
Source code for mmaction.evaluation.functional.accuracy

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import numpy as np

[docs]def confusion_matrix(y_pred, y_real, normalize=None): """Compute confusion matrix. Args: y_pred (list[int] | np.ndarray[int]): Prediction labels. y_real (list[int] | np.ndarray[int]): Ground truth labels. normalize (str | None): Normalizes confusion matrix over the true (rows), predicted (columns) conditions or all the population. If None, confusion matrix will not be normalized. Options are "true", "pred", "all", None. Default: None. Returns: np.ndarray: Confusion matrix. """ if normalize not in ['true', 'pred', 'all', None]: raise ValueError("normalize must be one of {'true', 'pred', " "'all', None}") if isinstance(y_pred, list): y_pred = np.array(y_pred) if y_pred.dtype == np.int32: y_pred = y_pred.astype(np.int64) if not isinstance(y_pred, np.ndarray): raise TypeError( f'y_pred must be list or np.ndarray, but got {type(y_pred)}') if not y_pred.dtype == np.int64: raise TypeError( f'y_pred dtype must be np.int64, but got {y_pred.dtype}') if isinstance(y_real, list): y_real = np.array(y_real) if y_real.dtype == np.int32: y_real = y_real.astype(np.int64) if not isinstance(y_real, np.ndarray): raise TypeError( f'y_real must be list or np.ndarray, but got {type(y_real)}') if not y_real.dtype == np.int64: raise TypeError( f'y_real dtype must be np.int64, but got {y_real.dtype}') label_set = np.unique(np.concatenate((y_pred, y_real))) num_labels = len(label_set) max_label = label_set[-1] label_map = np.zeros(max_label + 1, dtype=np.int64) for i, label in enumerate(label_set): label_map[label] = i y_pred_mapped = label_map[y_pred] y_real_mapped = label_map[y_real] confusion_mat = np.bincount( num_labels * y_real_mapped + y_pred_mapped, minlength=num_labels**2).reshape(num_labels, num_labels) with np.errstate(all='ignore'): if normalize == 'true': confusion_mat = ( confusion_mat / confusion_mat.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)) elif normalize == 'pred': confusion_mat = ( confusion_mat / confusion_mat.sum(axis=0, keepdims=True)) elif normalize == 'all': confusion_mat = (confusion_mat / confusion_mat.sum()) confusion_mat = np.nan_to_num(confusion_mat) return confusion_mat
[docs]def mean_class_accuracy(scores, labels): """Calculate mean class accuracy. Args: scores (list[np.ndarray]): Prediction scores for each class. labels (list[int]): Ground truth labels. Returns: np.ndarray: Mean class accuracy. """ pred = np.argmax(scores, axis=1) cf_mat = confusion_matrix(pred, labels).astype(float) cls_cnt = cf_mat.sum(axis=1) cls_hit = np.diag(cf_mat) mean_class_acc = np.mean( [hit / cnt if cnt else 0.0 for cnt, hit in zip(cls_cnt, cls_hit)]) return mean_class_acc
[docs]def top_k_classes(scores, labels, k=10, mode='accurate'): """Calculate the most K accurate (inaccurate) classes. Given the prediction scores, ground truth label and top-k value, compute the top K accurate (inaccurate) classes. Args: scores (list[np.ndarray]): Prediction scores for each class. labels (list[int] | np.ndarray): Ground truth labels. k (int): Top-k values. Default: 10. mode (str): Comparison mode for Top-k. Options are 'accurate' and 'inaccurate'. Default: 'accurate'. Return: list: List of sorted (from high accuracy to low accuracy for 'accurate' mode, and from low accuracy to high accuracy for inaccurate mode) top K classes in format of (label_id, acc_ratio). """ assert mode in ['accurate', 'inaccurate'] pred = np.argmax(scores, axis=1) cf_mat = confusion_matrix(pred, labels).astype(float) cls_cnt = cf_mat.sum(axis=1) cls_hit = np.diag(cf_mat) hit_ratio = np.array( [hit / cnt if cnt else 0.0 for cnt, hit in zip(cls_cnt, cls_hit)]) if mode == 'accurate': max_index = np.argsort(hit_ratio)[-k:][::-1] max_value = hit_ratio[max_index] results = list(zip(max_index, max_value)) else: min_index = np.argsort(hit_ratio)[:k] min_value = hit_ratio[min_index] results = list(zip(min_index, min_value)) return results
