.. _reviewers: ========= Reviewers ========= .. note:: These APIs are not frozen and can change at any time without warning. See :ref:`the API versions available` for alternatives if you need stability. The only authentication method available at the moment is :ref:`the internal one`. --------- Subscribe --------- This endpoint allows you to subscribe the current user to the notification sent when a new version is submitted on a particular add-on. .. note:: Requires authentication and the current user to have any reviewer-related permission. .. note:: ``.../subscribe/`` uses the listed channel implicitly. This endpoint is deprecated, use the explicit channel endpoints. .. http:post:: /api/v5/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/subscribe/ .. http:post:: /api/v5/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/subscribe_listed/ .. http:post:: /api/v5/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/subscribe_unlisted/ ----------- Unsubscribe ----------- This endpoint allows you to unsubscribe the current user to the notification sent when a new version is submitted on a particular add-on. .. note:: Requires authentication and the current user to have any reviewer-related permission. .. note:: ``.../unsubscribe/`` uses the listed channel implicitly. This endpoint is deprecated, use the explicit channel endpoints. .. http:post:: /api/v5/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/unsubscribe/ .. http:post:: /api/v5/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/unsubscribe_listed/ .. http:post:: /api/v5/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/unsubscribe_unlisted/ ------- Disable ------- This endpoint allows you to disable the public listing for an add-on. .. note:: Requires authentication and the current user to have ``Reviews:Admin`` permission. .. http:post:: /api/v5/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/disable/ ------ Enable ------ This endpoint allows you to re-enable the public listing for an add-on. If the add-on can't be public because it does not have public versions, it will instead be changed to awaiting review or incomplete depending on the status of its versions. .. note:: Requires authentication and the current user to have ``Reviews:Admin`` permission. .. http:post:: /api/v5/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/enable/ ----- Flags ----- This endpoint allows you to manipulate various reviewer-specific flags on an add-on. .. note:: Requires authentication and the current user to have ``Reviews:Admin`` permission. .. http:patch:: /api/v5/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/flags/ :>json boolean auto_approval_disabled: Boolean indicating whether auto approval are disabled on an add-on or not. When it's ``true``, new versions for this add-on will make it appear in the regular reviewer queues instead of being auto-approved. :>json boolean auto_approval_disabled_until_next_approval: Boolean indicating whether auto approval are disabled on an add-on until the next version is approved or not. Has the same effect as ``auto_approval_disabled`` but is automatically reset to ``false`` when the latest version of the add-on is manually approved by a human reviewer. :>json string|null auto_approval_delayed_until: Date until the add-on auto-approval is delayed. :>json boolean needs_admin_code_review: Boolean indicating whether the add-on needs its code to be reviewed by an admin or not. :>json boolean needs_admin_content_review: Boolean indicating whether the add-on needs its content to be reviewed by an admin or not. :>json boolean needs_admin_theme_review: Boolean indicating whether the theme needs to be reviewed by an admin or not. ------------------ Allow resubmission ------------------ This endpoint allows you to allow resubmission of an add-on that was previously denied. .. note:: Requires authentication and the current user to have ``Reviews:Admin`` permission. .. http:post:: /api/v5/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/allow_resubmission/ :statuscode 202: Success. :statuscode 409: The add-on GUID was not previously denied. ----------------- Deny resubmission ----------------- This endpoint allows you to deny resubmission of an add-on that was not already denied. .. note:: Requires authentication and the current user to have ``Reviews:Admin`` permission. .. http:post:: /api/v5/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/deny_resubmission/ :statuscode 202: Success. :statuscode 409: The add-on GUID was already denied. ------------- List Versions ------------- This endpoint allows you to list versions that can be used either for :ref:`browsing ` or diffing versions. .. note:: Requires authentication and the current user to have ``ReviewerTools:View`` permission for listed add-ons as well as ``Addons:ReviewUnlisted`` for unlisted add-ons. Additionally the current user can also be the owner of the add-on. This endpoint is not paginated as normal, and instead will return all results without obeying regular pagination parameters. If the user doesn't have ``AddonsReviewUnlisted`` permissions only listed versions are shown. Otherwise it can contain mixed listed and unlisted versions. .. http:get:: /api/v5/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/versions/ :>json int id: The version id. :>json string channel: The version channel, which determines its visibility on the site. Can be either ``unlisted`` or ``listed``. :>json