======== Accounts ======== .. note:: These v4 APIs are now frozen. See :ref:`the API versions available` for details of the different API versions available. The following API endpoints cover a users account. ------- Account ------- .. _v4-account: This endpoint returns information about a user's account, by the account id. Only :ref:`developer ` accounts are publicly viewable - other user's accounts will return a 404 not found response code. Most of the information is optional and provided by the user so may be missing or inaccurate. .. _`developer_account`: A developer is defined as a user who is listed as a developer or owner of one or more approved add-ons. .. http:get:: /api/v4/accounts/account/(int:user_id|string:username)/ .. _v4-account-object: :>json float average_addon_rating: The average rating for addons the developer has listed on the website. :>json string|null biography: More details about the user. :>json string created: The date when this user first logged in and created this account. :>json boolean has_anonymous_display_name: The user hasn't chosen a name. :>json boolean has_anonymous_username: The user hasn't chosen a username. :>json string|null homepage: The user's website. :>json int id: The numeric user id. :>json boolean is_addon_developer: The user has developed and listed add-ons on this website. :>json boolean is_artist: The user has developed and listed themes on this website. :>json string|null location: The location of the user. :>json string name: The name chosen by the user, or the "Firefox user {id}" if not set. :>json int num_addons_listed: The number of addons the developer has listed on the website. :>json string|null occupation: The occupation of the user. :>json string|null picture_type: the image type (only 'image/png' is supported) if a user photo has been uploaded, or null otherwise. :>json string|null picture_url: URL to a photo of the user, or null if no photo has been uploaded. :>json string username: deprecated property still included for backwards compatability. Previous chosen by the user, used in the account url. If not previously set will be a randomly generated string. If you authenticate and access your own account by specifing your own ``user_id`` the following additional fields are returned. You can always access your account, regardless of whether you are a developer or not. If you have `Users:Edit` permission you will see these extra fields for all user accounts. .. http:get:: /api/v4/accounts/account/(int:user_id|string:username)/ .. _v4-account-object-self: :>json boolean deleted: Is the account deleted. :>json string|null display_name: The name chosen by the user. :>json string|null reviewer_name: The reviewer name chosen by the user, if set. Only available for users with any kind of reviewer permission. :>json string email: Email address used by the user to login and create this account. :>json string fxa_edit_email_url: The configured URL for editing the user's email on FxA. :>json string last_login: The date of the last successful log in to the website. :>json string last_login_ip: The IP address of the last successfull log in to the website. :>json boolean is_verified: The user has been verified via FirefoxAccounts. :>json array permissions: A list of the additional :ref:`permissions ` this user has. :>json boolean read_dev_agreement: The user has read, and agreed to, the developer agreement that is required to submit addons. :>json object site_status: The :ref:`site status ` - exposed here as a convenience to avoid an extra api call for logged in users. :statuscode 200: account found. :statuscode 400: an error occurred, check the ``error`` value in the JSON. :statuscode 404: no account with that user id. .. important:: * ``Biography`` can contain HTML, or other unsanitized content, and it is the responsibiliy of the client to clean and escape it appropriately before display. .. _v4-account-permissions: Permissions can be any arbritary string in the format `app:action`. Either `app` or `action` can be the wildcard `*`, so `*:*` means the user has permission to do all actions (i.e. full admin). The following are some commonly tested permissions; see https://github.com/mozilla/addons-server/blob/master/src/olympia/constants/permissions.py for the full list. ===================== ======================================================= Value Description ===================== ======================================================= `Addons:Edit` Allows viewing and editing of any add-ons details in developer tools. `Addons:Review` Can access the add-on reviewer tools to approve/reject add-on submissions. `Addons:ThemeReview` Can access the theme reviewer tools to approve/reject theme submissions. ===================== ======================================================= ------- Profile ------- .. _v4-profile: .. note:: This API requires :doc:`authentication `. This endpoint is a shortcut to your own account. It returns an :ref:`account object ` .. http:get:: /api/v4/accounts/profile/ ---- Edit ---- .. _v4-account-edit: .. note:: This API requires :doc:`authentication ` and `Users:Edit` permission to edit accounts other than your own. This endpoint allows some of the details for an account to be updated. Any fields in the :ref:`account ` (or :ref:`self `) but not listed below are not editable and will be ignored in the patch request. .. http:patch:: /api/v4/accounts/account/(int:user_id|string:username)/ .. _v4-account-edit-request: :` can be set at the same time. .. http:patch:: /api/v4/accounts/account/(int:user_id|string:username)/ **Request:** .. sourcecode:: bash curl "https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v4/accounts/account/12345/" -g -XPATCH --form "picture_upload=@photo.png" -H "Authorization: Bearer " :param user-id: The numeric user id. :form picture_upload: The user's picture to upload. :reqheader Content-Type: multipart/form-data -------------------- Deleting the picture -------------------- To delete the account profile picture call the special endpoint. .. http:delete:: /api/v4/accounts/account/(int:user_id|string:username)/picture ------ Delete ------ .. _v4-account-delete: .. note:: This API requires :doc:`authentication ` and `Users:Edit` permission to delete accounts other than your own. This endpoint allows the account to be deleted. The data will be permanently removed, including profile details (picture, user name, display name, location, home page, biography, occupation), notification preferences, reviews, and collections. If the user authored any add-ons they will also be deleted, unless ownership is shared with other authors. In that case, the user will be removed as an author and the remaining authors will maintain ownership of the add-on. .. http:delete:: /api/v4/accounts/account/(int:user_id|string:username)/ ------------------ Notifications List ------------------ .. _v4-notification-list: .. note:: This API requires :doc:`authentication ` and `Users:Edit` permission to list notifications on accounts other than your own. This endpoint allows you to list the account notifications set for the specified user. The result is an unpaginated list of the fields below. There are currently 10 notification types. .. http:get:: /api/v4/accounts/account/(int:user_id|string:username)/notifications/ :>json string name: The notification short name. :>json boolean enabled: If the notification is enabled (defaults to True). :>json boolean mandatory: If the notification can be set by the user. -------------------- Notifications Update -------------------- .. _v4-notification-update: .. note:: This API requires :doc:`authentication ` and `Users:Edit` permission to set notification preferences on accounts other than your own. This endpoint allows account notifications to be set or updated. The request should be a dict of `name`:True|False pairs. Any number of notifications can be changed; only non-mandatory notifications can be changed - attempting to set a mandatory notification will return an error. .. http:post:: /api/v4/accounts/account/(int:user_id|string:username)/notifications/ .. _v4-notification-update-request: :: Is the notification enabled? ------------------------ Notification Unsubscribe ------------------------ .. _v4-notification-unsubscribe: This special endpoint is used to handle notification update requests coming from email unsubscribe links. Only a single notification can be changed, and it will always be updated to `enabled = False`. Only non-mandatory notifications can be changed - attempting to set a mandatory notification will return an error. .. http:post:: /api/v4/accounts/unsubscribe/ .. _v4-notification-unsubscribe-request: :json string name: The notification short name. :>json boolean enabled: If the notification is enabled (should always be False). :>json boolean mandatory: If the notification can be set by the user (should always be False, or an error would have been sent instead). -------------- Super-creation -------------- .. note:: This API requires :doc:`authentication `. This allows you to generate a new user account and sign in as that user. .. important:: * Your API user must be in the ``Accounts:SuperCreate`` group to access this endpoint. Use ``manage.py createsuperuser --add-to-supercreate-group`` to create a superuser with proper access. * This endpoint is not available in all :ref:`API environments `. .. http:post:: /api/v4/accounts/super-create/ **Request:** :param email: assign the user a specific email address. A fake email will be assigned by default. :param username: assign the user a specific username. A random username will be assigned by default. :param fxa_id: assign the user a Firefox Accounts ID, like one returned in the ``uuid`` parameter of a `profile request `_. This is empty by default, meaning the user's account will need to be migrated to a Firefox Account. :param group: assign the user to a permission group. Valid choices: - **reviewer**: can access add-on reviewer pages, formerly known as Editor Tools - **admin**: can access any protected page .. sourcecode:: bash curl "https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v4/accounts/super-create/" \ -X POST -H "Authorization: JWT " **Response:** .. sourcecode:: json { "username": "super-created-7ee304ce", "display_name": "Super Created 7ee304ce", "user_id": 10985, "email": "super-created-7ee304ce@addons.mozilla.org", "fxa_id": null, "groups": [], "session_cookie": { "encoded": "sessionid=.eJyrVopPLC3JiC8tTi2KT...", "name": "sessionid", "value": ".eJyrVopPLC3JiC8tTi2KT..." } } :statuscode 201: Account created. :statuscode 422: Incorrect request parameters. The session cookie will enable you to sign in for a limited time as this new user. You can pass it to any login-protected view like this: .. sourcecode:: bash curl --cookie sessionid=... -s -D - \ "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/developers/addon/submit/1" \ -o /dev/null .. _v4-session: ------- Session ------- Log out of the current session. This is for use with the :ref:`internal authentication ` that authenticates browser sessions. .. http:delete:: /api/v4/accounts/session/ **Request:** .. sourcecode:: bash curl "https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v4/accounts/session/" -H "Authorization: Bearer " -X DELETE **Response:** .. sourcecode:: json { "ok": true } :statuscode 200: session logged out. :statuscode 401: authentication failed.