[docs]def top_k_accuracy(scores, labels, topk=(1, )): """Calculate top k accuracy score. Args: scores (list[np.ndarray]): Prediction scores for each class. labels (list[int]): Ground truth labels. topk (tuple[int]): K value for top_k_accuracy. Default: (1, ). Returns: list[float]: Top k accuracy score for each k. """ res = [] labels = np.array(labels)[:, np.newaxis] for k in topk: max_k_preds = np.argsort(scores, axis=1)[:, -k:][:, ::-1] match_array = np.logical_or.reduce(max_k_preds == labels, axis=1) topk_acc_score = match_array.sum() / match_array.shape[0] res.append(topk_acc_score) return res
[docs]def mmit_mean_average_precision(scores, labels): """Mean average precision for multi-label recognition. Used for reporting MMIT style mAP on Multi-Moments in Times. The difference is that this method calculates average-precision for each sample and averages them among samples. Args: scores (list[np.ndarray]): Prediction scores of different classes for each sample. labels (list[np.ndarray]): Ground truth many-hot vector for each sample. Returns: np.float64: The MMIT style mean average precision. """ results = [] for score, label in zip(scores, labels): precision, recall, _ = binary_precision_recall_curve(score, label) ap = -np.sum(np.diff(recall) * np.array(precision)[:-1]) results.append(ap) return np.mean(results)
[docs]def mean_average_precision(scores, labels): """Mean average precision for multi-label recognition. Args: scores (list[np.ndarray]): Prediction scores of different classes for each sample. labels (list[np.ndarray]): Ground truth many-hot vector for each sample. Returns: np.float64: The mean average precision. """ results = [] scores = np.stack(scores).T labels = np.stack(labels).T for score, label in zip(scores, labels): precision, recall, _ = binary_precision_recall_curve(score, label) ap = -np.sum(np.diff(recall) * np.array(precision)[:-1]) results.append(ap) results = [x for x in results if not np.isnan(x)] if results == []: return np.nan return np.mean(results)
def binary_precision_recall_curve(y_score, y_true): """Calculate the binary precision recall curve at step thresholds. Args: y_score (np.ndarray): Prediction scores for each class. Shape should be (num_classes, ). y_true (np.ndarray): Ground truth many-hot vector. Shape should be (num_classes, ). Returns: precision (np.ndarray): The precision of different thresholds. recall (np.ndarray): The recall of different thresholds. thresholds (np.ndarray): Different thresholds at which precision and recall are tested. """ assert isinstance(y_score, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(y_true, np.ndarray) assert y_score.shape == y_true.shape # make y_true a boolean vector y_true = (y_true == 1) # sort scores and corresponding truth values desc_score_indices = np.argsort(y_score, kind='mergesort')[::-1] y_score = y_score[desc_score_indices] y_true = y_true[desc_score_indices] # There may be ties in values, therefore find the `distinct_value_inds` distinct_value_inds = np.where(np.diff(y_score))[0] threshold_inds = np.r_[distinct_value_inds, y_true.size - 1] # accumulate the true positives with decreasing threshold tps = np.cumsum(y_true)[threshold_inds] fps = 1 + threshold_inds - tps thresholds = y_score[threshold_inds] precision = tps / (tps + fps) precision[np.isnan(precision)] = 0 recall = tps / tps[-1] # stop when full recall attained # and reverse the outputs so recall is decreasing last_ind = tps.searchsorted(tps[-1]) sl = slice(last_ind, None, -1) return np.r_[precision[sl], 1], np.r_[recall[sl], 0], thresholds[sl]
