
Source code for mmaction.structures.bbox.transforms

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import numpy as np
import torch

[docs]def bbox2result(bboxes: torch.Tensor, labels: torch.Tensor, num_classes: int, thr: float = 0.01) -> list: """Convert detection results to a list of numpy arrays. This identifies single-label classification (as opposed to multi-label) through the thr parameter which is set to a negative value. ToDo: The ideal way would be for this to be automatically set when the Currently, the way to set this is to set ``test_cfg.rcnn.action_thr=-1.0`` model cfg uses multilabel=False, however this could be a breaking change and is left as a future exercise. NB - this should not interfere with the evaluation in any case. Args: bboxes (torch.Tensor): shape ``(n, 4)``. labels (torch.Tensor): shape ``(n, num_classes)``. num_classes (int): class number, including background class. thr (float): The score threshold used when converting predictions to detection results. If a single negative value, uses single-label classification. Returns: List(ndarray): bbox results of each class. """ if bboxes.shape[0] == 0: return list(np.zeros((num_classes - 1, 0, 5), dtype=np.float32)) bboxes = bboxes.cpu().numpy() scores = labels.cpu().numpy() # rename for clarification # Although we can handle single-label classification, we still want scores assert scores.shape[-1] > 1 # Robustly check for multi/single-label: if not hasattr(thr, '__len__'): multilabel = thr >= 0 thr = (thr, ) * num_classes else: multilabel = True # Check Shape assert scores.shape[1] == num_classes assert len(thr) == num_classes result = [] for i in range(num_classes - 1): if multilabel: where = (scores[:, i + 1] > thr[i + 1]) else: where = (scores[:, 1:].argmax(axis=1) == i) result.append( np.concatenate((bboxes[where, :4], scores[where, i + 1:i + 2]), axis=1)) return result