Authentication (internal)

This documents how to use authentication in your API requests when you are working on a web application that lives on AMO domain or subdomain. If you are looking for how to authenticate with the API from an external client, using your API keys, read the documentation for external authentication instead.

When using this authentication mechanism, the server is responsible for creating an API Token when the user logs in, and sends it back in the response. The clients must then include that token as an Authorization header on requests that need authentication. The clients never generate JWTs themselves.

Fetching the token

A fresh token, valid for 30 days, is automatically generated and added to the responses of the following endpoint:

  • /api/auth/authenticate-callback/

The token is available in two forms:

  • For the endpoint mentioned above, as a property called token.

  • For all endpoints, as a cookie called frontend_auth_token. This cookie expires after 30 days and is set as HttpOnly.

Creating an Authorization header

When making an authenticated API request, put your generated API Token into an HTTP Authorization header prefixed with Bearer, like this:

Authorization: Bearer eyJhdXRoX2hhc2giOiJiY2E0MTZkN2RiMGU3NjFmYTA2NDE4MjAzZWU1NTMwOTM4OGZhNzcxIiwidXNlcl9pZCI6MTIzNDV9:1cqe2Q:cPMlmz8ejIkutD-gNo3EWU8IfL8