[docs]def pairwise_temporal_iou(candidate_segments, target_segments, calculate_overlap_self=False): """Compute intersection over union between segments. Args: candidate_segments (np.ndarray): 1-dim/2-dim array in format ``[init, end]/[m x 2:=[init, end]]``. target_segments (np.ndarray): 2-dim array in format ``[n x 2:=[init, end]]``. calculate_overlap_self (bool): Whether to calculate overlap_self (union / candidate_length) or not. Default: False. Returns: t_iou (np.ndarray): 1-dim array [n] / 2-dim array [n x m] with IoU ratio. t_overlap_self (np.ndarray, optional): 1-dim array [n] / 2-dim array [n x m] with overlap_self, returns when calculate_overlap_self is True. """ candidate_segments_ndim = candidate_segments.ndim if target_segments.ndim != 2 or candidate_segments_ndim not in [1, 2]: raise ValueError('Dimension of arguments is incorrect') if candidate_segments_ndim == 1: candidate_segments = candidate_segments[np.newaxis, :] n, m = target_segments.shape[0], candidate_segments.shape[0] t_iou = np.empty((n, m), dtype=np.float32) if calculate_overlap_self: t_overlap_self = np.empty((n, m), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(m): candidate_segment = candidate_segments[i, :] tt1 = np.maximum(candidate_segment[0], target_segments[:, 0]) tt2 = np.minimum(candidate_segment[1], target_segments[:, 1]) # Intersection including Non-negative overlap score. segments_intersection = (tt2 - tt1).clip(0) # Segment union. segments_union = ((target_segments[:, 1] - target_segments[:, 0]) + (candidate_segment[1] - candidate_segment[0]) - segments_intersection) # Compute overlap as the ratio of the intersection # over union of two segments. t_iou[:, i] = (segments_intersection.astype(float) / segments_union) if calculate_overlap_self: candidate_length = candidate_segment[1] - candidate_segment[0] t_overlap_self[:, i] = ( segments_intersection.astype(float) / candidate_length) if candidate_segments_ndim == 1: t_iou = np.squeeze(t_iou, axis=1) if calculate_overlap_self: if candidate_segments_ndim == 1: t_overlap_self = np.squeeze(t_overlap_self, axis=1) return t_iou, t_overlap_self return t_iou
[docs]def average_recall_at_avg_proposals(ground_truth, proposals, total_num_proposals, max_avg_proposals=None, temporal_iou_thresholds=np.linspace( 0.5, 0.95, 10)): """Computes the average recall given an average number (percentile) of proposals per video. Args: ground_truth (dict): Dict containing the ground truth instances. proposals (dict): Dict containing the proposal instances. total_num_proposals (int): Total number of proposals in the proposal dict. max_avg_proposals (int | None): Max number of proposals for one video. Default: None. temporal_iou_thresholds (np.ndarray): 1D array with temporal_iou thresholds. Default: ``np.linspace(0.5, 0.95, 10)``. Returns: tuple([np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, float]): (recall, average_recall, proposals_per_video, auc) In recall, ``recall[i,j]`` is recall at i-th temporal_iou threshold at the j-th average number (percentile) of average number of proposals per video. The average_recall is recall averaged over a list of temporal_iou threshold (1D array). This is equivalent to ``recall.mean(axis=0)``. The ``proposals_per_video`` is the average number of proposals per video. The auc is the area under ``AR@AN`` curve. """ total_num_videos = len(ground_truth) if not max_avg_proposals: max_avg_proposals = float(total_num_proposals) / total_num_videos ratio = (max_avg_proposals * float(total_num_videos) / total_num_proposals) # For each video, compute temporal_iou scores among the retrieved proposals score_list = [] total_num_retrieved_proposals = 0 for video_id in