Source code for mmaction.evaluation.functional.eval_detection
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import json
import numpy as np
from mmengine.logging import MMLogger, print_log
from .accuracy import interpolated_precision_recall, pairwise_temporal_iou
[docs]class ActivityNetLocalization:
"""Class to evaluate detection results on ActivityNet.
ground_truth_filename (str | None): The filename of groundtruth.
Default: None.
prediction_filename (str | None): The filename of action detection
results. Default: None.
tiou_thresholds (np.ndarray): The thresholds of temporal iou to
evaluate. Default: ``np.linspace(0.5, 0.95, 10)``.
verbose (bool): Whether to print verbose logs. Default: False.
def __init__(self,
tiou_thresholds=np.linspace(0.5, 0.95, 10),
if not ground_truth_filename:
raise IOError('Please input a valid ground truth file.')
if not prediction_filename:
raise IOError('Please input a valid prediction file.')
self.ground_truth_filename = ground_truth_filename
self.prediction_filename = prediction_filename
self.tiou_thresholds = tiou_thresholds
self.verbose = verbose
self.ap = None
self.logger = MMLogger.get_current_instance()
# Import ground truth and predictions.
self.ground_truth, self.activity_index = self._import_ground_truth(
self.prediction = self._import_prediction(prediction_filename)
if self.verbose:
log_msg = (
'[INIT] Loaded ground_truth from '
f'{self.ground_truth_filename}, prediction from '
f'Number of ground truth instances: {len(self.ground_truth)}\n'
f'Number of predictions: {len(self.prediction)}\n'
f'Fixed threshold for tiou score: {self.tiou_thresholds}')
print_log(log_msg, logger=self.logger)
def _import_ground_truth(ground_truth_filename):
"""Read ground truth file and return the ground truth instances and the
activity classes.
ground_truth_filename (str): Full path to the ground truth json
tuple[list, dict]: (ground_truth, activity_index).
ground_truth contains the ground truth instances, which is in a
dict format.
activity_index contains classes index.
with open(ground_truth_filename, 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
# Checking format
activity_index, class_idx = {}, 0
ground_truth = []
for video_id, video_info in data.items():
for anno in video_info['annotations']:
if anno['label'] not in activity_index:
activity_index[anno['label']] = class_idx
class_idx += 1
# old video_anno
ground_truth_item = {}
ground_truth_item['video-id'] = video_id[2:]
ground_truth_item['t-start'] = float(anno['segment'][0])
ground_truth_item['t-end'] = float(anno['segment'][1])
ground_truth_item['label'] = activity_index[anno['label']]
return ground_truth, activity_index
def _import_prediction(self, prediction_filename):
"""Read prediction file and return the prediction instances.
prediction_filename (str): Full path to the prediction json file.
List: List containing the prediction instances (dictionaries).
with open(prediction_filename, 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
# Read predictions.
prediction = []
for video_id, video_info in data['results'].items():
for result in video_info:
prediction_item = dict()
prediction_item['video-id'] = video_id
prediction_item['label'] = self.activity_index[result['label']]
prediction_item['t-start'] = float(result['segment'][0])
prediction_item['t-end'] = float(result['segment'][1])
prediction_item['score'] = result['score']
return prediction
[docs] def wrapper_compute_average_precision(self):
"""Computes average precision for each class."""
ap = np.zeros((len(self.tiou_thresholds), len(self.activity_index)))
# Adaptation to query faster
ground_truth_by_label = []
prediction_by_label = []
for i in range(len(self.activity_index)):
for gt in self.ground_truth:
for pred in self.prediction:
for i in range(len(self.activity_index)):
ap_result = compute_average_precision_detection(
ground_truth_by_label[i], prediction_by_label[i],
ap[:, i] = ap_result
return ap
[docs] def evaluate(self):
"""Evaluates a prediction file.
For the detection task we measure the interpolated mean average
precision to measure the performance of a method.
self.ap = self.wrapper_compute_average_precision()
self.mAP = self.ap.mean(axis=1)
self.average_mAP = self.mAP.mean()
return self.mAP, self.average_mAP
def compute_average_precision_detection(ground_truth,
0.5, 0.95, 10)):
"""Compute average precision (detection task) between ground truth and
predictions data frames. If multiple predictions occurs for the same
predicted segment, only the one with highest score is matches as true
positive. This code is greatly inspired by Pascal VOC devkit.
ground_truth (list[dict]): List containing the ground truth instances
(dictionaries). Required keys are 'video-id', 't-start' and
prediction (list[dict]): List containing the prediction instances
(dictionaries). Required keys are: 'video-id', 't-start', 't-end'
and 'score'.
tiou_thresholds (np.ndarray): A 1darray indicates the temporal
intersection over union threshold, which is optional.
Default: ``np.linspace(0.5, 0.95, 10)``.
Float: ap, Average precision score.
num_thresholds = len(tiou_thresholds)
num_gts = len(ground_truth)
num_preds = len(prediction)
ap = np.zeros(num_thresholds)
if len(prediction) == 0:
return ap
num_positive = float(num_gts)
lock_gt = np.ones((num_thresholds, num_gts)) * -1
# Sort predictions by decreasing score order.
prediction.sort(key=lambda x: -x['score'])
# Initialize true positive and false positive vectors.
tp = np.zeros((num_thresholds, num_preds))
fp = np.zeros((num_thresholds, num_preds))
# Adaptation to query faster
ground_truth_by_videoid = {}
for i, item in enumerate(ground_truth):
item['index'] = i
ground_truth_by_videoid.setdefault(item['video-id'], []).append(item)
# Assigning true positive to truly grount truth instances.
for idx, pred in enumerate(prediction):
if pred['video-id'] in ground_truth_by_videoid:
gts = ground_truth_by_videoid[pred['video-id']]
fp[:, idx] = 1
tiou_arr = pairwise_temporal_iou(
np.array([pred['t-start'], pred['t-end']]),
np.array([np.array([gt['t-start'], gt['t-end']]) for gt in gts]))
tiou_arr = tiou_arr.reshape(-1)
# We would like to retrieve the predictions with highest tiou score.
tiou_sorted_idx = tiou_arr.argsort()[::-1]
for t_idx, tiou_threshold in enumerate(tiou_thresholds):
for j_idx in tiou_sorted_idx:
if tiou_arr[j_idx] < tiou_threshold:
fp[t_idx, idx] = 1
if lock_gt[t_idx, gts[j_idx]['index']] >= 0:
# Assign as true positive after the filters above.
tp[t_idx, idx] = 1
lock_gt[t_idx, gts[j_idx]['index']] = idx
if fp[t_idx, idx] == 0 and tp[t_idx, idx] == 0:
fp[t_idx, idx] = 1
tp_cumsum = np.cumsum(tp, axis=1).astype(np.float64)
fp_cumsum = np.cumsum(fp, axis=1).astype(np.float64)
recall_cumsum = tp_cumsum / num_positive
precision_cumsum = tp_cumsum / (tp_cumsum + fp_cumsum)
for t_idx in range(len(tiou_thresholds)):
ap[t_idx] = interpolated_precision_recall(precision_cumsum[t_idx, :],
recall_cumsum[t_idx, :])
return ap