img_path
Modified Keys:
- img
- img_shape
- ori_shape
to_float32 (bool): Whether to convert the loaded image to a float32
numpy array. If set to False, the loaded image is an uint8 array.
Defaults to False.
color_type (str): The flag argument for :func:``mmcv.imfrombytes``.
Defaults to 'color'.
imdecode_backend (str): The image decoding backend type. The backend
argument for :func:``mmcv.imfrombytes``.
See :func:``mmcv.imfrombytes`` for details.
Defaults to 'cv2'.
io_backend (str): io backend where frames are store.
Default: 'disk'.
ignore_empty (bool): Whether to allow loading empty image or file path
not existent. Defaults to False.
kwargs (dict): Args for file client.
def __init__(self,
to_float32: bool = False,
color_type: str = 'color',
imdecode_backend: str = 'cv2',
io_backend: str = 'disk',
ignore_empty: bool = False,
**kwargs) -> None:
self.ignore_empty = ignore_empty
self.to_float32 = to_float32
self.color_type = color_type
self.imdecode_backend = imdecode_backend
self.file_client = FileClient(io_backend, **kwargs)
self.io_backend = io_backend
[docs] def transform(self, results: dict) -> dict:
"""Functions to load image.
results (dict): Result dict from :obj:``mmcv.BaseDataset``.
dict: The dict contains loaded image and meta information.
filename = results['img_path']
img_bytes = self.file_client.get(filename)
img = mmcv.imfrombytes(
except Exception as e:
if self.ignore_empty:
return None
raise e
if self.to_float32:
img = img.astype(np.float32)
results['img'] = img
results['img_shape'] = img.shape[:2]
results['ori_shape'] = img.shape[:2]
return results
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = (f'{self.__class__.__name__}('
f'ignore_empty={self.ignore_empty}, '
f'to_float32={self.to_float32}, '
f"color_type='{self.color_type}', "
f"imdecode_backend='{self.imdecode_backend}', "
return repr_str
class LoadHVULabel(BaseTransform):
"""Convert the HVU label from dictionaries to torch tensors.
Required keys are "label", "categories", "category_nums", added or modified
keys are "label", "mask" and "category_mask".
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.hvu_initialized = False
self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def init_hvu_info(self, categories, category_nums):
"""Initialize hvu information."""
assert len(categories) == len(category_nums)
self.categories = categories
self.category_nums = category_nums
self.num_categories = len(self.categories)
self.num_tags = sum(self.category_nums)
self.category2num = dict(zip(categories, category_nums))
self.start_idx = [0]
for i in range(self.num_categories - 1):
self.start_idx.append(self.start_idx[-1] + self.category_nums[i])
self.category2startidx = dict(zip(categories, self.start_idx))
self.hvu_initialized = True
[docs] def transform(self, results):
"""Convert the label dictionary to 3 tensors: "label", "mask" and
results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
to the next transform in pipeline.
if not self.hvu_initialized:
self.init_hvu_info(results['categories'], results['category_nums'])
onehot = torch.zeros(self.num_tags)
onehot_mask = torch.zeros(self.num_tags)
category_mask = torch.zeros(self.num_categories)
for category, tags in results['label'].items():
# skip if not training on this category
if category not in self.categories:
category_mask[self.categories.index(category)] = 1.
start_idx = self.category2startidx[category]
category_num = self.category2num[category]
tags = [idx + start_idx for idx in tags]
onehot[tags] = 1.
onehot_mask[start_idx:category_num + start_idx] = 1.
results['label'] = onehot
results['mask'] = onehot_mask
results['category_mask'] = category_mask
return results
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = (f'{self.__class__.__name__}('
return repr_str
class SampleFrames(BaseTransform):
"""Sample frames from the video.
Required Keys:
- total_frames
- start_index
Added Keys:
- frame_inds
- frame_interval
- num_clips
clip_len (int): Frames of each sampled output clip.
frame_interval (int): Temporal interval of adjacent sampled frames.
Defaults to 1.
num_clips (int): Number of clips to be sampled. Default: 1.
temporal_jitter (bool): Whether to apply temporal jittering.
Defaults to False.
twice_sample (bool): Whether to use twice sample when testing.
If set to True, it will sample frames with and without fixed shift,
which is commonly used for testing in TSM model. Defaults to False.
out_of_bound_opt (str): The way to deal with out of bounds frame
indexes. Available options are 'loop', 'repeat_last'.
Defaults to 'loop'.
test_mode (bool): Store True when building test or validation dataset.
Defaults to False.
keep_tail_frames (bool): Whether to keep tail frames when sampling.
Defaults to False.
target_fps (optional, int): Convert input videos with arbitrary frame
rates to the unified target FPS before sampling frames. If
``None``, the frame rate will not be adjusted. Defaults to
def __init__(self,
clip_len: int,
frame_interval: int = 1,
num_clips: int = 1,
temporal_jitter: bool = False,
twice_sample: bool = False,
out_of_bound_opt: str = 'loop',
test_mode: bool = False,
keep_tail_frames: bool = False,
target_fps: Optional[int] = None,
**kwargs) -> None:
self.clip_len = clip_len
self.frame_interval = frame_interval
self.num_clips = num_clips
self.temporal_jitter = temporal_jitter
self.twice_sample = twice_sample
self.out_of_bound_opt = out_of_bound_opt
self.test_mode = test_mode
self.keep_tail_frames = keep_tail_frames
self.target_fps = target_fps
assert self.out_of_bound_opt in ['loop', 'repeat_last']
def _get_train_clips(self, num_frames: int,
ori_clip_len: float) -> np.array:
"""Get clip offsets in train mode.
It will calculate the average interval for selected frames,
and randomly shift them within offsets between [0, avg_interval].