ground_truth: # Get proposals for this video. proposals_video_id = proposals[video_id] this_video_proposals = proposals_video_id[:, :2] # Sort proposals by score. sort_idx = proposals_video_id[:, 2].argsort()[::-1] this_video_proposals = this_video_proposals[sort_idx, :].astype( np.float32) # Get ground-truth instances associated to this video. ground_truth_video_id = ground_truth[video_id] this_video_ground_truth = ground_truth_video_id[:, :2].astype( np.float32) if this_video_proposals.shape[0] == 0: n = this_video_ground_truth.shape[0] score_list.append(np.zeros((n, 1))) continue if this_video_proposals.ndim != 2: this_video_proposals = np.expand_dims(this_video_proposals, axis=0) if this_video_ground_truth.ndim != 2: this_video_ground_truth = np.expand_dims( this_video_ground_truth, axis=0) num_retrieved_proposals = np.minimum( int(this_video_proposals.shape[0] * ratio), this_video_proposals.shape[0]) total_num_retrieved_proposals += num_retrieved_proposals this_video_proposals = this_video_proposals[: num_retrieved_proposals, :] # Compute temporal_iou scores. t_iou = pairwise_temporal_iou(this_video_proposals, this_video_ground_truth) score_list.append(t_iou) # Given that the length of the videos is really varied, we # compute the number of proposals in terms of a ratio of the total # proposals retrieved, i.e. average recall at a percentage of proposals # retrieved per video. # Computes average recall. pcn_list = np.arange(1, 101) / 100.0 * ( max_avg_proposals * float(total_num_videos) / total_num_retrieved_proposals) matches = np.empty((total_num_videos, pcn_list.shape[0])) positives = np.empty(total_num_videos) recall = np.empty((temporal_iou_thresholds.shape[0], pcn_list.shape[0])) # Iterates over each temporal_iou threshold. for ridx, temporal_iou in enumerate(temporal_iou_thresholds): # Inspect positives retrieved per video at different # number of proposals (percentage of the total retrieved). for i, score in enumerate(score_list): # Total positives per video. positives[i] = score.shape[0] # Find proposals that satisfies minimum temporal_iou threshold. true_positives_temporal_iou = score >= temporal_iou # Get number of proposals as a percentage of total retrieved. pcn_proposals = np.minimum( (score.shape[1] * pcn_list).astype(np.int32), score.shape[1]) for j, num_retrieved_proposals in enumerate(pcn_proposals): # Compute the number of matches # for each percentage of the proposals matches[i, j] = np.count_nonzero( (true_positives_temporal_iou[:, :num_retrieved_proposals] ).sum(axis=1)) # Computes recall given the set of matches per video. recall[ridx, :] = matches.sum(axis=0) / positives.sum() # Recall is averaged. avg_recall = recall.mean(axis=0) # Get the average number of proposals per video. proposals_per_video = pcn_list * ( float(total_num_retrieved_proposals) / total_num_videos) # Get AUC area_under_curve = np.trapz(avg_recall, proposals_per_video) auc = 100. * float(area_under_curve) / proposals_per_video[-1] return recall, avg_recall, proposals_per_video, auc
[docs]def get_weighted_score(score_list, coeff_list): """Get weighted score with given scores and coefficients. Given n predictions by different classifier: [score_1, score_2, ..., score_n] (score_list) and their coefficients: [coeff_1, coeff_2, ..., coeff_n] (coeff_list), return weighted score: weighted_score = score_1 * coeff_1 + score_2 * coeff_2 + ... + score_n * coeff_n Args: score_list (list[list[np.ndarray]]): List of list of scores, with shape n(number of predictions) X num_samples X num_classes coeff_list (list[float]): List of coefficients, with shape n. Returns: list[np.ndarray]: List of weighted scores. """ assert len(score_list) == len(coeff_list) num_samples = len(score_list[0]) for i in range(1, len(score_list)): assert len(score_list[i]) == num_samples scores = np.array(score_list) # (num_coeff, num_samples, num_classes) coeff = np.array(coeff_list) # (num_coeff, ) weighted_scores = list(, coeff).T) return weighted_scores
