
Source code for mmaction.models.losses.hvu_loss

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from mmengine.device import get_device

from mmaction.registry import MODELS
from .base import BaseWeightedLoss

[docs]@MODELS.register_module() class HVULoss(BaseWeightedLoss): """Calculate the BCELoss for HVU. Args: categories (tuple[str]): Names of tag categories, tags are organized in this order. Default: ['action', 'attribute', 'concept', 'event', 'object', 'scene']. category_nums (tuple[int]): Number of tags for each category. Default: (739, 117, 291, 69, 1678, 248). category_loss_weights (tuple[float]): Loss weights of categories, it applies only if `loss_type == 'individual'`. The loss weights will be normalized so that the sum equals to 1, so that you can give any positive number as loss weight. Default: (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1). loss_type (str): The loss type we calculate, we can either calculate the BCELoss for all tags, or calculate the BCELoss for tags in each category. Choices are 'individual' or 'all'. Default: 'all'. with_mask (bool): Since some tag categories are missing for some video clips. If `with_mask == True`, we will not calculate loss for these missing categories. Otherwise, these missing categories are treated as negative samples. reduction (str): Reduction way. Choices are 'mean' or 'sum'. Default: 'mean'. loss_weight (float): The loss weight. Default: 1.0. """ def __init__(self, categories=('action', 'attribute', 'concept', 'event', 'object', 'scene'), category_nums=(739, 117, 291, 69, 1678, 248), category_loss_weights=(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), loss_type='all', with_mask=False, reduction='mean', loss_weight=1.0): super().__init__(loss_weight) self.categories = categories self.category_nums = category_nums self.category_loss_weights = category_loss_weights assert len(self.category_nums) == len(self.category_loss_weights) for category_loss_weight in self.category_loss_weights: assert category_loss_weight >= 0 self.loss_type = loss_type self.with_mask = with_mask self.reduction = reduction self.category_startidx = [0] for i in range(len(self.category_nums) - 1): self.category_startidx.append(self.category_startidx[-1] + self.category_nums[i]) assert self.loss_type in ['individual', 'all'] assert self.reduction in ['mean', 'sum'] def _forward(self, cls_score, label, mask, category_mask): """Forward function. Args: cls_score (torch.Tensor): The class score. label (torch.Tensor): The ground truth label. mask (torch.Tensor): The mask of tags. 0 indicates that the category of this tag is missing in the label of the video. category_mask (torch.Tensor): The category mask. For each sample, it's a tensor with length `len(self.categories)`, denotes that if the category is labeled for this video. Returns: torch.Tensor: The returned CrossEntropy loss. """ if self.loss_type == 'all': loss_cls = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits( cls_score, label, reduction='none') if self.with_mask: w_loss_cls = mask * loss_cls w_loss_cls = torch.sum(w_loss_cls, dim=1) if self.reduction == 'mean': w_loss_cls = w_loss_cls / torch.sum(mask, dim=1) w_loss_cls = torch.mean(w_loss_cls) return dict(loss_cls=w_loss_cls) if self.reduction == 'sum': loss_cls = torch.sum(loss_cls, dim=-1) return dict(loss_cls=torch.mean(loss_cls)) if self.loss_type == 'individual': losses = {} loss_weights = {} for name, num, start_idx in zip(self.categories, self.category_nums, self.category_startidx): category_score = cls_score[:, start_idx:start_idx + num] category_label = label[:, start_idx:start_idx + num] category_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits( category_score, category_label, reduction='none') if self.reduction == 'mean': category_loss = torch.mean(category_loss, dim=1) elif self.reduction == 'sum': category_loss = torch.sum(category_loss, dim=1) idx = self.categories.index(name) if self.with_mask: category_mask_i = category_mask[:, idx].reshape(-1) # there should be at least one sample which contains tags # in this category if torch.sum(category_mask_i) < 0.5: losses[f'{name}_LOSS'] = torch.tensor( .0, device=get_device()) loss_weights[f'{name}_LOSS'] = .0 continue category_loss = torch.sum(category_loss * category_mask_i) category_loss = category_loss / torch.sum(category_mask_i) else: category_loss = torch.mean(category_loss) # We name the loss of each category as 'LOSS', since we only # want to monitor them, not backward them. We will also provide # the loss used for backward in the losses dictionary losses[f'{name}_LOSS'] = category_loss loss_weights[f'{name}_LOSS'] = self.category_loss_weights[idx] loss_weight_sum = sum(loss_weights.values()) loss_weights = { k: v / loss_weight_sum for k, v in loss_weights.items() } loss_cls = sum([losses[k] * loss_weights[k] for k in losses]) losses['loss_cls'] = loss_cls # We also trace the loss weights losses.update({ k + '_weight': torch.tensor(v).to(losses[k].device) for k, v in loss_weights.items() }) # Note that the loss weights are just for reference. return losses else: raise ValueError("loss_type should be 'all' or 'individual', " f'but got {self.loss_type}')