If the total number of frames is smaller than clips num or origin
frames length, it will return all zero indices.
num_frames (int): Total number of frame in the video.
ori_clip_len (float): length of original sample clip.
np.ndarray: Sampled frame indices in train mode.
if self.keep_tail_frames:
avg_interval = (num_frames - ori_clip_len + 1) / float(
if num_frames > ori_clip_len - 1:
base_offsets = np.arange(self.num_clips) * avg_interval
clip_offsets = (base_offsets + np.random.uniform(
0, avg_interval, self.num_clips)).astype(np.int32)
clip_offsets = np.zeros((self.num_clips, ), dtype=np.int32)
avg_interval = (num_frames - ori_clip_len + 1) // self.num_clips
if avg_interval > 0:
base_offsets = np.arange(self.num_clips) * avg_interval
clip_offsets = base_offsets + np.random.randint(
avg_interval, size=self.num_clips)
elif num_frames > max(self.num_clips, ori_clip_len):
clip_offsets = np.sort(
num_frames - ori_clip_len + 1, size=self.num_clips))
elif avg_interval == 0:
ratio = (num_frames - ori_clip_len + 1.0) / self.num_clips
clip_offsets = np.around(np.arange(self.num_clips) * ratio)
clip_offsets = np.zeros((self.num_clips, ), dtype=np.int32)
return clip_offsets
def _get_test_clips(self, num_frames: int,
ori_clip_len: float) -> np.array:
"""Get clip offsets in test mode.
If the total number of frames is
not enough, it will return all zero indices.
num_frames (int): Total number of frame in the video.
ori_clip_len (float): length of original sample clip.
np.ndarray: Sampled frame indices in test mode.
if self.clip_len == 1: # 2D recognizer
# assert self.frame_interval == 1
avg_interval = num_frames / float(self.num_clips)
base_offsets = np.arange(self.num_clips) * avg_interval
clip_offsets = base_offsets + avg_interval / 2.0
if self.twice_sample:
clip_offsets = np.concatenate([clip_offsets, base_offsets])
else: # 3D recognizer
max_offset = max(num_frames - ori_clip_len, 0)
if self.twice_sample:
num_clips = self.num_clips * 2
num_clips = self.num_clips
if num_clips > 1:
num_segments = self.num_clips - 1
# align test sample strategy with `PySlowFast` repo
if self.target_fps is not None:
offset_between = np.floor(max_offset / float(num_segments))
clip_offsets = np.arange(num_clips) * offset_between
offset_between = max_offset / float(num_segments)
clip_offsets = np.arange(num_clips) * offset_between
clip_offsets = np.round(clip_offsets)
clip_offsets = np.array([max_offset // 2])
return clip_offsets
def _sample_clips(self, num_frames: int, ori_clip_len: float) -> np.array:
"""Choose clip offsets for the video in a given mode.
num_frames (int): Total number of frame in the video.
np.ndarray: Sampled frame indices.
if self.test_mode:
clip_offsets = self._get_test_clips(num_frames, ori_clip_len)
clip_offsets = self._get_train_clips(num_frames, ori_clip_len)
return clip_offsets
def _get_ori_clip_len(self, fps_scale_ratio: float) -> float:
"""calculate length of clip segment for different strategy.
fps_scale_ratio (float): Scale ratio to adjust fps.
if self.target_fps is not None:
# align test sample strategy with `PySlowFast` repo
ori_clip_len = self.clip_len * self.frame_interval
ori_clip_len = np.maximum(1, ori_clip_len * fps_scale_ratio)
elif self.test_mode:
ori_clip_len = (self.clip_len - 1) * self.frame_interval + 1
ori_clip_len = self.clip_len * self.frame_interval
return ori_clip_len
[docs] def transform(self, results: dict) -> dict:
"""Perform the SampleFrames loading.
results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
to the next transform in pipeline.
total_frames = results['total_frames']
# if can't get fps, same value of `fps` and `target_fps`
# will perform nothing
fps = results.get('avg_fps')
if self.target_fps is None or not fps:
fps_scale_ratio = 1.0
fps_scale_ratio = fps / self.target_fps
ori_clip_len = self._get_ori_clip_len(fps_scale_ratio)
clip_offsets = self._sample_clips(total_frames, ori_clip_len)
if self.target_fps:
frame_inds = clip_offsets[:, None] + np.linspace(
0, ori_clip_len - 1, self.clip_len).astype(np.int32)
frame_inds = clip_offsets[:, None] + np.arange(
self.clip_len)[None, :] * self.frame_interval
frame_inds = np.concatenate(frame_inds)
if self.temporal_jitter:
perframe_offsets = np.random.randint(
self.frame_interval, size=len(frame_inds))
frame_inds += perframe_offsets
frame_inds = frame_inds.reshape((-1, self.clip_len))
if self.out_of_bound_opt == 'loop':
frame_inds = np.mod(frame_inds, total_frames)
elif self.out_of_bound_opt == 'repeat_last':
safe_inds = frame_inds < total_frames
unsafe_inds = 1 - safe_inds
last_ind = np.max(safe_inds * frame_inds, axis=1)
new_inds = (safe_inds * frame_inds + (unsafe_inds.T * last_ind).T)
frame_inds = new_inds
raise ValueError('Illegal out_of_bound option.')
start_index = results['start_index']
frame_inds = np.concatenate(frame_inds) + start_index
results['frame_inds'] = frame_inds.astype(np.int32)
results['clip_len'] = self.clip_len
results['frame_interval'] = self.frame_interval
results['num_clips'] = self.num_clips
return results
def __repr__(self) -> str:
repr_str = (f'{self.__class__.__name__}('
f'clip_len={self.clip_len}, '
f'frame_interval={self.frame_interval}, '
f'num_clips={self.num_clips}, '
f'temporal_jitter={self.temporal_jitter}, '
f'twice_sample={self.twice_sample}, '
f'out_of_bound_opt={self.out_of_bound_opt}, '
return repr_str
class UniformSample(BaseTransform):
"""Uniformly sample frames from the video.
Modified from
To sample an n-frame clip from the video. UniformSample basically
divides the video into n segments of equal length and randomly samples one
frame from each segment.
Required keys:
- total_frames
- start_index
Added keys:
- frame_inds
- clip_len
- frame_interval
- num_clips
clip_len (int): Frames of each sampled output clip.
num_clips (int): Number of clips to be sampled. Defaults to 1.
test_mode (bool): Store True when building test or validation dataset.