[docs]def softmax(x, dim=1): """Compute softmax values for each sets of scores in x.""" e_x = np.exp(x - np.max(x, axis=dim, keepdims=True)) return e_x / e_x.sum(axis=dim, keepdims=True)
[docs]def interpolated_precision_recall(precision, recall): """Interpolated AP - VOCdevkit from VOC 2011. Args: precision (np.ndarray): The precision of different thresholds. recall (np.ndarray): The recall of different thresholds. Returns: float: Average precision score. """ mprecision = np.hstack([[0], precision, [0]]) mrecall = np.hstack([[0], recall, [1]]) for i in range(len(mprecision) - 1)[::-1]: mprecision[i] = max(mprecision[i], mprecision[i + 1]) idx = np.where(mrecall[1::] != mrecall[0:-1])[0] + 1 ap = np.sum((mrecall[idx] - mrecall[idx - 1]) * mprecision[idx]) return ap
[docs]def average_precision_at_temporal_iou(ground_truth, prediction, temporal_iou_thresholds=(np.linspace( 0.5, 0.95, 10))): """Compute average precision (in detection task) between ground truth and predicted data frames. If multiple predictions match the same predicted segment, only the one with highest score is matched as true positive. This code is greatly inspired by Pascal VOC devkit. Args: ground_truth (dict): Dict containing the ground truth instances. Key: 'video_id' Value (np.ndarray): 1D array of 't-start' and 't-end'. prediction (np.ndarray): 2D array containing the information of proposal instances, including 'video_id', 'class_id', 't-start', 't-end' and 'score'. temporal_iou_thresholds (np.ndarray): 1D array with temporal_iou thresholds. Default: ``np.linspace(0.5, 0.95, 10)``. Returns: np.ndarray: 1D array of average precision score. """ ap = np.zeros(len(temporal_iou_thresholds), dtype=np.float32) if len(prediction) < 1: return ap num_gts = 0. lock_gt = dict() for key in ground_truth: lock_gt[key] = np.ones( (len(temporal_iou_thresholds), len(ground_truth[key]))) * -1 num_gts += len(ground_truth[key]) # Sort predictions by decreasing score order. prediction = np.array(prediction) scores = prediction[:, 4].astype(float) sort_idx = np.argsort(scores)[::-1] prediction = prediction[sort_idx] # Initialize true positive and false positive vectors. tp = np.zeros((len(temporal_iou_thresholds), len(prediction)), dtype=np.int32) fp = np.zeros((len(temporal_iou_thresholds), len(prediction)), dtype=np.int32) # Assigning true positive to truly grount truth instances. for idx, this_pred in enumerate(prediction): # Check if there is at least one ground truth in the video. if this_pred[0] in ground_truth: this_gt = np.array(ground_truth[this_pred[0]], dtype=float) else: fp[:, idx] = 1 continue t_iou = pairwise_temporal_iou(this_pred[2:4].astype(float), this_gt) # We would like to retrieve the predictions with highest t_iou score. t_iou_sorted_idx = t_iou.argsort()[::-1] for t_idx, t_iou_threshold in enumerate(temporal_iou_thresholds): for jdx in t_iou_sorted_idx: if t_iou[jdx] < t_iou_threshold: fp[t_idx, idx] = 1 break if lock_gt[this_pred[0]][t_idx, jdx] >= 0: continue # Assign as true positive after the filters above. tp[t_idx, idx] = 1 lock_gt[this_pred[0]][t_idx, jdx] = idx break if fp[t_idx, idx] == 0 and tp[t_idx, idx] == 0: fp[t_idx, idx] = 1 tp_cumsum = np.cumsum(tp, axis=1).astype(np.float32) fp_cumsum = np.cumsum(fp, axis=1).astype(np.float32) recall_cumsum = tp_cumsum / num_gts precision_cumsum = tp_cumsum / (tp_cumsum + fp_cumsum) for t_idx in range(len(temporal_iou_thresholds)): ap[t_idx] = interpolated_precision_recall(precision_cumsum[t_idx, :], recall_cumsum[t_idx, :]) return ap