
Source code for mmaction.utils.setup_env

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import datetime
import warnings

from mmengine import DefaultScope

[docs]def register_all_modules(init_default_scope: bool = True) -> None: """Register all modules in mmaction into the registries. Args: init_default_scope (bool): Whether initialize the mmaction default scope. If True, the global default scope will be set to `mmaction`, and all registries will build modules from mmaction's registry node. To understand more about the registry, please refer to Defaults to True. """ import mmaction.datasets # noqa: F401,F403 import mmaction.engine # noqa: F401,F403 import mmaction.evaluation # noqa: F401,F403 import mmaction.models # noqa: F401,F403 import mmaction.structures # noqa: F401,F403 import mmaction.visualization # noqa: F401,F403 if init_default_scope: never_created = DefaultScope.get_current_instance() is None \ or not DefaultScope.check_instance_created('mmaction') if never_created: DefaultScope.get_instance('mmaction', scope_name='mmaction') return current_scope = DefaultScope.get_current_instance() if current_scope.scope_name != 'mmaction': warnings.warn('The current default scope ' f'"{current_scope.scope_name}" is not "mmaction", ' '`register_all_modules` will force set the current' 'default scope to "mmaction". If this is not as ' 'expected, please set `init_default_scope=False`.') # avoid name conflict new_instance_name = f'mmaction-{}' DefaultScope.get_instance(new_instance_name, scope_name='mmaction')