string version: The version number string for the version. .. _reviewers-versions-browse: ------ Browse ------ This endpoint allows you to browse through the contents of an Add-on version. .. note:: Requires authentication and the current user to have ``ReviewerTools:View`` permission for listed add-ons as well as ``Addons:ReviewUnlisted`` for unlisted add-ons. Additionally the current user can also be the owner of the add-on. .. http:get:: /api/v5/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/versions/(int:version_id)/ Inherits the following properties from :ref:`version detail `: ``id``, ``channel``, ``reviewed`` and ``version``. .. _reviewers-versions-browse-detail: :param string file: The specific file in the XPI to retrieve. Defaults to manifest.json, install.rdf or package.json for Add-ons as well as the XML file for search engines. :param boolean file_only: Indicates that the API should only return data for the requested file, and not version data. If this is ``true`` then the only property returned of those listed below is the ``file`` property. :>json string validation_url_json: The absolute url to the addons-linter validation report, rendered as JSON. :>json string validation_url: The absolute url to the addons-linter validation report, rendered as HTML. :>json boolean has_been_validated: ``True`` if the version has been validated through addons-linter. :>json object addon: A simplified :ref:`add-on ` object that contains only a few properties: ``id``, ``name``, ``icon_url`` and ``slug``. :>json array file_entries[]: The complete file-tree of the extracted XPI. :>json int file_entries[].depth: Level of folder-tree depth, starting with 0. :>json string file_entries[].filename: The filename of the file. :>json string file_entries[].path: The absolute path (from the root of the XPI) of the file. :>json string file_entries[].mime_category: The mime type category of this file. Can be ``image``, ``directory``, ``text`` or ``binary``. :>json object file: The requested file. :>json int file.id: The id of the submitted file (i.e., the xpi file). :>json string file.content: Raw content of the requested file. :>json string file.selected_file: The selected file, either from the ``file`` parameter or the default (manifest.json, install.rdf or package.json for Add-ons as well as the XML file for search engines). :>json string|null file.download_url: The download url of the selected file or ``null`` in case of a directory. :>json string file.mimetype: The determined mimetype of the selected file or ``application/octet-stream`` if none could be determined. :>json string file.sha256: SHA256 hash of the selected file. :>json int file.size: The size of the selected file in bytes. :>json string file.filename: The filename of the file. :>json string file.mime_category: The mime type category of this file. Can be ``image``, ``directory``, ``text`` or ``binary``. :>json boolean uses_unknown_minified_code: Indicates that the selected file could be using minified code. ------- Compare ------- This endpoint allows you to compare two Add-on versions with each other. .. note:: Requires authentication and the current user to have ``ReviewerTools:View`` permission for listed add-ons as well as ``Addons:ReviewUnlisted`` for unlisted add-ons. Additionally the current user can also be the owner of the add-on. .. http:get:: /api/v5/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/versions/(int:base_version_id)/compare_to/(int:version_id)/ .. note:: Contrary to what ``git diff`` does, this API renders a hunk full of unmodified lines for unmodified files. Inherits most properties from :ref:`browse detail `, except that most of the `file.entries[]` properties and `file.download_url` can be `null` in case of a deleted file. Properties specific to this endpoint: :>json array file_entries[]: The complete file-tree of the extracted XPI. :>json string file.entries[].status: Status of this file, see https://git-scm.com/docs/git-status#_short_format :>json int file_entries[].depth: Level of folder-tree depth, starting with 0. :>json string file_entries[].filename: The filename of the file. :>json string file_entries[].path: The absolute path (from the root of the XPI) of the file. :>json string file_entries[].mime_category: The mime type category of this file. Can be ``image``, ``directory``, ``text`` or ``binary``. :>json object|null diff: See the following output with inline comments for a complete description. :>json object base_file: The file attached to the base version you're comparing against. :>json object base_file.id: The id of the base file. :>json boolean uses_unknown_minified_code: Indicates that the selected file in either the current or the parent version could be using minified code. Git patch we're talking about: .. code:: diff diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index a37979d..b12683c 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1 +1 @@ -# beastify +Updated readme diff --git a/manifest.json b/manifest.json index aba695f..24f385f 100644 --- a/manifest.json +++ b/manifest.json @@ -1,36 +1 @@ -{ - - "manifest_version": 2, - "name": "Beastify", - "version": "1.0", - - "permissions": [ - "http://*/*", - "https://*/*", - "bookmarks", - "made up permission", - "https://google.com/" - ], - - "content_scripts": [ - { - "matches": ["*://*.mozilla.org/*"], - "js": ["borderify.js"] - }, - { - "matches": ["*://*.mozilla.com/*", "https://*.mozillians.org/*"], - "js": ["borderify.js"] - } - ], - - "browser_action": { - "default_icon": "button/beasts.png", - "default_title": "Beastify", - "default_popup": "popup/choose_beast.html" - }, - - "web_accessible_resources": [ - "beasts/*.jpg" - ] - -} +{"id": "random"} The following represents the git patch from above. .. code:: javascript "diff": { "path": "README.md", "old_path": "README.md", "size": 15, // Size in bytes "lines_added": 1, // How many lines got added "lines_deleted": 1, // How many lines got deleted "is_binary": false, // Is this a binary file (as determined by git) "mode": "M", // Status of this file, see https://git-scm.com/docs/git-status#_short_format "hunks": [ { "header": "@@ -1 +1 @@\\n", "old_start": 1, "new_start": 1, "old_lines": 1, "new_lines": 1, "changes": [ { "content": "# beastify\\n", "type": "delete", "old_line_number": 1, "new_line_number": -1 }, { "content": "Updated readme\\n", "type": "insert", "old_line_number": -1, "new_line_number": 1 } ] } ], "parent": "075c5755198be472522477a1b396951b3b68ac18", "hash": "00161dcf22afb7bab23cf205f0c903eb5aad5431" } ---------------- Canned Responses ---------------- This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of canned responses. .. note:: Requires authentication and the current user to have any reviewer-related permission. .. http:get:: /api/v5/reviewers/canned-responses/ .. _reviewers-canned-response-detail: Retrieve canned responses .. note:: Because this endpoint is not returning too much data it is not paginated as normal, and instead will return all results without obeying regular pagination parameters. :>json int id: The canned response id. :>json string title: The title of the canned response. :>json string response: The text that will be filled in as the response. :>json string category: The category of the canned response. For example, "Other", "Privacy reasons" etc. ----------------- Drafting Comments ----------------- These endpoints allow you to draft comments that can be submitted through the regular reviewer pages. .. note:: Requires authentication and the current user to have ``ReviewerTools:View`` permission for listed add-ons as well as ``Addons:ReviewUnlisted`` for unlisted add-ons. Additionally the current user can also be the owner of the add-on. .. http:get:: /api/v5/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/versions/(int:version_id)/draft_comments/ Retrieve existing draft comments for a specific version. See :ref:`pagination ` for more details. :>json int count: The number of comments for this version. :>json string next: The URL of the next page of results. :>json string previous: The URL of the previous page of results. :>json array results: An array of :ref:`comments `. .. http:get:: /api/v5/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/versions/(int:version_id)/draft_comments/(int:comment_id)/ .. _reviewers-draft-comment-detail-object: :>json int id: The id of the draft comment object. :>json string comment: The comment that is being drafted as part of a review. Specific to a line in a file. :>json string|null filename: The full file path a specific comment is related to. Can be ``null`` in case a comment doesn't belong to a specific file but the whole version. :>json int|null lineno: The line number a specific comment is related to. Please make sure that in case of comments for git diffs, that the `lineno` used here belongs to the file in the version that belongs to `version_id` and not it's parent. Can be ``null`` in case a comment belongs to the whole file and not to a specific line. :>json int version_id: The id of the version. :>json int user.id: The id for an author. :>json string user.name: The name for an author. :>json string user.username: The username for an author. :>json string|null user.url: The link to the profile page for an author, if the author's profile is public. :>json object|null canned_response: Object holding the :ref:`canned response ` if set. .. http:post:: /api/v5/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/versions/(int:version_id)/draft_comments/ Create a draft comment for a specific version. :` (optional). :statuscode 201: New comment has been created. :statuscode 400: An error occurred, check the `error` value in the JSON. :statuscode 403: The user doesn't have the permission to create a comment. This might happen (among other cases) when someone without permissions for unlisted versions tries to add a comment for an unlisted version (which shouldn't happen as the user doesn't see unlisted versions, but it's blocked here too). **Response** In case of successful creation, the response is a :ref:`draft comment object`. .. http:delete:: /api/v5/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/versions/(int:version_id)/draft_comments/(int:comment_id)/ Delete a draft comment. :statuscode 204: The comment has been deleted successfully. :statuscode 404: The user doesn't have the permission to delete. This might happen when someone tries to delete a comment created by another reviewer or author. .. http:patch:: /api/v5/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/versions/(int:version_id)/draft_comments/(int:comment_id) Update a comment, it's filename or line number. :` (optional). :statuscode 200: The comment has been updated. :statuscode 400: An error occurred, check the `error` value in the JSON. **Response** In case of successful creation, the response is a :ref:`draft comment object`.