============ Applications ============ --------------------- Applications Versions --------------------- .. _v4-applications-version: This internal endpoint allows you to create applications versions to be referenced in add-ons manifests. It requires :ref:`v4-authentication` and a special permission. The currently available applications versions are listed on a dedicated page: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/pages/appversions/ When a valid request is made to this endpoint, AMO will create the requested version if it didn't exist, and also attempt to create a corresponding minimum and maximum versions. The minimum version will use the major number and minor version from the requested version, and the maximum version will use the major version and ``*``. .. note:: Regardless of what application is passed in the URL, this endpoint will always create versions for both Firefox and Firefox For Android. Versions that already exist will be skipped. Examples: - A request to ``/api/v4/applications/firefox/42.0/`` will create versions ``42.0`` and ``42.*``. - A request to ``/api/v4/applications/firefox/42.0a1/`` will create versions ``42.0``, ``42.0a1``, and ``42.*``. - A request to ``/api/v4/applications/firefox/42.0.1/`` will create versions ``42.0`` and ``42.0.1``. ``42.*``. .. http:put:: /api/v4/applications/(string:application)/(string:version)/ **Request:** :param application: The :ref:`application ` :param version: The version of the application, e.g. 42.0 **Response:** No response body will be returned on success. :statuscode 201: one or more application versions were created. :statuscode 202: the request was valid but no new versions were created. :statuscode 400: the application or version parameters were invalid. :statuscode 401: authentication failed. :statuscode 403: insufficient permissions to perform this action.