Defaults to False.
def __init__(self,
clip_len: int,
num_clips: int = 1,
test_mode: bool = False) -> None:
self.clip_len = clip_len
self.num_clips = num_clips
self.test_mode = test_mode
def _get_sample_clips(self, num_frames: int) -> np.ndarray:
"""To sample an n-frame clip from the video. UniformSample basically
divides the video into n segments of equal length and randomly samples
one frame from each segment. When the duration of video frames is
shorter than the desired length of the target clip, this approach will
duplicate the sampled frame instead of looping the sample in "loop"
mode. In the test mode, when we need to sample multiple clips,
specifically 'n' clips, this method will further divide the segments
based on the number of clips to be sampled. The 'i-th' clip will.
sample the frame located at the position 'i * len(segment) / n'
within the segment.
num_frames (int): Total number of frame in the video.
seq (np.ndarray): the indexes of frames of sampled from the video.
seg_size = float(num_frames - 1) / self.clip_len
inds = []
if not self.test_mode:
for i in range(self.clip_len):
start = int(np.round(seg_size * i))
end = int(np.round(seg_size * (i + 1)))
inds.append(np.random.randint(start, end + 1))
duration = seg_size / (self.num_clips + 1)
for k in range(self.num_clips):
for i in range(self.clip_len):
start = int(np.round(seg_size * i))
frame_index = start + int(duration * (k + 1))
return np.array(inds)
[docs] def transform(self, results: Dict) -> Dict:
"""Perform the Uniform Sampling.
results (dict): The result dict.
dict: The result dict.
num_frames = results['total_frames']
inds = self._get_sample_clips(num_frames)
start_index = results['start_index']
inds = inds + start_index
results['frame_inds'] = inds.astype(np.int32)
results['clip_len'] = self.clip_len
results['frame_interval'] = None
results['num_clips'] = self.num_clips
return results
def __repr__(self) -> str:
repr_str = (f'{self.__class__.__name__}('
f'clip_len={self.clip_len}, '
f'num_clips={self.num_clips}, '
return repr_str
class UntrimmedSampleFrames(BaseTransform):
"""Sample frames from the untrimmed video.
Required keys are "filename", "total_frames", added or modified keys are
"frame_inds", "clip_interval" and "num_clips".
clip_len (int): The length of sampled clips. Defaults to 1.
clip_interval (int): Clip interval of adjacent center of sampled
clips. Defaults to 16.
frame_interval (int): Temporal interval of adjacent sampled frames.
Defaults to 1.
def __init__(self, clip_len=1, clip_interval=16, frame_interval=1):
self.clip_len = clip_len
self.clip_interval = clip_interval
self.frame_interval = frame_interval
[docs] def transform(self, results):
"""Perform the SampleFrames loading.
results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
to the next transform in pipeline.
total_frames = results['total_frames']
start_index = results['start_index']
clip_centers = np.arange(self.clip_interval // 2, total_frames,
num_clips = clip_centers.shape[0]
frame_inds = clip_centers[:, None] + np.arange(
-(self.clip_len // 2 * self.frame_interval),
self.frame_interval *
(self.clip_len -
(self.clip_len // 2)), self.frame_interval)[None, :]
# clip frame_inds to legal range
frame_inds = np.clip(frame_inds, 0, total_frames - 1)
frame_inds = np.concatenate(frame_inds) + start_index
results['frame_inds'] = frame_inds.astype(np.int32)
results['clip_len'] = self.clip_len
results['clip_interval'] = self.clip_interval
results['frame_interval'] = self.frame_interval
results['num_clips'] = num_clips
return results
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = (f'{self.__class__.__name__}('
f'clip_len={self.clip_len}, '
f'clip_interval={self.clip_interval}, '
return repr_str
class DenseSampleFrames(SampleFrames):
"""Select frames from the video by dense sample strategy.
Required keys:
- total_frames
- start_index
Added keys:
- frame_inds
- clip_len
- frame_interval
- num_clips
clip_len (int): Frames of each sampled output clip.
frame_interval (int): Temporal interval of adjacent sampled frames.
Defaults to 1.
num_clips (int): Number of clips to be sampled. Defaults to 1.
sample_range (int): Total sample range for dense sample.
Defaults to 64.
num_sample_positions (int): Number of sample start positions, Which is
only used in test mode. Defaults to 10. That is to say, by default,
there are at least 10 clips for one input sample in test mode.
temporal_jitter (bool): Whether to apply temporal jittering.
Defaults to False.
test_mode (bool): Store True when building test or validation dataset.
Defaults to False.
def __init__(self,
sample_range: int = 64,
num_sample_positions: int = 10,
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.sample_range = sample_range
self.num_sample_positions = num_sample_positions
def _get_train_clips(self, num_frames: int) -> np.array:
"""Get clip offsets by dense sample strategy in train mode.
It will calculate a sample position and sample interval and set
start index 0 when sample_pos == 1 or randomly choose from
[0, sample_pos - 1]. Then it will shift the start index by each
base offset.
num_frames (int): Total number of frame in the video.
np.ndarray: Sampled frame indices in train mode.
sample_position = max(1, 1 + num_frames - self.sample_range)
interval = self.sample_range // self.num_clips
start_idx = 0 if sample_position == 1 else np.random.randint(
0, sample_position - 1)
base_offsets = np.arange(self.num_clips) * interval
clip_offsets = (base_offsets + start_idx) % num_frames
return clip_offsets
def _get_test_clips(self, num_frames: int) -> np.array:
"""Get clip offsets by dense sample strategy in test mode.
