======= Signing ======= .. note:: These APIs are not frozen and can change at any time without warning. See :ref:`the API versions available` for alternatives if you need stability. The following API endpoints help you get your add-on signed by Mozilla so it can be installed into Firefox without error. See `extension signing `_ for more details about Firefox's signing policy. ---------------- Client Libraries ---------------- The following libraries will make it easier to use the signing API: * `sign-addon `_, for general programattic use in `NodeJS `_ * `web-ext sign `_, for developing `Web Extensions `_ If you are using ``curl`` to interact with the API you should be sure to pass the ``-g`` flag to skip "URL globbing" which won't interact well with add-on Ids that have {} characters in them. .. _upload-version: ------------------- Uploading a version ------------------- You can upload a new version for signing by issuing a ``PUT`` request and including the contents of your add-on in the ``upload`` parameter as multi-part formdata. This will create a pending version on the add-on and will prevent future submissions to this version unless validation or review fails. If the upload succeeded then it will be submitted for validation and you will be able to check its status. .. http:put:: /api/v5/addons/(string:guid)/versions/(string:version)/ **Request:** .. sourcecode:: bash curl "https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v5/addons/@my-addon/versions/1.0/" -g -XPUT --form "upload=@build/my-addon.xpi" -H "Authorization: JWT " :param guid: The add-on `extension identifier `_. :param version: The version of the add-on. :form upload: The add-on file being uploaded. :form channel: (optional) The channel this version should be uploaded to, which determines its visibility on the site. It can be either ``unlisted`` or ``listed``. See the note below. :reqheader Content-Type: multipart/form-data .. note:: ``channel`` is only valid for new versions on existing add-ons. If the add-on is new then the version will be created as ``unlisted``. If the parameter isn't supplied then the channel of the most recent version (submitted either via this API or the website) will be assumed. For example, if you submit a version as ``listed`` then the next version will be ``listed`` if you don't specify the channel. **Response:** The response body will be the same as the :ref:`version-status` response. :statuscode 201: new add-on and version created. :statuscode 202: new version created. :statuscode 400: an error occurred, check the `error` value in the JSON. :statuscode 401: authentication failed. :statuscode 403: you do not own this add-on. :statuscode 409: version already exists. Uploading without an ID ----------------------- .. note:: This is only valid for `WebExtensions `_. All other add-on types require an add-on ID and have to use the regular endpoint to :ref:`upload a version `. .. http:post:: /api/v5/addons/ **Request:** .. sourcecode:: bash curl "https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v5/addons/" -g -XPOST -F "upload=@build/my-addon.xpi" -F "version=1.0" -H "Authorization: JWT " :form upload: The add-on file being uploaded. :form version: The version of the add-on. :reqheader Content-Type: multipart/form-data **Response:** The response body will be the same as the :ref:`version-status` response. :statuscode 201: new add-on and version created. :statuscode 202: new version created. :statuscode 400: an error occurred, check the `error` value in the JSON. :statuscode 401: authentication failed. :statuscode 403: you do not own this add-on. :statuscode 409: version already exists. ------------------ Creating an add-on ------------------ If this is the first time that your add-on's UUID has been seen then the add-on will be created as an unlisted add-on when the version is uploaded. .. _`version-status`: ----------------------------------- Checking the status of your upload ----------------------------------- You can check the status of your upload by issuing a ``GET`` request. There are a few things that will happen once a version is uploaded and the status of those events is included in the response. Once validation is completed (whether it passes or fails) then the ``processed`` property will be ``true``. You can check if validation passed using the ``valid`` property and check the results with ``validation_results``. If validation passed then your add-on will be submitted for automated or manual review. Once review is complete then then ``reviewed`` property will be set and you can check the results with the ``passed_review`` property. .. http:get:: /api/v5/addons/(string:guid)/versions/(string:version)/[uploads/(string:upload-pk)/] **Request:** .. sourcecode:: bash curl "https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v5/addons/@my-addon/versions/1.0/" -g -H "Authorization: JWT " :param guid: The add-on `extension identifier `_. :param version: the version of the add-on. :param upload-pk: (optional) the pk for a specific upload. **Response:** .. code-block:: json { "guid": "420854ee-7a85-42b9-822f-8e03dc5f6de9", "active": true, "automated_signing": true, "files": [ { "download_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v5/downloads/file/100/example-id.0-fx+an.xpi", "hash": "sha256:1bb945266bf370170a656350d9b640cbcaf70e671cf753c410e604219cdd9267", "signed": true } ], "passed_review": true, "pk": "f68abbb3b1624c098fe979a409fe3ce9", "processed": true, "reviewed": true, "url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v5/addons/@example-id.0/uploads/f68abbb3b1624c098fe979a409fe3ce9/", "valid": true, "validation_results": {}, "validation_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/developers/upload/f68abbb3b1624c098fe979a409fe3ce9", "version": "1.0" } :>json guid: The GUID of the addon. :>json active: version is active. :>json automated_signing: If true, the version will be signed automatically. If false it will end up in the manual review queue when valid. :>json files[].download_url: URL to :ref:`download the add-on file `. :>json files[].hash: Hash of the file contents, prefixed by the hashing algorithm used. Example: ``sha256:1bb945266bf3701...`` . In the case of signed files, the hash will be that of the final signed file, not the original unsigned file. :>json files[].signed: if the file is signed. :>json passed_review: if the version has passed review. :>json pk: the pk for this upload. :>json processed: if the version has been processed by the validator. :>json reviewed: if the version has been reviewed. :>json url: URL to check the status of this upload. :>json valid: if the version passed validation. :>json validation_results: the validation results (removed from the example for brevity). :>json validation_url: a URL to the validation results in HTML format. :>json version: the version. :statuscode 200: request successful. :statuscode 401: authentication failed. :statuscode 403: you do not own this add-on. :statuscode 404: add-on or version not found. .. _download-signed-file: ------------------------ Downloading signed files ------------------------ When checking on your :ref:`request to sign a version `, a successful response will give you an API URL to download the signed files. This endpoint returns the actual file data for download. .. http:get:: /api/v5/file/[int:file_id]/[string:base_filename] **Request:** .. sourcecode:: bash curl "https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v5/file/123/some-addon.xpi" -g -H "Authorization: JWT " :param file_id: the primary key of the add-on file. :param base_filename: the base filename. This is just a convenience for clients so that they write meaningful file names to disk. **Response:** There are two possible responses: * Binary data containing the file * A header that redirects you to a mirror URL for the file. In this case, the initial response will include a ``SHA-256`` hash of the file in the header ``X-Target-Digest``. Clients should check that the final downloaded file matches this hash. :statuscode 200: request successful. :statuscode 302: file resides at a mirror URL :statuscode 401: authentication failed. :statuscode 404: file does not exist or requester does not have access to it.