
Source code for mmaction.evaluation.functional.ava_utils

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
# This piece of code is directly adapted from ActivityNet official repo
# Evaluation/ Some unused codes are removed.
import csv
import multiprocessing
import time
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np

from .ava_evaluation import metrics, np_box_list, np_box_ops

def det2csv(results, custom_classes):
    """Convert detection results to csv file."""
    csv_results = []
    for idx in range(len(results)):
        video_id = results[idx]['video_id']
        timestamp = results[idx]['timestamp']
        result = results[idx]['outputs']
        for label, _ in enumerate(result):
            for bbox in result[label]:
                bbox_ = tuple(bbox.tolist())
                if custom_classes is not None:
                    actual_label = custom_classes[label + 1]
                    actual_label = label + 1
                ) + bbox_[:4] + (actual_label, ) + bbox_[4:])
    return csv_results

# results is organized by class
[docs]def results2csv(results, out_file, custom_classes=None): """Convert detection results to csv file.""" csv_results = det2csv(results, custom_classes) # save space for float def to_str(item): if isinstance(item, float): return f'{item:.4f}' return str(item) with open(out_file, 'w') as f: for csv_result in csv_results: f.write(','.join(map(to_str, csv_result))) f.write('\n')
def print_time(message, start): """Print processing time.""" print('==> %g seconds to %s' % (time.time() - start, message), flush=True) def make_image_key(video_id, timestamp): """Returns a unique identifier for a video id & timestamp.""" return f'{video_id},{int(timestamp):04d}' def read_csv(csv_file, class_whitelist=None): """Loads boxes and class labels from a CSV file in the AVA format. CSV file format described at Args: csv_file: A file object. class_whitelist: If provided, boxes corresponding to (integer) class labels not in this set are skipped. Returns: boxes: A dictionary mapping each unique image key (string) to a list of boxes, given as coordinates [y1, x1, y2, x2]. labels: A dictionary mapping each unique image key (string) to a list of integer class labels, matching the corresponding box in `boxes`. scores: A dictionary mapping each unique image key (string) to a list of score values labels, matching the corresponding label in `labels`. If scores are not provided in the csv, then they will default to 1.0. """ entries = defaultdict(list) boxes = defaultdict(list) labels = defaultdict(list) scores = defaultdict(list) reader = csv.reader(csv_file) for row in reader: assert len(row) in [7, 8], 'Wrong number of columns: ' + row image_key = make_image_key(row[0], row[1]) x1, y1, x2, y2 = [float(n) for n in row[2:6]] action_id = int(row[6]) if class_whitelist and action_id not in class_whitelist: continue score = 1.0 if len(row) == 8: score = float(row[7]) entries[image_key].append((score, action_id, y1, x1, y2, x2)) for image_key in entries: # Evaluation API assumes boxes with descending scores entry = sorted(entries[image_key], key=lambda tup: -tup[0]) boxes[image_key] = [x[2:] for x in entry] labels[image_key] = [x[1] for x in entry] scores[image_key] = [x[0] for x in entry] return boxes, labels, scores def read_exclusions(exclusions_file): """Reads a CSV file of excluded timestamps. Args: exclusions_file: A file object containing a csv of video-id,timestamp. Returns: A set of strings containing excluded image keys, e.g. "aaaaaaaaaaa,0904", or an empty set if exclusions file is None. """ excluded = set() if exclusions_file: reader = csv.reader(exclusions_file) for row in reader: assert len(row) == 2, f'Expected only 2 columns, got: {row}' excluded.add(make_image_key(row[0], row[1])) return excluded
[docs]def read_labelmap(labelmap_file): """Reads a labelmap without the dependency on protocol buffers. Args: labelmap_file: A file object containing a label map protocol buffer. Returns: labelmap: The label map in the form used by the object_detection_evaluation module - a list of {"id": integer, "name": classname } dicts. class_ids: A set containing all of the valid class id integers. """ labelmap = [] class_ids = set() name = '' class_id = '' for line in labelmap_file: if line.startswith(' name:'): name = line.split('"')[1] elif line.startswith(' id:') or line.startswith(' label_id:'): class_id = int(line.strip().split(' ')[-1]) labelmap.append({'id': class_id, 'name': name}) class_ids.add(class_id) return labelmap, class_ids