It will calculate a sample position and sample interval and evenly
sample several start indexes as start positions between
[0, sample_position-1]. Then it will shift each start index by the
base offsets.
num_frames (int): Total number of frame in the video.
np.ndarray: Sampled frame indices in train mode.
sample_position = max(1, 1 + num_frames - self.sample_range)
interval = self.sample_range // self.num_clips
start_list = np.linspace(
0, sample_position - 1, num=self.num_sample_positions, dtype=int)
base_offsets = np.arange(self.num_clips) * interval
clip_offsets = list()
for start_idx in start_list:
clip_offsets.extend((base_offsets + start_idx) % num_frames)
clip_offsets = np.array(clip_offsets)
return clip_offsets
def _sample_clips(self, num_frames: int) -> np.array:
"""Choose clip offsets for the video in a given mode.
num_frames (int): Total number of frame in the video.
np.ndarray: Sampled frame indices.
if self.test_mode:
clip_offsets = self._get_test_clips(num_frames)
clip_offsets = self._get_train_clips(num_frames)
return clip_offsets
[docs] def transform(self, results: dict) -> dict:
"""Perform the SampleFrames loading.
results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
to the next transform in pipeline.
total_frames = results['total_frames']
clip_offsets = self._sample_clips(total_frames)
frame_inds = clip_offsets[:, None] + np.arange(
self.clip_len)[None, :] * self.frame_interval
frame_inds = np.concatenate(frame_inds)
if self.temporal_jitter:
perframe_offsets = np.random.randint(
self.frame_interval, size=len(frame_inds))
frame_inds += perframe_offsets
frame_inds = frame_inds.reshape((-1, self.clip_len))
if self.out_of_bound_opt == 'loop':
frame_inds = np.mod(frame_inds, total_frames)
elif self.out_of_bound_opt == 'repeat_last':
safe_inds = frame_inds < total_frames
unsafe_inds = 1 - safe_inds
last_ind = np.max(safe_inds * frame_inds, axis=1)
new_inds = (safe_inds * frame_inds + (unsafe_inds.T * last_ind).T)
frame_inds = new_inds
raise ValueError('Illegal out_of_bound option.')
start_index = results['start_index']
frame_inds = np.concatenate(frame_inds) + start_index
results['frame_inds'] = frame_inds.astype(np.int32)
results['clip_len'] = self.clip_len
results['frame_interval'] = self.frame_interval
results['num_clips'] = self.num_clips
return results
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = (f'{self.__class__.__name__}('
f'clip_len={self.clip_len}, '
f'frame_interval={self.frame_interval}, '
f'num_clips={self.num_clips}, '
f'sample_range={self.sample_range}, '
f'num_sample_positions={self.num_sample_positions}, '
f'temporal_jitter={self.temporal_jitter}, '
f'out_of_bound_opt={self.out_of_bound_opt}, '
return repr_str
class SampleAVAFrames(SampleFrames):
def __init__(self, clip_len, frame_interval=2, test_mode=False):
super().__init__(clip_len, frame_interval, test_mode=test_mode)
def _get_clips(self, center_index, skip_offsets, shot_info):
"""Get clip offsets."""
start = center_index - (self.clip_len // 2) * self.frame_interval
end = center_index + ((self.clip_len + 1) // 2) * self.frame_interval
frame_inds = list(range(start, end, self.frame_interval))
if not self.test_mode:
frame_inds = frame_inds + skip_offsets
frame_inds = np.clip(frame_inds, shot_info[0], shot_info[1] - 1)
return frame_inds
[docs] def transform(self, results):
"""Perform the SampleFrames loading.
results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
to the next transform in pipeline.
fps = results['fps']
timestamp = results['timestamp']
timestamp_start = results['timestamp_start']
start_index = results.get('start_index', 0)
if results.get('total_frames') is not None:
shot_info = (0, results['total_frames'])
shot_info = results['shot_info']
center_index = fps * (timestamp - timestamp_start) + start_index
skip_offsets = np.random.randint(
-self.frame_interval // 2, (self.frame_interval + 1) // 2,
frame_inds = self._get_clips(center_index, skip_offsets, shot_info)
frame_inds = np.array(frame_inds, dtype=np.int32) + start_index
results['frame_inds'] = frame_inds
results['clip_len'] = self.clip_len
results['frame_interval'] = self.frame_interval
results['num_clips'] = 1
results['crop_quadruple'] = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1], dtype=np.float32)
return results
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = (f'{self.__class__.__name__}('
f'clip_len={self.clip_len}, '
f'frame_interval={self.frame_interval}, '
return repr_str
class PyAVInit(BaseTransform):
"""Using pyav to initialize the video.
Required keys are "filename",
added or modified keys are "video_reader", and "total_frames".
io_backend (str): io backend where frames are store.
Default: 'disk'.
kwargs (dict): Args for file client.
def __init__(self, io_backend='disk', **kwargs):
self.io_backend = io_backend
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.file_client = None
[docs] def transform(self, results):
"""Perform the PyAV initialization.
results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
to the next transform in pipeline.
import av
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('Please run "conda install av -c conda-forge" '
'or "pip install av" to install PyAV first.')
if self.file_client is None:
self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend, **self.kwargs)
file_obj = io.BytesIO(self.file_client.get(results['filename']))
container =
results['video_reader'] = container
results['total_frames'] =[0].frames
return results
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = f'{self.__class__.__name__}(io_backend={self.io_backend})'
return repr_str
class PyAVDecode(BaseTransform):
"""Using PyAV to decode the video.
Required keys are "video_reader" and "frame_inds",
added or modified keys are "imgs", "img_shape" and "original_shape".
multi_thread (bool): If set to True, it will apply multi
thread processing. Default: False.
mode (str): Decoding mode. Options are 'accurate' and 'efficient'.
If set to 'accurate', it will decode videos into accurate frames.
If set to 'efficient', it will adopt fast seeking but only return
the nearest key frames, which may be duplicated and inaccurate,
and more suitable for large scene-based video datasets.
Default: 'accurate'.
def __init__(self, multi_thread=False, mode='accurate'):
self.multi_thread = multi_thread
self.mode = mode
assert mode in ['accurate', 'efficient']
[docs] @staticmethod
def frame_generator(container, stream):
"""Frame generator for PyAV."""
for packet in container.demux(stream):
for frame in packet.decode():
if frame:
return frame.to_rgb().to_ndarray()
[docs] def transform(self, results):
"""Perform the PyAV decoding.
results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
to the next transform in pipeline.
