
Video Retrieval Models


CLIP4Clip: An Empirical Study of CLIP for End to End Video Clip Retrieval


Video-text retrieval plays an essential role in multi-modal research and has been widely used in many real-world web applications. The CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training), an image-language pre-training model, has demonstrated the power of visual concepts learning from web collected image-text datasets. In this paper, we propose a CLIP4Clip model to transfer the knowledge of the CLIP model to video-language retrieval in an end-to-end manner. Several questions are investigated via empirical studies: 1) Whether image feature is enough for video-text retrieval? 2) How a post-pretraining on a large-scale video-text dataset based on the CLIP affect the performance? 3) What is the practical mechanism to model temporal dependency between video frames? And 4) The Hyper-parameters sensitivity of the model on video-text retrieval task. Extensive experimental results present that the CLIP4Clip model transferred from the CLIP can achieve SOTA results on various video-text retrieval datasets, including MSR-VTT, MSVC, LSMDC, ActivityNet, and DiDeMo.

Results and Models


frame sampling strategy resolution gpus backbone adapter pretrain Recall@1 Recall@5 Recall@10 MdR MnR testing protocol config ckpt log
uniform 12 224x224 8 ViT-B/32 Mean clip 43.1 69.4 78.9 2.0 16.8 1 clips x 1 crop config ckpt log

For more details on data preparation, you can refer to video_retrieval.


You can use the following command to train a model.

python tools/ ${CONFIG_FILE} [optional arguments]

Example: train CLIP4Clip model on MSRVTT-9k dataset in a deterministic option with periodic validation.

python tools/ configs/retrieval/clip4clip/ \
    --seed 0 --deterministic

For more details, you can refer to the Training part in the Training and Test Tutorial.


You can use the following command to test a model.

python tools/ ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} [optional arguments]

Example: test CLIP4Clip model on MSRVTT-9k dataset and dump the result to a pkl file.

python tools/ configs/retrieval/clip4clip/ \
    checkpoints/SOME_CHECKPOINT.pth --dump result.pkl

For more details, you can refer to the Test part in the Training and Test Tutorial.


  title={CLIP4Clip: An empirical study of CLIP for end to end video clip retrieval and captioning},
  author={Luo, Huaishao and Ji, Lei and Zhong, Ming and Chen, Yang and Lei, Wen and Duan, Nan and Li, Tianrui},