def get_overlaps_and_scores_box_mode(detected_boxes, detected_scores, groundtruth_boxes): detected_boxlist = np_box_list.BoxList(detected_boxes) detected_boxlist.add_field('scores', detected_scores) gt_non_group_of_boxlist = np_box_list.BoxList(groundtruth_boxes) iou = np_box_ops.iou(detected_boxlist.get(), gt_non_group_of_boxlist.get()) scores = detected_boxlist.get_field('scores') num_boxes = detected_boxlist.num_boxes() return iou, scores, num_boxes def tpfp_single(tup, threshold=0.5): gt_bboxes, gt_labels, bboxes, labels, scores = tup ret_scores, ret_tp_fp_labels = dict(), dict() all_labels = list(set(labels)) for label in all_labels: gt_bbox = np.array( [x for x, y in zip(gt_bboxes, gt_labels) if y == label], dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4) bbox = np.array([x for x, y in zip(bboxes, labels) if y == label], dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4) score = np.array([x for x, y in zip(scores, labels) if y == label], dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1) iou, score, num_boxes = get_overlaps_and_scores_box_mode( bbox, score, gt_bbox) if gt_bbox.size == 0: ret_scores[label] = score ret_tp_fp_labels[label] = np.zeros(num_boxes, dtype=bool) continue tp_fp_labels = np.zeros(num_boxes, dtype=bool) if iou.shape[1] > 0: max_overlap_gt_ids = np.argmax(iou, axis=1) is_gt_box_detected = np.zeros(iou.shape[1], dtype=bool) for i in range(num_boxes): gt_id = max_overlap_gt_ids[i] if iou[i, gt_id] >= threshold: if not is_gt_box_detected[gt_id]: tp_fp_labels[i] = True is_gt_box_detected[gt_id] = True ret_scores[label], ret_tp_fp_labels[label] = score, tp_fp_labels return ret_scores, ret_tp_fp_labels # Seems there is at most 100 detections for each image
[docs]def ava_eval(result_file, result_type, label_file, ann_file, exclude_file, verbose=True, ignore_empty_frames=True, custom_classes=None): """Perform ava evaluation.""" assert result_type in ['mAP'] start = time.time() categories, class_whitelist = read_labelmap(open(label_file)) if custom_classes is not None: custom_classes = custom_classes[1:] assert set(custom_classes).issubset(set(class_whitelist)) class_whitelist = custom_classes categories = [cat for cat in categories if cat['id'] in custom_classes] # loading gt, do not need gt score gt_bboxes, gt_labels, _ = read_csv(open(ann_file), class_whitelist) if verbose: print_time('Reading GT results', start) if exclude_file is not None: excluded_keys = read_exclusions(open(exclude_file)) else: excluded_keys = list() start = time.time() boxes, labels, scores = read_csv(open(result_file), class_whitelist) if verbose: print_time('Reading Detection results', start) start = time.time() all_gt_labels = np.concatenate(list(gt_labels.values())) gt_count = {k: np.sum(all_gt_labels == k) for k in class_whitelist} pool = multiprocessing.Pool(32) if ignore_empty_frames: tups = [(gt_bboxes[k], gt_labels[k], boxes[k], labels[k], scores[k]) for k in gt_bboxes if k not in excluded_keys] else: tups = [(gt_bboxes.get(k, np.zeros((0, 4), dtype=np.float32)), gt_labels.get(k, []), boxes[k], labels[k], scores[k]) for k in boxes if k not in excluded_keys] rets =, tups) if verbose: print_time('Calculating TP/FP', start) start = time.time() scores, tpfps = defaultdict(list), defaultdict(list) for score, tpfp in rets: for k in score: scores[k].append(score[k]) tpfps[k].append(tpfp[k]) cls_AP = [] for k in scores: scores[k] = np.concatenate(scores[k]) tpfps[k] = np.concatenate(tpfps[k]) precision, recall = metrics.compute_precision_recall( scores[k], tpfps[k], gt_count[k]) ap = metrics.compute_average_precision(precision, recall) class_name = [x['name'] for x in categories if x['id'] == k] assert len(class_name) == 1 class_name = class_name[0] cls_AP.append((k, class_name, ap)) if verbose: print_time('Run Evaluator', start) print('Per-class results: ', flush=True) for k, class_name, ap in cls_AP: print(f'Index: {k}, Action: {class_name}: AP: {ap:.4f};', flush=True) overall = np.nanmean([x[2] for x in cls_AP]) person_movement = np.nanmean([x[2] for x in cls_AP if x[0] <= 14]) object_manipulation = np.nanmean([x[2] for x in cls_AP if 14 < x[0] < 64]) person_interaction = np.nanmean([x[2] for x in cls_AP if 64 <= x[0]]) print('Overall Results: ', flush=True) print(f'Overall mAP: {overall:.4f}', flush=True) print(f'Person Movement mAP: {person_movement:.4f}', flush=True) print(f'Object Manipulation mAP: {object_manipulation:.4f}', flush=True) print(f'Person Interaction mAP: {person_interaction:.4f}', flush=True) results = {} results['overall'] = overall results['person_movement'] = person_movement results['object_manipulation'] = object_manipulation results['person_interaction'] = person_interaction if verbose: for k, class_name, ap in cls_AP: print(f'Class {class_name} AP: {ap:.4f}', flush=True) return results