container = results['video_reader']
imgs = list()
if self.multi_thread:[0].thread_type = 'AUTO'
if results['frame_inds'].ndim != 1:
results['frame_inds'] = np.squeeze(results['frame_inds'])
if self.mode == 'accurate':
# set max indice to make early stop
max_inds = max(results['frame_inds'])
i = 0
for frame in container.decode(video=0):
if i > max_inds + 1:
i += 1
# the available frame in pyav may be less than its length,
# which may raise error
results['imgs'] = [
imgs[i % len(imgs)] for i in results['frame_inds']
elif self.mode == 'efficient':
for frame in container.decode(video=0):
backup_frame = frame
stream =[0]
for idx in results['frame_inds']:
pts_scale = stream.average_rate * stream.time_base
frame_pts = int(idx / pts_scale)
frame_pts, any_frame=False, backward=True, stream=stream)
frame = self.frame_generator(container, stream)
if frame is not None:
backup_frame = frame
results['imgs'] = imgs
results['original_shape'] = imgs[0].shape[:2]
results['img_shape'] = imgs[0].shape[:2]
results['video_reader'] = None
del container
return results
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = self.__class__.__name__
repr_str += f'(multi_thread={self.multi_thread}, mode={self.mode})'
return repr_str
class PIMSInit(BaseTransform):
"""Use PIMS to initialize the video.
io_backend (str): io backend where frames are store.
Default: 'disk'.
mode (str): Decoding mode. Options are 'accurate' and 'efficient'.
If set to 'accurate', it will always use ``pims.PyAVReaderIndexed``
to decode videos into accurate frames. If set to 'efficient', it
will adopt fast seeking by using ``pims.PyAVReaderTimed``.
Both will return the accurate frames in most cases.
Default: 'accurate'.
kwargs (dict): Args for file client.
def __init__(self, io_backend='disk', mode='accurate', **kwargs):
self.io_backend = io_backend
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.file_client = None
self.mode = mode
assert mode in ['accurate', 'efficient']
[docs] def transform(self, results):
"""Perform the PIMS initialization.
results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
to the next transform in pipeline.
import pims
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('Please run "conda install pims -c conda-forge" '
'or "pip install pims" to install pims first.')
if self.file_client is None:
self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend, **self.kwargs)
file_obj = io.BytesIO(self.file_client.get(results['filename']))
if self.mode == 'accurate':
container = pims.PyAVReaderIndexed(file_obj)
container = pims.PyAVReaderTimed(file_obj)
results['video_reader'] = container
results['total_frames'] = len(container)
return results
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(io_backend={self.io_backend}, '
return repr_str
class PIMSDecode(BaseTransform):
"""Using PIMS to decode the videos.
Required keys are "video_reader" and "frame_inds",
added or modified keys are "imgs", "img_shape" and "original_shape".
[docs] def transform(self, results):
"""Perform the PIMS decoding.
results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
to the next transform in pipeline.
container = results['video_reader']
if results['frame_inds'].ndim != 1:
results['frame_inds'] = np.squeeze(results['frame_inds'])
frame_inds = results['frame_inds']
imgs = [container[idx] for idx in frame_inds]
results['video_reader'] = None
del container
results['imgs'] = imgs
results['original_shape'] = imgs[0].shape[:2]
results['img_shape'] = imgs[0].shape[:2]
return results
class PyAVDecodeMotionVector(PyAVDecode):
"""Using pyav to decode the motion vectors from video.
Required keys are "video_reader" and "frame_inds",
added or modified keys are "motion_vectors", "frame_inds".
def _parse_vectors(mv, vectors, height, width):
"""Parse the returned vectors."""
(w, h, src_x, src_y, dst_x,
dst_y) = (vectors['w'], vectors['h'], vectors['src_x'],
vectors['src_y'], vectors['dst_x'], vectors['dst_y'])
val_x = dst_x - src_x
val_y = dst_y - src_y
start_x = dst_x - w // 2
start_y = dst_y - h // 2
end_x = start_x + w
end_y = start_y + h
for sx, ex, sy, ey, vx, vy in zip(start_x, end_x, start_y, end_y,
val_x, val_y):
if (sx >= 0 and ex < width and sy >= 0 and ey < height):
mv[sy:ey, sx:ex] = (vx, vy)
return mv
[docs] def transform(self, results):
"""Perform the PyAV motion vector decoding.
results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
to the next transform in pipeline.
container = results['video_reader']
imgs = list()
if self.multi_thread:[0].thread_type = 'AUTO'
if results['frame_inds'].ndim != 1:
results['frame_inds'] = np.squeeze(results['frame_inds'])
# set max index to make early stop
max_idx = max(results['frame_inds'])
i = 0
stream =[0]
codec_context = stream.codec_context
codec_context.options = {'flags2': '+export_mvs'}
for packet in container.demux(stream):
for frame in packet.decode():
if i > max_idx + 1:
i += 1
height = frame.height
width = frame.width
mv = np.zeros((height, width, 2), dtype=np.int8)
vectors = frame.side_data.get('MOTION_VECTORS')
if frame.key_frame:
# Key frame don't have motion vectors
assert vectors is None
if vectors is not None and len(vectors) > 0:
mv = self._parse_vectors(mv, vectors.to_ndarray(), height,
results['video_reader'] = None
del container
# the available frame in pyav may be less than its length,
# which may raise error
results['motion_vectors'] = np.array(
[imgs[i % len(imgs)] for i in results['frame_inds']])
return results
class DecordInit(BaseTransform):
"""Using decord to initialize the video_reader.
Required Keys:
- filename
Added Keys:
- video_reader
- total_frames
- fps
io_backend (str): io backend where frames are store.
Defaults to ``'disk'``.
num_threads (int): Number of thread to decode the video. Defaults to 1.
kwargs (dict): Args for file client.
def __init__(self,
io_backend: str = 'disk',
num_threads: int = 1,
**kwargs) -> None:
self.io_backend = io_backend
self.num_threads = num_threads
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.file_client = None
def _get_video_reader(self, filename: str) -> object:
if osp.splitext(filename)[0] == filename:
filename = filename + '.mp4'
import decord
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
'Please run "pip install decord" to install Decord first.')
if self.file_client is None:
self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend, **self.kwargs)
file_obj = io.BytesIO(self.file_client.get(filename))
container = decord.VideoReader(file_obj, num_threads=self.num_threads)
return container
[docs] def transform(self, results: Dict) -> Dict:
"""Perform the Decord initialization.
results (dict): The result dict.
dict: The result dict.
container = self._get_video_reader(results['filename'])
results['total_frames'] = len(container)
results['video_reader'] = container
results['avg_fps'] = container.get_avg_fps()
return results
def __repr__(self) -> str:
repr_str = (f'{self.__class__.__name__}('
f'io_backend={self.io_backend}, '
return repr_str
class DecordDecode(BaseTransform):
"""Using decord to decode the video.
