======= Reviews ======= .. warning:: These v3 APIs are now deprecated and you should switch to a newer version before it is removed. See :ref:`the API versions available` for details of the different API versions available and the deprection timeline. .. note:: The only authentication method available at the moment is :ref:`the internal one`. ------------ List reviews ------------ .. review-list: This endpoint allows you to fetch reviews for a given add-on or user. Either ``addon`` or ``user`` query parameters are required, and they can be combined together. When ``addon``, ``user`` and ``version`` are passed on the same request, ``page_size`` will automatically be set to ``1``, since an user can only post one review per version of a given add-on. This can be useful to find out if a user has already posted a review for the current version of an add-on. .. http:get:: /api/v3/reviews/review/ :query string addon: The :ref:`add-on ` id, slug, or guid to fetch reviews from. When passed, the reviews shown will always be the latest posted by each user on this particular add-on (which means there should only be one review per user in the results), unless the ``version`` parameter is also passed. :query string filter: The :ref:`filter(s) ` to apply. :query string user: The user id to fetch reviews from. :query boolean show_grouped_ratings: Whether or not to show ratings aggregates for this add-on in the response (Use "true"/"1" as truthy values, "0"/"false" as falsy ones). :query string version: The version id to fetch reviews from. :query int page: 1-based page number. Defaults to 1. :query int page_size: Maximum number of results to return for the requested page. Defaults to 25. :>json int count: The number of results for this query. :>json string next: The URL of the next page of results. :>json string previous: The URL of the previous page of results. :>json array results: An array of :ref:`reviews `. :>json object grouped_ratings: Only present if ``show_grouped_ratings`` query parameter is present. An object with 5 key-value pairs, the keys representing each possible rating (Though a number, it has to be converted to a string because of the JSON formatting) and the values being the number of times the corresponding rating has been posted for this add-on, e.g. ``{"1": 4, "2": 8, "3": 15, "4": 16: "5": 23}``. .. _v3-review-filtering-param: By default, the review list API will only return not-deleted reviews, and include reviews without text. You can change that with the ``filter`` query parameter. You can filter by multiple values, e.g. ``filter=with_deleted,without_empty_body,with_yours`` =================== ====================================================== Value Description =================== ====================================================== with_deleted Returns deleted reviews too. This requires the Addons:Edit permission. without_empty_body Excludes reviews that only contain a rating, and no textual content. with_yours Used in combination `without_empty_body` to include your own reviews, even if they have no text. =================== ====================================================== ------ Detail ------ .. review-detail: This endpoint allows you to fetch a review by its id. .. http:get:: /api/v3/reviews/review/(int:id)/ .. _v3-review-detail-object: :>json int id: The review id. :>json object addon: An object included for convenience that contains only two properties: ``id`` and ``slug``, corresponding to the add-on id and slug. :>json string|null body: The text of the review. :>json boolean is_latest: Boolean indicating whether the review is the latest posted by the user on the same add-on. :>json int previous_count: The number of reviews posted by the user on the same add-on before this one. :>json int rating: The rating the user gave as part of the review. :>json object|null reply: The review object containing the developer reply to this review, if any (The fields ``rating``, ``reply`` and ``version`` are omitted). :>json string|null title: The title of the review. :>json int version.id: The add-on version id the review applies to. :>json string version.version: The add-on version string the review applies to. :>json object user: Object holding information about the user who posted the review. :>json string user.id: The user id. :>json string user.name: The user name. :>json string user.url: The user profile URL. :>json string user.username: The user username. ---- Post ---- .. review-post: This endpoint allows you to post a new review for a given add-on and version. If successful a :ref:`review object ` is returned. .. note:: Requires authentication. .. http:post:: /api/v3/reviews/review/ :` is returned. .. note:: Requires authentication and Addons:Edit permissions or the user account that posted the review. Only body, title and rating are allowed for modification. .. http:patch:: /api/v3/reviews/review/(int:id)/ :` is returned. .. note:: Requires authentication and either Addons:Edit permission or a user account listed as a developer of the add-on. .. http:post:: /api/v3/reviews/review/(int:id)/reply/ :` describing the reason behind the flagging. :json object: If successful, an object with a ``msg`` property containing a success message. If not, an object indicating which fields contain errors. .. _v3-review-flag-constants: Available constants for the ``flag`` property: =============================== ========================================== Constant Description =============================== ========================================== review_flag_reason_spam Spam or otherwise non-review content review_flag_reason_language Inappropriate language/dialog review_flag_reason_bug_support Misplaced bug report or support request review_flag_reason_other Other (please specify) =============================== ==========================================