
Source code for mmaction.utils.gradcam_utils

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

[docs]class GradCAM: """GradCAM class helps create visualization results. Visualization results are blended by heatmaps and input images. This class is modified from # noqa For more information about GradCAM, please visit: Args: model (nn.Module): the recognizer model to be used. target_layer_name (str): name of convolutional layer to be used to get gradients and feature maps from for creating localization maps. colormap (str): matplotlib colormap used to create heatmap. Defaults to 'viridis'. For more information, please visit """ def __init__(self, model: nn.Module, target_layer_name: str, colormap: str = 'viridis') -> None: from ..models.recognizers import Recognizer2D, Recognizer3D if isinstance(model, Recognizer2D): self.is_recognizer2d = True elif isinstance(model, Recognizer3D): self.is_recognizer2d = False else: raise ValueError( 'GradCAM utils only support Recognizer2D & Recognizer3D.') self.model = model self.model.eval() self.target_gradients = None self.target_activations = None import matplotlib.pyplot as plt self.colormap = plt.get_cmap(colormap) self._register_hooks(target_layer_name) def _register_hooks(self, layer_name: str) -> None: """Register forward and backward hook to a layer, given layer_name, to obtain gradients and activations. Args: layer_name (str): name of the layer. """ def get_gradients(module, grad_input, grad_output): self.target_gradients = grad_output[0].detach() def get_activations(module, input, output): self.target_activations = output.clone().detach() layer_ls = layer_name.split('/') prev_module = self.model for layer in layer_ls: prev_module = prev_module._modules[layer] target_layer = prev_module target_layer.register_forward_hook(get_activations) target_layer.register_backward_hook(get_gradients) def _calculate_localization_map(self, data: dict, use_labels: bool, delta=1e-20) -> tuple: """Calculate localization map for all inputs with Grad-CAM. Args: data (dict): model inputs, generated by test pipeline, use_labels (bool): Whether to use given labels to generate localization map. delta (float): used in localization map normalization, must be small enough. Please make sure `localization_map_max - localization_map_min >> delta` Returns: localization_map (torch.Tensor): the localization map for input imgs. preds (torch.Tensor): Model predictions with shape (batch_size, num_classes). """ inputs = data['inputs'] # use score before softmax self.model.cls_head.average_clips = 'score' # model forward & backward results = self.model.test_step(data) preds = [result.pred_score for result in results] preds = torch.stack(preds) if use_labels: labels = [result.gt_label for result in results] labels = torch.stack(labels) score = torch.gather(preds, dim=1, index=labels) else: score = torch.max(preds, dim=-1)[0] self.model.zero_grad() score = torch.sum(score) score.backward() imgs = torch.stack(inputs) if self.is_recognizer2d: # [batch_size, num_segments, 3, H, W] b, t, _, h, w = imgs.size() else: # [batch_size, num_crops*num_clips, 3, clip_len, H, W] b1, b2, _, t, h, w = imgs.size() b = b1 * b2 gradients = self.target_gradients activations = self.target_activations if self.is_recognizer2d: # [B*Tg, C', H', W'] b_tg, c, _, _ = gradients.size() tg = b_tg // b else: # source shape: [B, C', Tg, H', W'] _, c, tg, _, _ = gradients.size() # target shape: [B, Tg, C', H', W'] gradients = gradients.permute(0, 2, 1, 3, 4) activations = activations.permute(0, 2, 1, 3, 4) # calculate & resize to [B, 1, T, H, W] weights = torch.mean(gradients.view(b, tg, c, -1), dim=3) weights = weights.view(b, tg, c, 1, 1) activations = activations.view([b, tg, c] + list(activations.size()[-2:])) localization_map = torch.sum( weights * activations, dim=2, keepdim=True) localization_map = F.relu(localization_map) localization_map = localization_map.permute(0, 2, 1, 3, 4) localization_map = F.interpolate( localization_map, size=(t, h, w), mode='trilinear', align_corners=False) # Normalize the localization map. localization_map_min, localization_map_max = ( torch.min(localization_map.view(b, -1), dim=-1, keepdim=True)[0], torch.max(localization_map.view(b, -1), dim=-1, keepdim=True)[0]) localization_map_min = torch.reshape( localization_map_min, shape=(b, 1, 1, 1, 1)) localization_map_max = torch.reshape( localization_map_max, shape=(b, 1, 1, 1, 1)) localization_map = (localization_map - localization_map_min) / ( localization_map_max - localization_map_min + delta) localization_map = return localization_map.squeeze(dim=1), preds def _alpha_blending(self, localization_map: torch.Tensor, input_imgs: torch.Tensor, alpha: float) -> torch.Tensor: """Blend heatmaps and model input images and get visulization results. Args: localization_map (torch.Tensor): localization map for all inputs, generated with Grad-CAM. input_imgs (torch.Tensor): model inputs, raw images. alpha (float): transparency level of the heatmap, in the range [0, 1]. Returns: torch.Tensor: blending results for localization map and input images, with shape [B, T, H, W, 3] and pixel values in RGB order within range [0, 1]. """ # localization_map shape [B, T, H, W] localization_map = localization_map.cpu() # heatmap shape [B, T, H, W, 3] in RGB order heatmap = self.colormap(localization_map.detach().numpy()) heatmap = heatmap[..., :3] heatmap = torch.from_numpy(heatmap) input_imgs = torch.stack(input_imgs) # Permute input imgs to [B, T, H, W, 3], like heatmap if self.is_recognizer2d: # Recognizer2D input (B, T, C, H, W) curr_inp = input_imgs.permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 2) else: # Recognizer3D input (B', num_clips*num_crops, C, T, H, W) # B = B' * num_clips * num_crops curr_inp = input_imgs.view([-1] + list(input_imgs.size()[2:])) curr_inp = curr_inp.permute(0, 2, 3, 4, 1) # renormalize input imgs to [0, 1] curr_inp = curr_inp.cpu().float() curr_inp /= 255. # alpha blending blended_imgs = alpha * heatmap + (1 - alpha) * curr_inp return blended_imgs def __call__(self, data: dict, use_labels: bool = False, alpha: float = 0.5) -> tuple: """Visualize the localization maps on their corresponding inputs as heatmap, using Grad-CAM. Generate visualization results for **ALL CROPS**. For example, for I3D model, if `clip_len=32, num_clips=10` and use `ThreeCrop` in test pipeline, then for every model inputs, there are 960(32*10*3) images generated. Args: data (dict): model inputs, generated by test pipeline. use_labels (bool): Whether to use given labels to generate localization map. alpha (float): transparency level of the heatmap, in the range [0, 1]. Returns: blended_imgs (torch.Tensor): Visualization results, blended by localization maps and model inputs. preds (torch.Tensor): Model predictions for inputs. """ # localization_map shape [B, T, H, W] # preds shape [batch_size, num_classes] localization_map, preds = self._calculate_localization_map( data, use_labels=use_labels) # blended_imgs shape [B, T, H, W, 3] blended_imgs = self._alpha_blending(localization_map, data['inputs'], alpha) # blended_imgs shape [B, T, H, W, 3] # preds shape [batch_size, num_classes] # Recognizer2D: B = batch_size, T = num_segments # Recognizer3D: B = batch_size * num_crops * num_clips, T = clip_len return blended_imgs, preds