Required Keys:
- video_reader
- frame_inds
Added Keys:
- imgs
- original_shape
- img_shape
mode (str): Decoding mode. Options are 'accurate' and 'efficient'.
If set to 'accurate', it will decode videos into accurate frames.
If set to 'efficient', it will adopt fast seeking but only return
key frames, which may be duplicated and inaccurate, and more
suitable for large scene-based video datasets.
Defaults to ``'accurate'``.
def __init__(self, mode: str = 'accurate') -> None:
self.mode = mode
assert mode in ['accurate', 'efficient']
def _decord_load_frames(self, container: object,
frame_inds: np.ndarray) -> List[np.ndarray]:
if self.mode == 'accurate':
imgs = container.get_batch(frame_inds).asnumpy()
imgs = list(imgs)
elif self.mode == 'efficient':
# This mode is faster, however it always returns I-FRAME
imgs = list()
for idx in frame_inds:
frame =
return imgs
[docs] def transform(self, results: Dict) -> Dict:
"""Perform the Decord decoding.
results (dict): The result dict.
dict: The result dict.
container = results['video_reader']
if results['frame_inds'].ndim != 1:
results['frame_inds'] = np.squeeze(results['frame_inds'])
frame_inds = results['frame_inds']
imgs = self._decord_load_frames(container, frame_inds)
results['video_reader'] = None
del container
results['imgs'] = imgs
results['original_shape'] = imgs[0].shape[:2]
results['img_shape'] = imgs[0].shape[:2]
# we resize the gt_bboxes and proposals to their real scale
if 'gt_bboxes' in results:
h, w = results['img_shape']
scale_factor = np.array([w, h, w, h])
gt_bboxes = results['gt_bboxes']
gt_bboxes = (gt_bboxes * scale_factor).astype(np.float32)
results['gt_bboxes'] = gt_bboxes
if 'proposals' in results and results['proposals'] is not None:
proposals = results['proposals']
proposals = (proposals * scale_factor).astype(np.float32)
results['proposals'] = proposals
return results
def __repr__(self) -> str:
repr_str = f'{self.__class__.__name__}(mode={self.mode})'
return repr_str
class OpenCVInit(BaseTransform):
"""Using OpenCV to initialize the video_reader.
Required keys are ``'filename'``, added or modified keys are `
`'new_path'``, ``'video_reader'`` and ``'total_frames'``.
io_backend (str): io backend where frames are store.
Defaults to ``'disk'``.
def __init__(self, io_backend: str = 'disk', **kwargs) -> None:
self.io_backend = io_backend
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.file_client = None
self.tmp_folder = None
if self.io_backend != 'disk':
random_string = get_random_string()
thread_id = get_thread_id()
self.tmp_folder = osp.join(get_shm_dir(),
[docs] def transform(self, results: dict) -> dict:
"""Perform the OpenCV initialization.
results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
to the next transform in pipeline.
if self.io_backend == 'disk':
new_path = results['filename']
if self.file_client is None:
self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend, **self.kwargs)
thread_id = get_thread_id()
# save the file of same thread at the same place
new_path = osp.join(self.tmp_folder, f'tmp_{thread_id}.mp4')
with open(new_path, 'wb') as f:
container = mmcv.VideoReader(new_path)
results['new_path'] = new_path
results['video_reader'] = container
results['total_frames'] = len(container)
return results
def __del__(self):
if self.tmp_folder and osp.exists(self.tmp_folder):
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = (f'{self.__class__.__name__}('
return repr_str
class OpenCVDecode(BaseTransform):
"""Using OpenCV to decode the video.
Required keys are ``'video_reader'``, ``'filename'`` and ``'frame_inds'``,
added or modified keys are ``'imgs'``, ``'img_shape'`` and
[docs] def transform(self, results: dict) -> dict:
"""Perform the OpenCV decoding.
results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
to the next transform in pipeline.
container = results['video_reader']
imgs = list()
if results['frame_inds'].ndim != 1:
results['frame_inds'] = np.squeeze(results['frame_inds'])
for frame_ind in results['frame_inds']:
cur_frame = container[frame_ind]
# last frame may be None in OpenCV
while isinstance(cur_frame, type(None)):
frame_ind -= 1
cur_frame = container[frame_ind]
results['video_reader'] = None
del container
imgs = np.array(imgs)
# The default channel order of OpenCV is BGR, thus we change it to RGB
imgs = imgs[:, :, :, ::-1]
results['imgs'] = list(imgs)
results['original_shape'] = imgs[0].shape[:2]
results['img_shape'] = imgs[0].shape[:2]
return results
class RawFrameDecode(BaseTransform):
"""Load and decode frames with given indices.
Required Keys:
- frame_dir
- filename_tmpl
- frame_inds
- modality
- offset (optional)
Added Keys:
- img
- img_shape
- original_shape
io_backend (str): IO backend where frames are stored.
Defaults to ``'disk'``.
decoding_backend (str): Backend used for image decoding.
Defaults to ``'cv2'``.
def __init__(self,
io_backend: str = 'disk',
decoding_backend: str = 'cv2',
**kwargs) -> None:
self.io_backend = io_backend
self.decoding_backend = decoding_backend
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.file_client = None
[docs] def transform(self, results: dict) -> dict:
"""Perform the ``RawFrameDecode`` to pick frames given indices.
results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
to the next transform in pipeline.
directory = results['frame_dir']
filename_tmpl = results['filename_tmpl']
modality = results['modality']
if self.file_client is None:
self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend, **self.kwargs)
imgs = list()
if results['frame_inds'].ndim != 1:
results['frame_inds'] = np.squeeze(results['frame_inds'])
offset = results.get('offset', 0)
cache = {}
for i, frame_idx in enumerate(results['frame_inds']):
# Avoid loading duplicated frames
if frame_idx in cache:
cache[frame_idx] = i
frame_idx += offset
if modality == 'RGB':
filepath = osp.join(directory, filename_tmpl.format(frame_idx))
img_bytes = self.file_client.get(filepath)
# Get frame with channel order RGB directly.
cur_frame = mmcv.imfrombytes(img_bytes, channel_order='rgb')
elif modality == 'Flow':
x_filepath = osp.join(directory,
filename_tmpl.format('x', frame_idx))
y_filepath = osp.join(directory,
filename_tmpl.format('y', frame_idx))
x_img_bytes = self.file_client.get(x_filepath)
x_frame = mmcv.imfrombytes(x_img_bytes, flag='grayscale')
y_img_bytes = self.file_client.get(y_filepath)
y_frame = mmcv.imfrombytes(y_img_bytes, flag='grayscale')
imgs.append(np.stack([x_frame, y_frame], axis=-1))
raise NotImplementedError
results['imgs'] = imgs
results['original_shape'] = imgs[0].shape[:2]
results['img_shape'] = imgs[0].shape[:2]
# we resize the gt_bboxes and proposals to their real scale
if 'gt_bboxes' in results:
h, w = results['img_shape']
scale_factor = np.array([w, h, w, h])
gt_bboxes = results['gt_bboxes']
gt_bboxes = (gt_bboxes * scale_factor).astype(np.float32)
results['gt_bboxes'] = gt_bboxes
if 'proposals' in results and results['proposals'] is not None:
proposals = results['proposals']
proposals = (proposals * scale_factor).astype(np.float32)
results['proposals'] = proposals
return results
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = (f'{self.__class__.__name__}('
f'io_backend={self.io_backend}, '
return repr_str
class InferencerPackInput(BaseTransform):
def __init__(self,
start_index=1) -> None:
self.input_format = input_format
self.filename_tmpl = filename_tmpl
self.modality = modality
self.start_index = start_index
def transform(self, video: Union[str, np.ndarray, dict]) -> dict:
if self.input_format == 'dict':
results = video
elif self.input_format == 'video':
results = dict(
filename=video, label=-1, start_index=0, modality='RGB')
elif self.input_format == 'rawframes':
import re
# count the number of frames that match the format of
# `filename_tmpl`
# RGB pattern example: img_{:05}.jpg -> ^img_\d+.jpg$
# Flow patteren example: {}_{:05d}.jpg -> ^x_\d+.jpg$
pattern = f'^{self.filename_tmpl}$'
if self.modality == 'Flow':
pattern = pattern.replace('{}', 'x')
pattern = pattern.replace(
pattern[pattern.find('{'):pattern.find('}') + 1], '\\d+')
total_frames = len(
filter(lambda x: re.match(pattern, x) is not None,
results = dict(
elif self.input_format == 'array':
modality_map = {2: 'Flow', 3: 'RGB'}
modality = modality_map.get(video.shape[-1])
results = dict(
return results
class ArrayDecode(BaseTransform):
"""Load and decode frames with given indices from a 4D array.
Required keys are "array and "frame_inds", added or modified keys are
"imgs", "img_shape" and "original_shape".
[docs] def transform(self, results):
"""Perform the ``RawFrameDecode`` to pick frames given indices.
results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
to the next transform in pipeline.
modality = results['modality']
array = results['array']
imgs = list()
if results['frame_inds'].ndim != 1:
results['frame_inds'] = np.squeeze(results['frame_inds'])
offset = results.get('offset', 0)
for i, frame_idx in enumerate(results['frame_inds']):
frame_idx += offset
if modality == 'RGB':
elif modality == 'Flow':
[array[frame_idx, ..., 0], array[frame_idx, ..., 1]])
raise NotImplementedError
results['imgs'] = imgs
results['original_shape'] = imgs[0].shape[:2]
results['img_shape'] = imgs[0].shape[:2]
return results
def __repr__(self):
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}()'
class ImageDecode(BaseTransform):
"""Load and decode images.
Required key is "filename", added or modified keys are "imgs", "img_shape"
and "original_shape".
io_backend (str): IO backend where frames are stored. Default: 'disk'.
decoding_backend (str): Backend used for image decoding.
Default: 'cv2'.
kwargs (dict, optional): Arguments for FileClient.
def __init__(self, io_backend='disk', decoding_backend='cv2', **kwargs):
self.io_backend = io_backend
self.decoding_backend = decoding_backend
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.file_client = None
[docs] def transform(self, results):
"""Perform the ``ImageDecode`` to load image given the file path.
results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
to the next transform in pipeline.
filename = results['filename']
if self.file_client is None:
self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend, **self.kwargs)
imgs = list()
img_bytes = self.file_client.get(filename)
img = mmcv.imfrombytes(img_bytes, channel_order='rgb')
results['imgs'] = imgs
results['original_shape'] = imgs[0].shape[:2]
results['img_shape'] = imgs[0].shape[:2]
return results
class LoadAudioFeature(BaseTransform):
"""Load offline extracted audio features.
Required Keys:
- audio_path
Added Keys:
- length
- audios
pad_method (str): Padding method. Defaults to ``'zero'``.
def __init__(self, pad_method: str = 'zero') -> None:
if pad_method not in ['zero', 'random']:
raise NotImplementedError
self.pad_method = pad_method
def _zero_pad(shape: int) -> np.ndarray:
"""Zero padding method."""
return np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32)
def _random_pad(shape: int) -> np.ndarray:
"""Random padding method."""
# spectrogram is normalized into a distribution of 0~1
return np.random.rand(shape).astype(np.float32)
[docs] def transform(self, results: Dict) -> Dict:
"""Perform the numpy loading.
results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
to the next transform in pipeline.
if osp.exists(results['audio_path']):
feature_map = np.load(results['audio_path'])
# Generate a random dummy 10s input
# Some videos do not have audio stream
pad_func = getattr(self, f'_{self.pad_method}_pad')
feature_map = pad_func((640, 80))
results['length'] = feature_map.shape[0]
results['audios'] = feature_map
return results
def __repr__(self) -> str:
repr_str = (f'{self.__class__.__name__}('
return repr_str
class BuildPseudoClip(BaseTransform):
"""Build pseudo clips with one single image by repeating it n times.
Required key is "imgs", added or modified key is "imgs", "num_clips",
clip_len (int): Frames of the generated pseudo clips.
def __init__(self, clip_len):
self.clip_len = clip_len
[docs] def transform(self, results):
"""Perform the building of pseudo clips.
results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
to the next transform in pipeline.
# the input should be one single image
assert len(results['imgs']) == 1
im = results['imgs'][0]
for _ in range(1, self.clip_len):
results['clip_len'] = self.clip_len
results['num_clips'] = 1
return results
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = (f'{self.__class__.__name__}('
return repr_str
class AudioFeatureSelector(BaseTransform):
"""Sample the audio feature w.r.t. the frames selected.
Required Keys:
- audios
- frame_inds
- num_clips
- length
- total_frames
Modified Keys:
- audios
Added Keys:
- audios_shape
fixed_length (int): As the features selected by frames sampled may
not be exactly the same, `fixed_length` will truncate or pad them
into the same size. Defaults to 128.
def __init__(self, fixed_length: int = 128) -> None:
self.fixed_length = fixed_length
[docs] def transform(self, results: Dict) -> Dict:
"""Perform the ``AudioFeatureSelector`` to pick audio feature clips.
results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
to the next transform in pipeline.
audio = results['audios']
frame_inds = results['frame_inds']
num_clips = results['num_clips']
resampled_clips = list()
frame_inds = frame_inds.reshape(num_clips, -1)
for clip_idx in range(num_clips):
clip_frame_inds = frame_inds[clip_idx]
start_idx = max(
round((clip_frame_inds[0] + 1) / results['total_frames'] *
end_idx = min(
round((clip_frame_inds[-1] + 1) / results['total_frames'] *
cropped_audio = audio[start_idx:end_idx, :]
if cropped_audio.shape[0] >= self.fixed_length:
truncated_audio = cropped_audio[:self.fixed_length, :]
truncated_audio = np.pad(
((0, self.fixed_length - cropped_audio.shape[0]), (0, 0)),
results['audios'] = np.array(resampled_clips)
results['audios_shape'] = results['audios'].shape
return results
def __repr__(self) -> str:
repr_str = (f'{self.__class__.__name__}('
return repr_str
class LoadLocalizationFeature(BaseTransform):
"""Load Video features for localizer with given video_name list.
The required key is "feature_path", added or modified keys
are "raw_feature".
raw_feature_ext (str): Raw feature file extension. Default: '.csv'.
[docs] def transform(self, results):
"""Perform the LoadLocalizationFeature loading.
results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
to the next transform in pipeline.
data_path = results['feature_path']
raw_feature = np.loadtxt(
data_path, dtype=np.float32, delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
results['raw_feature'] = np.transpose(raw_feature, (1, 0))
return results
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = f'{self.__class__.__name__}'
return repr_str
class GenerateLocalizationLabels(BaseTransform):
"""Load video label for localizer with given video_name list.
Required keys are "duration_frame", "duration_second", "feature_frame",
"annotations", added or modified keys are "gt_bbox".
[docs] def transform(self, results):
"""Perform the GenerateLocalizationLabels loading.
results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
to the next transform in pipeline.
video_frame = results['duration_frame']
video_second = results['duration_second']
feature_frame = results['feature_frame']
corrected_second = float(feature_frame) / video_frame * video_second
annotations = results['annotations']
gt_bbox = []
for annotation in annotations:
current_start = max(
min(1, annotation['segment'][0] / corrected_second), 0)
current_end = max(
min(1, annotation['segment'][1] / corrected_second), 0)
gt_bbox.append([current_start, current_end])
gt_bbox = np.array(gt_bbox)
results['gt_bbox'] = gt_bbox
return results
class LoadProposals(BaseTransform):
"""Loading proposals with given proposal results.
Required keys are "video_name", added or modified keys are 'bsp_feature',
'tmin', 'tmax', 'tmin_score', 'tmax_score' and 'reference_temporal_iou'.
top_k (int): The top k proposals to be loaded.
pgm_proposals_dir (str): Directory to load proposals.
pgm_features_dir (str): Directory to load proposal features.
proposal_ext (str): Proposal file extension. Default: '.csv'.
feature_ext (str): Feature file extension. Default: '.npy'.
def __init__(self,
self.top_k = top_k
self.pgm_proposals_dir = pgm_proposals_dir
self.pgm_features_dir = pgm_features_dir
valid_proposal_ext = ('.csv', )
if proposal_ext not in valid_proposal_ext:
raise NotImplementedError
self.proposal_ext = proposal_ext
valid_feature_ext = ('.npy', )
if feature_ext not in valid_feature_ext:
raise NotImplementedError
self.feature_ext = feature_ext
[docs] def transform(self, results):
"""Perform the LoadProposals loading.
results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
to the next transform in pipeline.
video_name = results['video_name']
proposal_path = osp.join(self.pgm_proposals_dir,
video_name + self.proposal_ext)
if self.proposal_ext == '.csv':
pgm_proposals = np.loadtxt(
proposal_path, dtype=np.float32, delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
pgm_proposals = np.array(pgm_proposals[:self.top_k])
tmin = pgm_proposals[:, 0]
tmax = pgm_proposals[:, 1]
tmin_score = pgm_proposals[:, 2]
tmax_score = pgm_proposals[:, 3]
reference_temporal_iou = pgm_proposals[:, 5]
feature_path = osp.join(self.pgm_features_dir,
video_name + self.feature_ext)
if self.feature_ext == '.npy':
bsp_feature = np.load(feature_path).astype(np.float32)
bsp_feature = bsp_feature[:self.top_k, :]
results['bsp_feature'] = bsp_feature
results['tmin'] = tmin
results['tmax'] = tmax
results['tmin_score'] = tmin_score
results['tmax_score'] = tmax_score
results['reference_temporal_iou'] = reference_temporal_iou
return results
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = (f'{self.__class__.__name__}('
f'top_k={self.top_k}, '
f'pgm_proposals_dir={self.pgm_proposals_dir}, '
f'pgm_features_dir={self.pgm_features_dir}, '
f'proposal_ext={self.proposal_ext}, '
return repr_str